When the eagle flies he doesn’t first wait and wonder if his wings will support him. He simply launches upwards and trusts, knows, believes he will take flight. And he does.
So many times we hover in fear, dwelling upon the what ifs. Giving great power to the fear. Allowing it to direct our lives and hoping we will be safe.
It takes great courage to trust, in the universe, God, life, fate, whatever you wish to call it. Even greater courage to believe that you are okay, you are taken care of. Maybe not always to your liking, but you are.
Take the time to be still, meditate in your way, go inside and ask the questions that concern you. Listen. The guidance and help you need is all there. Deepen into your Self and knowledge will flow.
Often, it takes a lifetime of challenges, conquering fears, falling victim to them, before we come to a place of knowing. All is as it should be. We are okay.
The ability to trust is a real thing that we must embrace. It comes to us when we have ceased to try to fix things with our mind and allowed a greater knowing to be present and move through us.
Trust is the antidote to fear.
Currated by Shea Hampton
Suported by DAG
Remember to be great means sacrifice and patience!!! Most don't have it. Practise loving yourself patiently
Are we craving self-expansion, the constant nourishment of the
ego, the me and the mine, or are we seeking to understand and so
transcend the process of the self?
JJ Krishnamurti
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