"The soul is a cause, the body matter.
Everyone is a part of the great cosmic web of causes operating on matter; the ubiquity and impersonality of this takes away fear of death"- Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations", Notebook 5:13
“Skepticism is the first step towards truth.”
Denis Diderot
Johnny Depp
To be a philosopher king is not easy. It takes years and years of practice, evaluation, testing, retesting and more so developing your process to communicate a langauge as its own style, mechanics, method and technique. And ultimately how we assign meaning to things. The theory matches everything we claim to know apriori. In my mind, philosophy is a long term solution to consciously having aimed a gun to your own head. And resetting everything you ever thought back to 0. It takes imagination and a huge amount of it. To subvert this notion of mine, is this question "what is philosophy". Especially if you do not care to defend yourself without living in a vacuum. You get the idea...
I was inspired to write this tonight. It has been a result of capturing why I had read from another post in another philosophical page I follow.
The query was about the poster who stated, as the master of his own domain, philosophy being his acquisition of choice - only meant he can prove to understand the meaning of life . Bringing to light it is a controversial subject to study. Therefore, ridiculed.
I could not have been in more disagreement.
My (shortened argument) for why philosophy makes significant difference to acquire as knowledge.
I exist. I am here for a reason. This is the end goal. Stating it without contradiction. "I am here for a reason." (That in and of itself - is philosophy.)
To ask what is your purpose - is - a noble cause.
It is a first (as I argue) principle in all philosophical inquiry across the spectrum. Whether abusive or not. Whether western idealism or not. To side or dismiss the value of "I am here for a reason" in philosophy - on such a valid premise, would be a preposterous rejection of philosophy on grounds of superstition.
After all I have learned, coming into contact with my personal journey. Philosophy makes a difference in life. Doing philosophy is not for everyone. But it is a pedantic endeavor when mastered. My reason for this argument is that.
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