Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I hate politicians
I hate engineers
I hate civil servants

I'm a terrorist.

And yes.

You didn't have to ask:
that I already know?

(What is.)

Do you believe me?

Marco, like it didn't even matter what you think.
You failed me.

Perhaps, the thought crossed your mind.

That there are these - words - and they are meaningless.

That everything I've done becomes a lie. I'm lost!

Selling out. Each and everyone. Only to have failed you lord.
Lord almighty creator of heaven and earth.
This is all I have to offer.

But Christ, save me. Protect me from sin.
And let me be happy.

This is a 28 year old male.
This is a fragment of my conscious ability.
This is a sorry victim.

Now help me live.
While I struggle to care.
While I rather not survive.

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