Friday, November 03, 2006

Spooked lucky

het ctfa i nac wims, nemas i eooshc otn oto.

The fact I can swim, means I choose not too.

The way I see things yesterday might not be the same they were today.

The definition of that is its exact opposite: what you may have today might not be there tomorrow.

As of yesterday everything changed. I thought about a lot has to do with fear. I'm not reminding myself of the purpose of the fear itself, but what the "fear" was telling me!

I now realize how fear tells me lies?

It has something to do with failure.

I was tired last night. I grew more tired as I thought about why surviving in this world wears down on me. The experience was real. I felt my sore body informing me of how tired I was. Truly, mentally and from exhaustion my mind did not invite it in. I began to fear it. It made me ask question contrary to the spirit and virtue I possess.

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