Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Threat of Worship

The Threat of Worship

It is because the truth hurts, and that trust is a reconciliation so somewhere in between I've been lied to.
I am sick of being lied to.
I worship God. However,
I do not care to be worshipped.
And when it comes to these matters,
I feel the rustle of the trees as wind blows
and my sense of strength and nostalgia
consume me.
What else should I stand here and pray for.
But when I pray,
am I aware enough to know what type of
There are two ways I pray,
it is speaking about something beyond my own
control, or I pray for some reason that I wish for.
That is the threat of worship.
I don't know what it is I am praying.
But I do believe in prayer.
So I pray.
I don't pray for a shiny new pair of shoes,
I pray for the dirt that will soil them.
I don't pray for a new job.
I pray for my employer not to fire me.
I don't pray for myself...
I pray not to be lied to.
This is my personal awareness I use worship.
God has no need to correct me for my sins.
For every minute I spend,
I spend it worshipping others.
That is a prayer God won't fix for me.
So I am continually lied too.
To a fault, maybe god's love for me,
is through some other form of life on earth.
Lost on earth like myself,
prayer and worship.
Something so rare you can feel it come through
others as I channel their lucidity.
I am not sure what else there is in living
without threats or lies - prayers or worship.
I must find it for myself.
That is how you interact in gods image.
A singularity.
This is how I transfer my aesthetic.
Through many different names,
a detection of lies, threats, prayers.
A sophisticated look from below him.

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