Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Theory and practice

To participate in the methods and models of a true fascist mentality are as follows:

I'd have to agree that merk's argument is fundamentally sound. However, it is better known the lesser between two evils of fascism, that complacency is an issue that stems from merk's form of government. Which is to say that the complacency within a system, whether it is left-wing or right-wing bias, is a reflection of the entire citizenship of an autonomous state. Therefore, complacency can be identified as the insurance to maintain a status quo, thereby is a form of assembly (e.g. the citizen) within a country. What this means is that merk's assertion as it were true, that complacency to abide by such principles within an autonomous state can only be described as representing the Will of the Majority (i.e. status quo). Essentially this is an accurate view as Merk pointed out of man vs. state.

Complacency is thereby the main issue when instead, fascism as we know it can no longer hold the balance of power?

What this above statement signifies. . . is that if the balance of power is compromised, it is only because the will of the status quo has shifted against the norm, or as we can elude to it is in fact a revolt against the states power.

However, we must ensure that fascism cannot be confused with as a power struggle. It is my opinion that so many people within the status quo should be held accountable for their ignorance toward what fascism really is; when in reality people have no idea they take their personal freedom for granted by playing as puppets to the states ideological power. Truly, there is a ratification to be had, when people in general have no idea that they cause a power struggle against their fellow man: only helps reinforce the states power against the will of joe-public.

Furthermore, I articulate these as my own findings which I pass is based on fascism. A hero like Che Guevara was a true liberal.


re; mike

I am just going to say it; my argument word for word is not only fair but as close to fucking flawless as it gets when it comes to fascism (without the bull-shitting) no strings attached.

Therefore, I feel it is my duty to address your point of view, which I am quite positive details a somewhat, more or less, apathetic tolerance toward fascism. Apathetic in terms of how ignorance plays a part in the roles of individuals who have no idea what fascism really entails? You know it, I know it, vagrants have no clue about these details.

Fascism is not the source fighting against complacency. In order for you to make sense of what that actually involves, is that you cannot "help" a complacent individual, because they're in a sense always ignorant, not so much as deviant, to the norm(s) inherent in life or for sake of argument their daily misgivings upon passing to each other as individuals in society. Therefore, "fascism is not the source fighting against complacency" is in fact a true statement. If any individual is complacent, going through the motions, comfortable with what they live for, lead ordinary existence without challenge. So to speak of a fascist ideology is in fact the truth I am telling you, that is, any complacent individual that keeps the wheels turning, in a reality that is of capitalist interest, can only be labelled as 'enemy'. It is thereby important to remember, any individual in society no matter what rank they have be it stature, status, or position of authority, cannot impose their will on any other living sentient human being. This would include but not limited to all legal, law enforcement or high ranking government officials. This is relevant both in theory and practice, checks and balances, attributing to the method of a true fascist mentality.

^The above demonstrates if you can decipher + depict the medium behind the message the perception of a true fascist movement. In fact, fascism is a form of working within the system against the individuals (a blind status quo if you will) that act complacent for their own self-interest.

That was for you mike.

And yes I am a true fascist, a true fascist in my own idea is simple. If you act against the norm, you must act on charity to bring about change, the principle being: to act only toward an end(s) but never using any means necessary to achieve that end. You must always be on the defense. I know it, because I choose to live my life this way, in a manner of asking oneself "what is the most honorable thing to do?". Anyone who'd speak of fascism on any other terms only are lying to themselves.


I honestly felt I was responding to the broader category of fascism, focusing on the rights of individuals as the cause against fascism. Therefore, without construing the original focus of definition, my approach was more so made to uncover, discover, and explain what fascism is in general? Therefore, I fully understand my intent was drawn to infer from another question other than what you implied.


I hardly think of fascism, in my opinion, as a viable form of concept hitherto ideology vis-a-vis "political" attribute. I look at it as an attitude based on a persons perception, which can only be based on observation. For example: in a constructive universe built of models which range in different rights, privileges, or hierarchy, there are extreme personalities that resemble the idea of a fascist leader and/or diatribe (of course) configuring to the totalitarian regime. This kind of a state cannot be singular, nor can it provide autonomy (as is protected by Canada's Charter of rights and freedoms!) believe it or not, Pierre Trudeau specifically drafted the word 'autonomy' AS A RIGHT written into Canada's constitution (circa 1982). Thereby, autonomy as we discuss it not relating to fascism. In fact, one could argue the direct anti-thesis to fascist thought is autonomy on a much smaller scale. Basically, fascism is the abolition of autonomy within any living society made of political rule(s).

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