Sunday, June 03, 2012


What angers me most about my doctor, is a feeling of resentment on my part, as to why he insists on calling me out as if to purge me.  He wants me to change, but he couldn't find me directly, where it counts, where it matters the most, in my heart.

I blame a lot of my failures on him.

This is mostly due to the fact, I could have done something drastically different with myself, with a higher regard.  He did the opposite of what he should have done, which he was suppose, to help me see things for what they actually are.

Even though he must have thought I wasn't open enough to change, I only felt misunderstood by him.  I guess that is to a fault of my own. What he wanted me to do, was opposite of what I tried so desperately to accomplish.  The more I listened to him, the more time I needed to process things the way I thought they should be.  He needed feedback, based on nothing in particular.

I never believed I was as he had made me out to be.

1 comment:

BigC said...

I'm not sure how much I like this entry. Only because of the fact I worked my entire life to become the actor I wanted to be, despite my doctors short-comings. I wish he had helped me much better then he has.