Thursday, August 02, 2018

Disarmament: a triangulation

It all strikes down like lightning.
That taste of avocado in my mouth.
And the joy of living,
Ripped from you entirely.
Mostly nothing is the matter.
But as I sit here,
At this cafe.
There is a certain point -
Where everything is perfect.
I am centered from my core.
And I've never had this ability.
The thought of it never ever occurred.
Nearest to this cup of soup,
Made of Kale and Potato.
It feels like I prepared this moment.
And during this space in time,
It is just a moment.
I quickly move in and lock the door.
This place surrounds me,
I feel privileged to be.
It all came back to me.
It all comes back.
Oh, how the plot twists.!

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