Sunday, April 30, 2006

the independence of thought

I have many thoughts when independence becomes
a virtue for my sanity.
A virtue for my sanity?
But the thought of independence,
when it becomes a model!
An original source;
of candy.
A candy shop:
of dreams.
Independence. . .
the kind that mirrors its reflection from,
a kind of gestalt.
The condition.
My experience of a unity man,
woman, or child.
Into the humanity of something caused,
greater than itself.
This adulthood of imagination.
This childhood of an upbringing only -
not dreamed about.
I understand the many.
Methods of cause.
Cause and effect.
That borders no mass confusion.
Without the rules commited.
Of a pragmatic condition.
I have screened an image,
like a movie that playbacks.
The imagination has signalled.
I interpreted into my memory of it.
I have not it failed of.
I have it not failed of.
I have not failed of it.
The recovery of my anonymity.
I have not failed it of.
As I recovered from?
As I walked right into it,

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