Thursday, January 09, 2025

 Success = personal to keep going and don’t stop doing what you love.

Feeling naked and being naked are totally different things.  Separate yourself from an action.  (Now think to yourself.) Nobody wants to see the actor policing an action.  Nostalgia means taking it easy. But take what is yours when time comes.  Channel your energy. Protect your shine. You don't challenge the dialogue.  The audience cam see that. Your script is the bible.  You let it dictate hownpresent your are.  If you demamd the audience's attention.  You've made it as a dangerous actor.

The properties of acting is ABOUT factoring in TRUTH  Do the AUDIENCE NO FAVORS!!
The reinvention of architectural design a subliminal measiire.  The narrarive is a controlled message whcih must be examined purpoaefully and properly.

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