Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Charity without freedom

Freedom without charity? That is part of my external conflict in trying to understand the meaning of my present situation in life. The most difficult thing to comprehend is what to benefit from. I think outside of the box, without the mentality of staying within boundaries acting dependant on what others think of me.

I believe I've accomplished a great deal to manifest the true answer to these questions!

Over the weekend. . . I attended a wedding social where many old schoolmates there gathered. Part of my question: "freedom without charity" extends from my observations and what revealed from it.

The entire evening consisted of that group I can attest identify thinking inside of the box. I felt no different around these individuals. I could read them like a book. Part of the crowd that showed up were the "rich kids" whose attention seeking behavior only relate to image, a reflection of power, appealing "look at me. . . look at me. . . I have no personality but I'm better than you."

Some would think I've changed, but not one of the people I used to go to school with that truly think outside of the box haven't changed whatsoever. It was sad.

The moral to the story is somewhat sarcastic depiction of reality that I care about mentioning. The purpose of my adult life was as though acted in conspiracy.

I was only disappointed and with no degree of independence to show for it, I felt gigantic compared to the small assembly of people in attendence. Maybe those whose egos were too big for the occassion simply couldn't fit past the front entrance into the building.

All I know is how history up to this point in time has created many of the answers I saw given that night.

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