Monday, March 14, 2005

At the time I broke up with my ex-girlfriend, I couldn't accept myself. I used to think that external events caused my suffering. I now realize it's about my responses to things that happen... make a difference in how I feel. My emotions are controlled by me!!

I guess the saddest part about remembering how much sadness I felt, is the depression and withdrawal I went into.

I always needed help to cope, and today I'm still making changes from learning about how things affect me, and why I'm a sensitive individual. Today I see a psychologist and I'm taking medication.

I first experienced depression when I was in my later teens and I'd rebound then the depression would come back. (Unless I receive treatment as I do today... I didn't know of what to do back then.)

The healing has been the most difficult.

I need to reclaim the parts of myself I've disowned.

Now, I'm better able to identify with what has effected me the way it did. Yet, I'm only human... and I recognize I still have fears about different things from the past. I still feel self-doubt. I still feel scared about my future.

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