Saturday, April 15, 2006

Romance in the blue light

I showed.
Yes, I showed.
How to have behaved.
That risk of a behavior,
or a paternal love.
The kind of behavior that,
through thought of evil or what is?
What is good wins every time!
And the belief of a thought that presented me;
to gather the thoughts of doing my best.
A city in blue lights.
No sirens needed:
only blue. . .
Off of the reflected image of mine,
I do not put off
what I can do for today
for tomorrow.
I will not hide behind,
that lantern.
As though it reflects a jack-o-lantern.
I will reveal myself,
and the fake image is one of less than many,
but a pair of rabbit ears poked out from
a chef's hat set over them.

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