Sunday, April 05, 2020

Emotional Pausing

What if I were to fake my death.
Upon which comes a time,
Where nothing else matters.
As if we are all just cartoon characters,
In this happiness of mind.
Where I miss your wisdom.
The shapes and sounds of how
Well I listen.
Empowering me to live life as a decree.
There are no fluffy parts...
None good or bad.
That the most rational cause for success
Is that there is none.
There is no moral absolute.
No antidote freedom from which freedom creates.
That to survive courage,
Is not the courage to survive.
Unlike the cowardly lion.
Such a poor poor metaphor.
For real life is only an
Once it is done.
You too are gone.
Awaiting your nemesis upon arrival...
But never does.
The absurdity of a secret so profound.
Only punishable by moonlight.
Shoes I love to wear.
That is the art of the dance.

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