Sunday, March 09, 2025

Anora (the movie) 2025

 This movie is complete t-r-a-s-h delivered on its own silver platter.  I was shocked (without there being any real shock value.)  The pace was stagnant and not fairytale, which is about the only thing it has going for it.  How Anora is portrayed as a character did nothing to deserve best actress (insert actress name here.)  Best picture is even more damning. (An insult. ) Top to bottom.  One of the most overblown movies I've ever watched.  The acting isn't actual acting.  It's  a subverting reality that alpha types allure too.  It was so embarrassing to witness, I sat near the entrance/exit door of the movie theatre... let me explain this next... that I saw a young girl with what was presumably her father... walk his daughter out on the movie halfway into it.  I applauded the girl's dad.  It was not the sexual overtone and innuendo.  Just plain tasteless and tactful manipulation of real life.  Total disaster.

Marco Almeida 2025

The Peg

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