Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The freeze


Omniscience means knowing everything there is to know about reality.

In idealism, reality isn’t something fixed or separate from us. It’s shaped by how we perceive it, and every person experiences it in their own unique way.

Since every individual sees reality differently, there are endless perspectives, with each one offering new insight into what reality really is.

To truly be omniscient, one would have to understand reality from every possible perspective.  To know everything would necessitate knowing what it's like to not know everything.

Because perspectives are infinite and constantly changing, fully knowing all of them would be an ongoing, never ending process.

This means that omniscience isn’t just about having all the answers in one moment. Instead, it’s about an eternal process of learning and discovery, as every perspective adds something new to reality's unfolding. To know everything would mean constantly engaging with an infinite, always shifting world of perspectives.  Omniscience is not a static state, but an evolving journey, a never ending pursuit of understanding. (Author: unknown)

The worst professor I ever had at the University of Winnipeg. Alienated me to the point he called my work unintelligible. Will never forgive/forget him for his petulant bravado. Happy to see he probably fits right in in right wing country with that academic snobbery. Bravo.

Marco Almeida BA 2006
University of Winnipeg

[  ] The worst professor I ever had at the University of Winnipeg. Alienated me to the point he called my work unintelligible. Will never forgive/forget him for his petulant bravado. Happy to see he probably fits right in in right wing country with that academic standard he creates.

He completely destroyed the confidence I had at that time. He can't take away the credit I have in doing philosophy with the paper bag he tried putting over my head. But fuck that for everything he's worth. MA2025

Oh did I get your attention. Now that I have it... fuck your rebuke to hell. All the loop holes that you were so clever to just jump through to get where you inevitably are. I just put one up for you except it's you stuck with that donkey tail between your legs. I've carried around this weight for a long fucking time. Asshole.

The best predictor of human behaviour is past behaviour, which explains why - why you're still an asshole. Makes me vomit. I have had to carry this untruth for a ton of time. I don't expect to get an apology from you either because I've waited long enough to say it. MA2025 


Nothing is everything.  And nothing is a singularity from a notwithstanding philosophical end.  Where technology hypothetically and literally takes over. Though in revolutionary theory but not in practice, singulairty resets to reveal what we do not know.  This can only define an awareness into ourselves.  Not just our private inhibitions.  But totally aware.  MA2025


No one impinges on me or purges my sovereignty. Only God. MA2025


The courage to be empty (MA2025)

To know the truth also one has to go through the paths of truth and untruth. And when one understands its inevitability and understands this mystery, then thanks also arises in the mind for the untruth that he went through. Because without him the truth could not be reached. The sin through which one reaches virtue, that sin also seems to be compassionate, because
without it virtue could not have been reached. There are thorns on the path of truth - not few, but many - but therein the tests of love and truth are found. Those wishing to find the flowers of truth will have to pass through these thorns. Truth is not cheap. It never was, and it never will be. Pay the price - and don't be afraid. Beyond the crucifix lies the throne.. 🌼🌸 (author: unknown)

I don't require punishment. God requires me in the face of his punishment. I am a sinner. I will always be. Understand that and declare war on  yourself is what the beginning of wisdom creates. I don't feel punishment I fear only if god is for me. MA2025 


Exploring the interplay between determinism and free will has led me down a fascinating path. At first glance, it appears purely philosophical: we can observe how our unconscious drives and conditioning create predictable, deterministic patterns in our behavior. Yet through self-awareness and conscious choice, we can step outside these patterns – suggesting free will exists alongside determinism rather than in opposition to it.
But what if this dual nature possibly points to something deeper? Perhaps our capacity for free will – this ability to transcend our circumstances and rise above pure cause-and-effect – is evidence of the divine in human nature. While the physical universe operates under strict deterministic laws, and our animal instincts pull us toward predetermined responses, we possess this remarkable gift to choose differently, to overcome our environment and conditioning.
In this light, one could view our base impulses and the deterministic forces of nature as the domain of the demiurge, while our capacity for free will represents a divine spark – a gift from a higher God that allows us to transcend mere materialistic existence. Every time we choose consciousness over autopilot, wisdom over instinct, or love over conditioning, we exercise this sacred ability to "pugna fati" – to wrestle with fate itself.
What do you think? Are our moments of genuine free will evidence of something beyond the material universe? (Author unknown)


What brings out the best of you. Does philosophy bring out the best of you or isn't it just a cynics view of life. Should you be the kind of person that inspires others to make the best out from life or is that simply a philosopher's facticity.  Facticity in the sense you give life meaning. Not to be confused with existentialist thought as in why are we here. But an extension I'm answering why are you here as a philosopher. MA2025


To debunk an existentialist?

Tell me something from about which I have pondered. I take this positionally myself.

Do you play from recall a position you unmistakenly commit to normalize or regulate as philosophy. You do so. You do so and subscribe to that as your mind dictated and then it fluctuates informing your reasons and changes over time.

Do you think old ways become dogmatic in your thinking.

Therefore, with time and experience the change you see in what you once held no longer holds as true.

This maybe confused as a red herring.

But my point is as valid as daylight. Quite simply: do you change philosophy the way you do it by ways of measure and the process you have formulated over time. Or does that diminish and transform into something new.

Win win. Yes or no.

Can you reject your own beliefs as you recall them or are you living a lie.

For example, someone over time you've met and conducted philosophical interview with them from which they interject with something you stated once before. You may not be able to recall from it (but there is it.) So, do you cower or do you postulate and defend your view whether or not it's relevant to you or not. Keep in mind this happens to you all the time. Just imagine it. Is this a fallacy.

Love you all,



How you talk.
Reverse psychology domestication of god

Funeral  when we die = the value of the dead is based on three things....

Demoraliziation of gods guilt. That all your sins are forgiven as a reduction under god. When you were powerless you are no longer powerful.  Therefore, your poor moral judgment or bad behavior are absolved from any sins committed.
Liberation from god. That you are free from earthly things in gods name only.
Gods exoneration. That you have been renounced of all things bound to the earth or worldly in value. This includes injustices made against you if your unbridled life from which you've acted or been purged upon by forces against the will which others impose upon us.

Are these ideas that can be tested as a working thesis in theology as philosophically relevant as they apply to as in rules you can be guided with. MA2025


Can you deny the existence or what could be the intepretation of philosophy? (What wisdom creates precedes wisdom as in doing philosophy properly. This can be defined by performing exercises inductively, deductively or in scientific methodology)

If in proof as philosophy not done properly. (Is either subjective or illogical)  Where its only property is provided by random order or by chance.

Therefore, if philosophy is properly interpreted and transcends unknown variables. That philosophy qualifies the question of what death might be or not it cannot also verify the probability of god. (Kantian ethics and the categorical imperative)

• Isn't the nature of how we think epistemological in value.
• Isn't the conductivity of metaphysics to find meaning in problem solving.
• My permittivity is the same as in my natural ability, either social scientifically able to deduce or infer what emerges in such a process of cause and effect. (Philosophy)

So my question as stated above is: can you conspire against what wisdom creates. Can this be related to nihilism. MA2025

Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it.


All truth is safe and nothing else is safe, but he who keeps back truth, or withholds it from men, from motives of expediency, is either a coward or a criminal.”

— James Russell Lowell

I can't sit back and just not be infuriated with the literal lack of knowledge and misinformation whereas just any political junkie gets into office... Alberta has been born to a conservatives toilet bowl of leaders determined in being just that.

I feel sick to death living in this place I love to call home 🇨🇦 my country. It's about standing firm for what that means. If that fake alpha feminist Danielle Smith and  Pierre Poilievre who couldn't talk there way out of a jello stand. I'm ready for it.

I am taking aim at conservative ideology and I will not lay down to these belligerent assholes get rich or die trying as their hidden message of devaluing me.

Because I possess a monster ego and my values are uncanadian. That's reverse psychology (btw). The cons are bullying us into not buying what they're selling. They think the average Canadian are stupid and will follow.

Not me. No fucking way.

Last night Danielle Smith acceptance speech was the most degrading piece of garbage I've ever heard. She declared war on Canada . I took it personally and it makes me ashamed to be Canadian. Never heard a worse speech from a leader in my life.

It's not us that are insane with rage politics. I'm not against using it as an ends against the real enemies of my country.  The Conservatives are acting like petulant victims and using reverse psychology in feeble attempt to mitigate. This is war.

This is war on a political landscape that's unprecedented in the history of this great country. We live in the greatest nation on earth.  I refuse to just sit back and watch our values go out the window.

My parents are old-school. They're Canadian. I direct my feelings in this manner because like many others they have worked their tails off. I will not just sit on my laurels and watch the Conservatives dismantle how important being a true Canadian means to me. MA2025

Deuteronomy 28:7

God will defeat your enemies who attack you. They’ll come at you on one road and run away on seven(...)


What if everything you do were considered normal. How would you be perceived. What would that look like.

Now consider not knowing what God is. What is religion if not the domestication of God without knowing what God is.

Now consider you don't have to be a philosopher to know that you are. This follows what if all your defenses are a lie. And everything you use to cope with were strictly observatory. Without guilt. Without fear of being known. Without suicidal thoughts that you will be framed for not knowing.

Now consider once again: what if everything you did were normal and without question. Therefore, did God domesticate you or did we domesticate God.

Conclusion: the biggest misconception of freedom entails if everything you ever thought possible were a lie becomes a process of unlearning. (Why follows) Freedom can be something you never had. What it becomes is a process of unleanring everything you ever thought you knew - without wanting it - all over again. It replaces the value into nothing.  Imagine a democracy where the most evil evil criminals were in power. Now unlearn that from the power invested in your mind. What ideas have fucked you over. What expressions in value are there that you relapsed from being sold something you never thought about in the case of propaganda. This ties into the question of gods domestication from religion and into your own idea of it.   What do politicians tell you to believe. Could you recreate or reinvent all these things. MA2025

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