Monday, June 26, 2006

Sleeping with giants

I have a few minutes to express what I need to express. My job at Safeway is pretty good. I feel like I want more in life, and I need time to relax. Just be with myself for a while. The decisions I've made, have helped me become what I have become. It is that self-doubt that creeps in, sometimes - that I need to refocus myself. When I experience the kind thoughts of which some are negative, I must concentrate on why, and eliminate what causes me experiencing them. I feel that I need to slow down if I am overwhelmed with things. I often panic with anxiety, if I lose my concentration. I think helping my parents has been positive for me. I still live at home, and I need to continue growing.

Lately, I've had thoughts of resentment. I think about not being with my grandparents for over 28 years of my life, that I could have people that really matter closer to me. It makes me feel defenseless, if I consider was only created in my mind. Therefore, I make mistakes based on thoughts I believe might not be true.

I find myself being idealistic about life, like operating my own Starbucks in Porto, or working as a television commentator about sports. The reality is I must try my best to face the things I can do at this time in my life. Realistically speaking, those would not be the right tings for me to do right now!

Knowing I am finished university, I can look forward to bigger and better things.

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