Friday, December 16, 2005

Mind for Manipulation

I play a role.
That of emotions.
A kind of parallel that doesn't allow;
that I provide every inhibition
to have affected.
Perhaps I haven't heard being the -
opposite sense of the word?
To have... an affect that defecits!
Though I do: attention defecit disorder.
I have it.
I project myself image without.
Onto great many deviant psyche's I pose
A detention of having made a plan.
To honor what I know of.
He is paying me a compliment.
He's forgot to mention how important
his feelings are...
because later on.
The facts evade him.
That his own reality is made up;
like makebelieve.
Only - now.
- Only now I can see...
how abusing the potential others face.
'To expect the' best from me recieving
having to recieve.

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