Saturday, March 08, 2025

The war to end all wars

 The war to end all wars as I postulate it - circa 2025... is not apocalypse. It is everything to do with the question of god and whether you think god exists or not.  

I believe in god. 

God must exist.

Therefore, I must believe in god. (There must be god.)

The above as I illustrated is not an argument, even though I made it as an example.  

The war to end all wars will depend on not why god does not exist. There will be those that insist in gods existence. (Note: not to be confused with as dogma.)

The war to end all wars will depend on a fallacy.

That if god does exist, and we cannot prove it.

Therefore, that is therein the argument.

This has nothing to do with reincarnation or the antithesis of an afterlife worth fighting for.

The question of god will be one. Whether it is if god has eyes in the sky or not.  

Ultimately, what ends in war is not the belief. What will end is not humanity. What will be resolved is that god wins the war. Not until there is nothing left. But it will be a purge against those that do not believe.

Do not confuse this as looking back to the middel ages or resort to reinvention of the inquisition.

(You may.

But you would be wrong.)

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