Thursday, April 17, 2008

bitter enemies for desperate rivals

I find it particularly amusing, when I see some former peers of mine in a public place. The pretension I gather when encountering such an experience brings me a truly false dynamic. A couple of patrons at a local night club, seem to have made eye contact with me, but carefully pretending their best not to acknowledge my existence. It is nearly painful to watch, but I just smile back and give a heart felt smile. I suppose certain types of individuals you remember from the past you thought would be special? However, as time progresses you find out who your friends really are - or aren't - for that matter.

Part of my self-awareness used to plague me with self-contempt or feelings of regret which no longer will apply; I suppose it is a stronger more solidified sense of self-concept. Not however so confused or self-disposed basing my emotions on fear. Being self-absorbed is anti-social the deeper truth that lies beneath the skin and bones of value and self-worth. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as result, I've refused to exploit myself in trying hard to please others unlike myself.

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