Monday, April 10, 2006



Do not play me for a clown, Irish.

I'm actually being quite NICE about it. But, ironically enough this still has something to do with Sadie and how she reacts to her coworker. I think that oddly enough I am not in harms way of you, nor would I care to act like a coward as you accuse me of.

fine. dont get so touchy about it. it's actually kind of interesting ya know? I mean, most of us only get to talk to ourSelf and only hear one voice in our heads - those like you who can talk to a whole crowd of people is rather unique. It's like, you'll never get lonely, can have great debates, and never have to leave your house.


reverse? im pretty sure it was a rather direct question.

Certainly Irish being convincing is not what you think. What you keep using is reverse psychology, I hardly think equates to my lack of competence. I assure you I am incapable of immorality such as you demonstrate it. Let me make that apparent to all who read this.

uh huh.

so as I was saying.............are you one of those splits that can actually communicate internally with all the others that are living in your brain?just in case you didnt understand it the first time.

Okay, so do you know what you have refuted, when a hint of argument is not about to go your way. That is when you get yourself into trouble. I simply offered an interpretation of what I think of you. You cannot refute it. Except that I do not accept it if people like yourself, might insist on. Now, that is the truth. I was interested in Sadie's trouble.

So tell me Marco, are you one of those split hosts that can actually communicate with all the others living in your brain, like I've read that some can? Or is this you attempting to do just that?

Moving forward, I think I figured out what Sadie is actually facing. I used to have a friendship with this guy I knew. He was very condescending in his nature. Needless to say it turned people off. In that same idea, not that it was depicted in my head, it just happened to be the reality of what a situation like that does to people. I was very aware of my environment and how a person like (Sadie's colleague) interferes.

That being said: I looked elsewhere for my own wellbeing and I am no longer friends with that person. The same applies to the reality Sadie is facing in her present job, with said co-worker.

If Sadie is feeling like she is being condescended against, the other co-worker is just as fragile. The co-worker is probably jesting Sadie in the attempt to weed out how Sadie interacts with people intimidates her co-worker. Sadie makes things look easy, and that in turn reflects why they will never get along as it appears to be the case.

Good luck with that. You nor her are not going to change.

The worst thing about irish being back, and I am trying to be honest about it here. . . she acts like a person who works for government. In Winnipeg, these types of bureaucratic employees that are working for the city, think they have the upperhand on EVERYTHING. And when talking to these guys, they think they have some weight and do not have to tolerate being bossed around by others. "It's about the law, we have no other personality."

the best thing about irish being back is gossiping with her on msn.

That is about right I guess.

i like irish.

You like everyone. If Irish is from Vancouver, that's no surprise there. Bandwagon country.

I'm saying I can learn to appreciate Irish, but she does not reflect my personality or others from my observation of her conduct on the board.

It makes lots of sense, he's saying her personality, based on what she posts, doesn't match anyone else on the board, but he can be tolerant and learn to like her difference.

Why not, if it makes perfect sense Tam. Does Irish contribute without her being selfish in everything she posts? No, instead Irish lacks any traits on the board and is pretty useless minded which relate to specific characteristics of her personality.

If you can follow What-I-Was getting at RELATES perfectly to Sadie's original topic. The fact that if I were to prefer keeping myself open to other people's judgment, should not eradicate others in the process thereof. I DO care to contribute to the board and this is an example of it, because I know I have solicited my personal views as I chose to express. Irish, on the other hand, spoke about Sadie's reference to something in a debilitiating if not uncompromising sense of reinforcing her behavior negatively. Irish and Irish alone gave advice to Sadie, I say: The advice Irish gave her speaks loads about her own insecurities.

I care to advocate for change, not Sadie's defenses. If you think about it, Irish's advice is completely contradictory to developing a result that is genuinely satisfying.

Forget about blocking people, love. If you can read some of the things that are positive on your side, such as the things I can relate to in your experience. Make it your own. That is my advice to you. Did you read the poem?

I need to address it to you. I do not blame anyone who is curious, I mean why would I. If I thought it was not worth watching, then I would be the one that is lying to you.

What I am doing is NOT walking around in circles arguing with you. I do think the Canucks are not as capable but underwhelming favorites.

Marco, usually when you cheer for a team for several years even when they're losing, that would mean they aren't "bandwagon freakshows".

No, it means when they're losing. . . when they win you think they're something great becuase even though they truly suck.

I challenged paul in the same way when he said, "(The Flames) did not deserve a point." I cheer for the underdogs, and the Flames were tired from the night before. They never gave up and showed tremendous heart, which is why Paul is wrong in his assesment. The Canucks got EXTREMELY fortunate in my opinion, but they got lucky with the Flames.

edit: to owen / josh

obviouslyI mean that you have the same problem other people like you have, if you take things personally. It is not my fault not everything I might reply, adheres to how I directly feel when I post. Naturally, Josh or anyone else will not understand things based on my own human nature of things I post when I post them.

Bro. If owen can call out the "oblivious ape", may also compare with what I actually feel becomes a major problem on this board. I keep this real man.

The response about Sadie dealing with her own demons. I am not perfect, but I do not claim that I am either. There is a difference. Sadie does not see it as though one would tell her, "You mean to tell everyone you think you are perfect, everyone can see it but you Sadie." That is the question I based my intstruction. It follows what you implied I "don't make sense" in the NHL thread. You said yourself people "not caring" enough is a bad thing. You might have thought it yourself, but that makes you no different from us not caring. You can say I accuse you of thinking, "more people should think they are perfect." Clearly, we live in an unperfect world. You keep yourself on a pedestal, owen.

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