Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I believe to've made progress in the ability in being honest with myself, most of which I've turned into positive thoughts. I suppose this is a bizarre way of looking into myself with integrity? However, it is clear I've been having thoughts that certainly take on new meaning for me. I am speaking in the past tense, because my focus is on the future. My future events, which in turn, reveal what I choose to leave behind as I must. For the most part, the best things I have done up to this point in my life I describe as self-trust. To completely pursue the obstacles, without premeditating any potential outcomes, I can seek the truth in any situation I desire. That is an essential life skill, in and of itself, that requires happiness as a virtue of my own. Furthermore, let it be my fortune that no man can surmise his only benefit in underestimating or undermining my vestige.

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