Free will.
What is free will? (Is not the purposeful manner in asking it.)
The true manner in asking the question: is: what is the question of free will.
To confirm this I have made my own definition of what guides me to understanding free will...
Free will: to serve in pictures. Be a mental slave. A mental slave to freedom from which you focus on, rather, you being out of character; out of mind.
To serve your mental picuture, as Aristotle pointed out, the mind never thinks without one. (Image)
Free will is an illusion - which can only be implied, not implicated if on psychological terms. Think about it... how would your psychiatrist infer a diagnosis of you if he only came to it by virtue of your free will.
January 23rd 2025
Wittgenstein argued that free will is is an epistemological issue not a metaphysical one. Epistemology requires free will as a background to make the decisions about the causes of anything or decisions in logic and mathematics. He also made the point that whole debate is based on a misunderstanding of laws of nature. Husserl makes the point by showing how psychologism, based in natural laws, cannot explain rules of logic and therefore the rules of logic cannot be reduced to cause and effect in nature. Frege was the first philosopher to point this out in his critique of Husserl’s first book on Arithmetic. Husserl took that criticism into account in all of his later phenomenology. ( author unknown)
I have to say this. If there are no rules, as I am simplifying, then what are the laws which either govern or regulate how we think, feel and act. Would this in question not be reduced to invalid justice insofar that justice is in and of itself. (Not only invalid but to be the purveyor of injustice.) That all justice is not in fact, if at all, infallible because it misplaces our own guilt into a fabrication or a lie. Are we or are we not being purged. Therefore, there is no free will. We are only as guilty as our thoughts? An endless means. There is no ends. No moral value. No answer to our inevitable end (morality.) This infers all that categorically true or not. So the pursuit of truth whether empirical or not is a search for continuity. Not only intuition but to serve free will.
In conclusion, if we are in fact unaware about the circling around free will. We are not equally aware of the vacuum we live in. We are guilty of purging. Any amount of freewill we have is a fantasy. And there is nothing worth doing. Free will no longer is an existential answer to the medium in our own minds.
-Marco Almeida
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