I approved.
I approached;
and I succeed.
I gave myself permission -
and the rest was history.
I historically advised the right method
of learning the way of the lollipop.
And complacency does me no harm!
It didn't hate me wrong.
I loved the past.
On the contrary...
such stories give me pleasure.
I commit my heart to heart'
this annoying misery of words.
Permission granted me the feeling.
This feeling of longing emotion.
A longing emotion.
To have reached these divine heights.
My sense of reasoning...
is a characterization.
He is brilliant.
A pronoun or adverb he'
But not suspicious his fear of god.
To deduce,
to reduced.
To infer,
to induced.
To defer.
That I wear this my jacket.
It alters my personality.
Like a caped crusader?
A supervillain millionaire!?
If jesus disguised himself in a beard.
What might I look like (in a beard)
- like that.
What distreating looks I offer to get.
I offered - then refused.
I invite - then excuse.
My mother tells me of independence.
Of virtue.
OF a virtue so fine /
the laughter melts me inside.
I feel the void.
I experience the fear.
Within me.
Good morning sunshine'
you need to rise earlier.
Take that bite out of me - will you.
Dr. Who.
I want her in my life.
The rats have eaten well'
that cheese has fodder.
And if you haven't yet believed in me...
you will.
It is a choiced inference.
A choice based on choices.
A potion that relieves me in chemicals of the brain.
Brain power.
Metaphysical actions!!!!
Throughout this time, I wrote a parable.
In my minds eye.
Though to seperate water into wine.
The fire has lit.
An ignition sent the burning desire loins on.
This burning desire set my loins on fire...
set my loins free'.
A sensation.
I shake and quiver without.
But in the reality of time;
I suggest to you.
You ill founded of hearing me speak.
You're ill founded.
Therefore, mother of mine.
Step into the light.
Come toward my honestly driven words...
why I became upset.
My confidence has arisen largely due.
A martyr of saints I think not!
My jacket.
High performance in the day.
Start to telling me-myself...
the day has come to sharpen the knife.
My shaving blades.
A trumpet blasts.
Choiced fascination.
Information distorted.
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