Saturday, August 04, 2018

The ⛬ historian

Take my hand,
Because you understand my soul.
I am a perturbed individual,
I experience mental perversions.
More like abstract visualization.
The vision I practice.
Participating in the folly
Of falsification this refracted
Science of mind.
My own self destructive habits.
While asleep on a bed of nails.
Testing my ignoble objectivity.
My stomach turns.
This proves my irregular habits,
acting as relapse of rational attitudes.
A silent revisionist plays upon all words.
Post modernist language, it so -
came and went.


BigC said...

BigC said...

The most inane arguement to counter my own views I have been subject to the past 72hrs aiming to excuse Trump's behavior as something that a majority of Americans comply with - because they too act as he does. Simply moronic.