Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is fascism: the psyche

On human intelligence, thoughts, virtue of mind as one's soul, will, compassion, purity of heart etc.

Merk, we cannot argue about the same thing, people share ideas based in the topic at hand re; fascism. I'm in no way treating this as a good-cop-bad-cop "thing" to do. I can argue simply based on how patronized I feel, or how insulted it makes me, or why I dislike the practice you police this topic. . . but I do make valid points. I simply cannot force you to receive them. However, even this post warrants no belittling in sharing these ideas. I see what you write and then I agreed with you. To underestimate the other side from what you exercise would be wrong, but you treat it as selfish. I can even accept that.

What I will not accept, is someone telling me my opinion does not matter even when it does.

That is why I responded in colin's defense without resorting to personal attacks. I stated exactly why that is relevant to the topic.

In fact, fascism is an extremely important issue that few people understand as taboo as it might appear to most? Also, what inpires me to no end when relating to fascist ideology is driven by one main truth: that is in the ability to comprehend 'what is the most human thing to do'. We've already said to a certain degree what fascism entails is socialism at work.

I freely use Italian's as my example, because I admit that I hate Italians. Through that kind of thinking, it is a more liberal than racist approach. The main idea behind fascism how people equate the word 'hate' with racist beliefs than as result automatically assume that it is fascist. Nothing could be further from the truth. When saying: "I hate Italians." coming from a truly fascist frame of mind, that reference is exclusively liberal in ideology. In that view, you are free to express your thoughts, not to be confused with anti-semetic rhetoric. This is only an example to qualify the main difference between people synonymous with fascist thought, mistaking it for being purely 'racist'. If you've read my posts, the assertions I've made before this categorically stating that fascism works opposite from that level of ignorance. My example as I illustrate above justifies the ends of fascist thought, but, NEVER as a MEANS in itself. It is superimposed as a classic interpretation of liberal ideology in that it places human sacrifice in the heart of compassion toward fellowship. Remember, I said "NEVER as a MEANS in itself". Therefore, "I hate Italians." has no weight to it whatsoever. Basically, what I 've demonstrated in these paragraphs, the highest of academic officials have yet to compound into such an exact science. Think about that for a moment merk, and you in the US pay upwards of $40, 000 per calander year in order to attend Princton or Yale?

Liberal ideology is two-fold. The most important thing to guard in life is one's virtue and one's personal attachment to their autonomy. Aside from freedom, fear of having that kind of authentic personality is how the idea of fascism becomes a question. What are you're beliefs? How do you choose? What decisions can we create for ourselves depending on future events? Those are observations that link to the question YOU - yes you - asked merk.

Colin, I think covered a lot of the bases, according to what you mentioned, and I respect his intelligence for it. I don't say that to just anyone I meet either here or in the real world. You cannot just exclude a liberal attitude by claiming it's frozen in time. In fact, it is my view that juxtaposes your conservative one, and perfectly balances the discussion out!

Quite frankly, it's the best discussion I've had in a forum with you. Honestly, fascism is a fascinating concept to deal with on my own doing.



Fascism directly negates Marx's theory of a materialist interpretation of history, which is the cornerstone of Marxist thought. Also, bringing back what I said about liberalism and Fascism, the ideological design of Fascism is to place the state above the individual, whereas the liberal theory places the individual as above the state, basic Locke.

Good show lad. Nicely done!


italian fascism, from what i've read, seems interesting

If you read the Prince by Machiavelli, it is a blue print for italian fascist thought, basically to make drones of each other in pursuing the elitist power structure model, classically man vs. man destroying itself. If you want to avoid reading it, I would reccomend observing all Italians, you'll realize they all look, and act alike. That will save you a lot of time and energy. If you read on Antonio Gramschi you'll probably be way better off, just don't take my word for it.


In colin's defense I'd have to agree with the fact, that in my opinion, merk makes it sound as if a barber-shop quartet should categorically be classified as right-wing pro-fascist movement? Ultimately, colin gives a fair counter-intelligent analysis. Merk has created a double edged sword while being persecuted, yes - persecuted - by colin. We're accusing merk of nothing, other than his flawed (what else is new?) approach to reasoning. For example: the real thing happening in the democratic race between Clinton/Obama, is that truly, bird-watching enthusiasts probably would be better suited for nomination. Colin is stating the obvious: that there are alternatives to fascism, that merk has completely ignored or either stubbornly refuses to acknowledge, is over-infused with Americanized whistle blowing conservative ideology. This is the same reason merk continues to insult Mike's more proper form of validation, mike strictly based on principle won't take a penalty for. Ethically we on the brighter side that care about rules; NOT TO BEAT A DEAD HORSE MERK. Colin has challenged you admirably well. Bravo colin. Bravo.

On the reverse side of the argument, merk continues to believe whatever he wants to. Fascism does not come with a label that reads, "retard friendly responses only". There can be no excuse when backing off that kind of argument, (note: I'm not trying to single out merk here, a lot of people act like this every time they feel challenged. . . I on the other hand have absolutely no respect for it.) merk will only believe what he wants to, such is American conservative ideology in its entirety. Merk unfortunately is not alone in his brand of thinking. So be it.


One of the main reasons I'm at odds re; machiavelli, I find troubling when relating to such superficial power stuggle, is that there lacks purpose behind it. It seems as if a myth playing iiself out of - chance. - The mystery surrounding such ideology is also unclear, which leads me to believe that Machiavelli wrote this for some ulterior motive, other than as a hard core Roman Catholic deity of the sort? Perhaps it had great ambition in it's day, which is why it seems prevelant or at least relevant, but in no way am I tying words of the scripture as if the Bible were meant for Italian world domination. However, believe me when I tell you that may very well be what Machiavelli's intent inspired. Therefore, I take a lucrative look at how both Italians seem so seemingly narcissist in the real world? My thoughts in opinion of elitist Italian-archetype-figures, probably take it upon themselves as versace-look-a-likes to forbid any kind of experiencing real human emotion, or it becomes a weakness. In other words, emotion acts as a kryptonite. When you look at the renaissance or how Italians created the Opera as a form of concert combined with theatre in the art might help explain something.

The Opera is for a very wealthy statesman, "more" devoid, born "less" emotionally unto individuality.

When I come to think of Italians I live and work with in today's society where I feel it is their duty not to make it appear like I am an equal? As if I am not worthy to be in such company of strangers? Further to these observations, which I have substantial evidence of in my personal experience with Italians it is a kind of suffering, a sense of vague indifference when communicating with you.

Believe you me, the fat lady sings like there's no tomorrow if an Italians hand were to ever rock my cradle. . . that is to say, I do not stand for my tolerance being tested. I can't put it any clearer or any fairer than I have at this precise moment right now. Humility is such a strong virtue to possess, not for those that pose a detriment to me or my loved ones though.

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