Thursday, August 09, 2018

Conspiracy and double standards

Code breaking is an art.
Life's edit button of every thought you take,
And reverse its decision making ability.
What voice you have in the presence of others.
That is what matters most of all.
Keeping your private feelings - private.
Like my fear of rain.
Because when it rains....
I dance.
Maybe it's the magic.
Maybe it's more fitting if we danced
Made it rain down more often.
As I fill this void.
The vultures as they circle above.
That's when the famine hits.
Scrambling my mind.
Like a giant mound of chocolate.
My indulgences.
Sick sick indulgences.
Is ambition not a test for fools
That measure on inequality.
Where some branch of logic has formed.
Competition soars only to crash and burn
In the distant distant air.
That smokey aroma of incense.
As I scratch every inch of the surface.
Pain killers and dove tails,
As I purge upon every single word.

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