Sunday, June 03, 2012

Bells Bells Bells

I can hear the sound of church bells ringing, but when I do I do not think of a ceremonious assembly.

Instead, what I believe to be true of myself, is the profession of selling out your secrets.  (i.e. the secret to selling out)

What keeps us marginalized in society today, the very concept of older more ancient time does not follow. Therefore, living in a world of fast forward, which history then becomes, a monopoly of reason.  How might we arrive at history, or more importantly how might we arrive at protecting our own beliefs.

At what critical point of conduct was there a presence of greatness within the story. Perhaps in society today, that which is not to be confused with greatness, is an unheard spectator of profession: selling out to secrets.  Put into another context, selling out in a history made up of cost.

What becomes the truth in a world made up of unwilling heroes in a successive order of time, what then comes from out of that, that of which emerges in place of freedom, is the question being asked which needs to be answered. There is a selling out that makes such are secrets so much less valid.  What this also requires, as in observation as an art form, over which art than requires observation. The concept of life imitating art can only be true, when it becomes no longer valid. So we result through speculation, as the result of 1- a world gone blind to 2 - the face of reason in such some specific timeframe.

This in secret defines as 'history' dissipates on itself, of a journey without (a) norms or its (b) means are not dictated, which can only be true of (c) our own ideas of a cellular nature, making up our lost consciousness. Our desires to learn the truth are mixed without emotion, so fails to rely on sensory experience, as a direct model of convenience for convenience sake.

  • This requires intervention of a cerebral value, in accordance to the laws of it's citizens calibrated upon a societal functioning level.
  • A kind of treasure map aiming at a history of world views, which translated, exists in of itself, a history in of itself in its most natural surroundings.
  • The search for truth so becomes magnified in search of cutting historic material losses. And so because, this follows - a pattern of thought, so each thought creates historic ritual fortitude. That those patterns of thought (what is influenced by significant aims) in historical means, crosses together toward (an end game) will match with awareness on a level of consciousness.   However, this can only occur, in how our view to life - within a combine of (1) natural rights, as (2) citizens of the world, not (3) expeditious of a nation state's intervention.  Therefore, this is the end game toward consciousness toward a cerebral level of awareness.
Can you im-a-gin-ate a world viewed of itself, throughout a history of telling secrets to the product of mankind, (i.e. all of consciousness.)  What is that secret, what would it be, what might it reveal, what does it look like.

I dare say the thought of viewing life as in art is not one in the same, as if say, art as in life would suggest to you.

ii. Consciousness adds awareness

What shape is the world really, according to us, now imagine if the world is no match to your awareness due to scientific study of itself. In fact science is not science at all, what you find within reason, is of a history of the world secretly holding onto a picture of itself.  ii. Consciousness adds awareness. (follows i.)

i. Consciousness of the individual

We arrange things as models, but not as specific as we get closer to them. Life is not a matter of physics, or habitat to the natural world around us. Physics is the change of a universe gone blind, turned inside out, upside down in disputing nature's secrets. The nature of secrets, as in selling out is a better profession than it would be to observe it.  i. Consciousness of the individual.  (follows ii.)

People might concoct a version of historical fragmented pieces, put together into one giant peace pipe, but never having experienced the nature of it's longevity. How might we free ourselves from the nature of selling out, what might it be if the same patterns of thoughts were truth instead. - The world would be a radically different place.

The nature of awareness depends of our natural rights as individuals to conceive, in owning our observations of a secret nature, out in the open fragment of our history. This dedicated to make a forward leap throughout one's lifetime, as if the fountain of youth were a pond which immortals were doomed of such rival conjecture. History never had a voice given to it, that was worth selling out to a professional yet shallow, naïve, or narrow minded version of itself.

The same can be said of feeling what you feel is being done, at your own cosnscious level of awareness. The truth is: there is no path in history, or history, takes us. What we create is a version unto ourselves, of a night gone daylight.

Selling out takes on an emotive level, which has never been this easy to do throughout our models of a lifetime of conscious awareness. The ancients never realized how old they were getting to be at it.

You can tell how old a person gets, by not revealing their age, but moving backwards from the time they were born. From an age in a historical sense, that in selling out our older conscious awareness, to an newer version of itself. Perhaps we are just ancient dwellers, not improving at history's aims, waiting for a secret to arrive, before we get unearthed from a shallower depth. What level of morality might we dare relinquish in ourselves if we challenged out of fear of selling out to a heightened conscious awareness.

There is the secret.


BigC said...

So much of what I've written here, I cannot attribute to myself. I use to hate it when people would call me a nice guy. It was as though, the thought wasn't genuine enough. Reason being, if anyone thought I was being over friendly to a point of excess, it was more so accepted because I wanted to be liked. When I decided to change those habits, I realized a change in what other people truly thought. It was as though engaging with the same people, was not because they liked me, despite my best efforts. Now, when I do not fake myself out to be something I'm not, you can see right through people's habits of a personal nature. Everyone has their right to privacy and which are the boundaries being made.

What I began to notice is how mad people actually are.

The less I faked my own existence, the more aware I became of intolerance upon a hidden nature beneath the surface. If people truly thought unconditionally of others, then our morality of a concrete nature would go along with it. The difference being, what we do not see, if we are faking ourselves out of it. To be in this type of awareness, people get mad if our own inhibitions feel undeserving of others. They are no longer treating you unconditionally.

BigC said...

There is no greater privilege in lying, then in spending privilege to a universe gone blind in on of itself.

BigC said...

In other words there is nothing to dismiss the nature of affection people would naturally want in return. The question then remains is the object of that affection a full blown reality, that as it happens to you, do you even care about the meaning it carries. Does your awareness not specialize in seeing how people are.

BigC said...

‎^more importantly, can you exhibit yourself as more openly honest about yourself, then changes the world as you see it happening around you.

BigC said...

Kierkegaard we are long lost entities. Purity of the heart is to will one thing, that cannot extinguish a loss of rational thought in place of a hidden intimate secret (thought). Therefore, you must run the risk of setting a precedent through philosophical means, a choice not to be made, but you create it as in art.

BigC said...

Ah, kierkegaard we finally cross paths once again. *sigh

You know, I never thought it was possible, but my soul has made its turn, and taken on a tornado set in front of it, like a path set of destruction that nobody thought of. The instruction of such a mental embodiment of the will, it defies intrusion. Just like a tornado.

Morals will point to a less satisfactory version of the mortal will, that little else can penetrate through it. I am speaking of myself in an interest, the intent to find it it self. This is what kierkegaard meant, the turn of the soul happening before your very eyes, a vortex of the will in disguised as an immortal coil. You set the path to enlightenment not through self meditation or the self destructive arousal, but an appraisal of the will in it's most finite state of awareness. That the conscious flavor is of an infinite set of circumstances, the vortex of emotions cannot control the 'it' factor in and of itself, but you in fact benefit from your being it the it it self. Once you have found your center of the universe around you, the universe will not implode or capsize or impede your prowess, or explode beyond other worlds, history as you define that it is your forward progression. The process of thought in a world not gone to a face of contusion. It is a mind for thinking in words of one's ultimate aims, one's ultimate sacrifice, that the soul returns to its rightful place, the it factor.

Think about the floor beneath your feet and you might not have thought it as at first glance, now that it thinks you forgot about the ceiling above it. Can the word '-t' find meaning across a word of poetics prose, I think I have done so.

‎"A sensitive superficiality yet something practical has almost happened, perhaps it is the impracticality of whatever a situation depends.". - Marco Almeida (circa 2000's - present a.d.). Answer: 'it' speaks to the nature of divine providence. 'It' being the same said subject matter of no specific out coming.

‎^consciousness adds awareness of the it factor, the it factor is of the 'it' individual.

BigC said...

"Selling out takes on an emotive level, which has never been this easy to do throughout our models of a lifetime of conscious awareness. The ancients never realized how old they were getting to be at it."

^if you do not mistake transparency over irony; you have achieved a great deal.

It's a question in how history, does not openly teach how to overcome the norms associated with it. The answer should always rely on consciousness itself.

A disappearing act: is not considered (a) artistic (b) in merit, just as in (c) history not taking on a form of it's own.

Therein lay the difference between knowing both, irony over transparency, and both, consciousness over awareness. Just as the ancients never thought before acting on consequence, causes indivisible morality.