Monday, March 30, 2020

Press Enter

What is magical thinking.
It seems to go unnoticed.
Those superficial motives.
The kind where that killer ego,
Says I am and you are not.
The kind that connects the dots,
In some state of delirium.
That tells you nobody is better.
That tells you how extrodinary you are.
It's not about saying or doing.
But looking at the stars and
Searching for freedom between them.
Am I in control or without.
Am I unlucky or not.
To live in vain is to exhibit your character,
In some way that the soul has adopted
Wisdom as a choice.
And that wisdom is unbroken unchained.
So next time I think I am better for it.
Will it be because I offered my virtue
Ahead of my own unfound denial.
And my love for sweet

1 comment:

BigC said...

First to be a leader among men and last among mortals. This is how you must live.