Sunday, December 07, 2008


I would have to agree with the valid assessment in which you’ve demonstrated how false logic can skew the real meaning behind the message therein. Further to your observation of the fallacy, it is rather a form of misconception which is attempting to make the reader believe something that is not really there to begin with. I believe that same author is using a similair objective, to conclude, (i.) Harper is ‘right’ in order to abdicate or thereby dimiss the coalition perogative (ii.) this follows ~ because Harper is under no moral obligation that he’s being out done by ridicule hithereto false pretense of a mock coalition government. (Even if it’s perfectly legal).

My own summation of the author’s view is territorial, insofar as the campaign against Harper is being seen as a Vampire-hunt. It is as such the author implicates a clever hidden medium within which creates metaphor: The coalition government is being lead under false pretense, history of such-and-such show us so. . . therefore, illegal. (Ad Hominem) Not only is it a misnomer: but this “allows” the reader freely to imply that a coalition is also forcing (i.e. purging) the populous into a mock form of government which Harper is the rightful heir/furor. (Ad Baculum)

In all honesty, that is exactly my own argument which should defeat any false notions herein. I appreciated your take on this important issue, norm. A coalition government will be truly historic. I see Harper reminding me of Max Headroom, not really knowing the effects from a tzar.

Posted 07 Dec 2008 at 2:10 am

Sunday, November 09, 2008

breakfast at tiffany's

I can stop bullets.
I look cute in boots, have a killer smile, man - life is sweet. I also have a huge heart.
Newest approach: wow - you think i'm a loser, that's great, say hi to your mother for me - okay. P.S. you will be forced to have my babies. P.S.S if you can't find humor in some of the stuff I presented herein - there is something wrong.
I wish we lived in the 80's. Things were so much simpler then they are now.
A revelation: I am not changing my profile based on false pretense. This enabled me to realize something. . . some of the reason (maybe not all) that females are protective or put boundaries up get rather defensive. That is probably because the women don't want to feel coersed or put into a similar manner as if being lured into a relationship they have no control over. I suppose that is a fair assumption of how unhealthy this type of interaction over a screen can mislead some of you to believe that. However, I am the sexiest non-conformist you'll ever meet. I am straight forward on here which is to say I am nothing like this in real life. If you're on here for any other reason, you need to re-evaluate yourself. But stop and think about the habits you yourself contribute on this site.
Surprise update: Can you imagine a guy better looking than Barack Obama, well let this be your lucky day. (I also love fruit smoothies.)
Nov.04-08 I don't know if I'm searching for something I can't find, but all I can say is I'm definitely glad this site is free.
Update: oct29-08 I feel really good about this site today - I think I'll have a hot chocolate.
Hey - I know! Let's (shhh. . .) use this site as a vehicle, that we test our weapons so I don't have to feel guilty or be sorry about it.
Just because you're younger - doesn't make me anti-social. Have fun - drink milk. Grow up.
My personal attempts at making invitation to connect with those of you - I hope have been revealing enough to consider me worthy of my efforts.
Please stop sending me nudes, it lowers your credibility, but my opinion of you won't change much either.
I've never been married. I have good values. I'm just a boy at heart looking for real love. But a man with needs only the right person can satisfy.
there are some of you (not all of you) which need to get one thing straight = get off the high-horse (this follows) some form of decency? Since I feel this way, albeit subjective of me to say so: many of you may have taken a royal princess diary that you've forgotten how (me in particular) only care to empower females I'm attracted to. No thanks necessary (. . .you make that abundantly clear).
Disappointing is not the word I'm looking to offer those. Just, unreal. What happened to pretty women. > Okay, I am not short on brain matter, but this internet thing gets real annoying ya know? So anyway, if any of what I just said matters, let's may be keep it that way.

Note: to the younger objectionable females, which say they're interested in 30+ males but when approached run back into their foxholes. Please, please be certain you are past the point of your sexual deviance, reason being, I am here for social contact. Nothing more. If you want Austin Powers go to your local blockbuster. Yeah baby!

So after talking to some nicer ladies on here, I suppose this site is up for sale on a variety of things. First off: learn to use your email settings (I'm talking to the 20 something femmes that don't care for ugly dudes older than them.) Not to be shallow here, but some need to read the facts before they can think for themselves, it saves us from having to guess how narrow minded you are. Secondly, (my advice is) if you want guys that have six-packs or biceps, consider you can be better served. People say I look like Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman in wpg!

I guess for the most part, being 31 isn't such a bad thing. At my age, you've either become a voice that seeds positive energy - or - you've done everything possible in order to pretend how great your self-concept is. A lot of what I'm saying is true: chances are you agree with me. If not, the other dudes on POF might be for you.


being the best dancer at the bar - my ego - not your ego - my sisters puppy tazz - people that don't necessarily promote neurotic behavior - arcade fire - universal health care - hygiene - surprises in general - latte's - women wearing sweet kickin' bangs on their foreheads - staying up late - absolute boredom - reasoning - logic - forms of argument - the fact nobody has me on their favorites list - sense of humor - friendship - my acting (BA2006) - true romance - hair unlike male pattern baldness - random acts of kindness - the magic of spontaneity - damning pretensious snobbery - resistence - anarchy restricting our limited control of government agencies - toast (nutella spread) - females that are genuinely attracted to me - abolition of wealthy con artists (in the free world) that pollute our social environment - living the good life - young and the restless (not the soap opera) -

books: rights of desire, about the author, pornographer's poem

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

princess scares the squish-frog

I'm willing to admit if we were ever to reach a place of connecting through this. . . it's because you're zodiac sign is cancer. My mom is the same sign. Not that it matters. What matters is how passionate a person I am, and from what I see.
There is something about you I wish I could describe. It's as though I'm talking to my own naive wish, as if my fantasy were to become reality. I suppose that is the main thesis re; all fairy tales in general. If the power of one entity were enough to change everything on the face of the earth, your life would be complete. I suppose that is the main reason for being here, we want the same things, but skeptical we are to guard ourselves - our self interests on this site. Only until someone is able to "magically" present themselves in a way that we forget who we are for a moment. We step into a fire from outside the box we were thinking in. Instead, we become aware of what the possibility might be. Could this person be the match for a fairy tale (internet fallacy).

Maybe - just maybe I am right about what I just said, but on the other hand, trying hard to find that 'equal' to you is a hard thing to be sold on.

So, I guess I have no real things of substance to add. Although I have no idea what people - females in particular - find me attractive enough based on my profile. Time will tell.

~I couldn't just make this stuff up.^

~m. ------------------

also you look like a super human being. There is something inside of me which yearns for that in people - no matter who they are. Your smile exudes joy.

one of the bigger reasons I'm on here, is to establish a sense for connecting with someone new - seeing I've had my share of time spent on here - there is no easy solution to it. You seem very easy going, and that is a great quality to have.

(You needn't reply to this email.)


I'm beginning to think - if my imagination serves me correctly I'll have to settle for my dream woman being the Wendy's girl. How successful have you been on here?

tell me anything about your day - like something that put a smile on your face for no other reason than pure coincidence.
RE:RE:btw Why - do you really need to do boot camp? Go to good life - that's where I go.
ur profile is very enjoyable and least expecting. Breath of fresh air, so cheers to u.

I hope you are not discouraged about me, though.
how on earth did you make yourself a business owner by age 22? this boggles my mind.
it wasn't you at alive? Anyway, if my profile doesn't interest you, please disreagard the email. But I am confused about ur "attracted more so toward active/athletic guys" . . .I don't consider myself athletic, but definitely in pretty good shape. So I put it down as average. I mean, I'm not making a ton of money based on my physical condition, but I take care of myself. So, I hope I suffice in that dept.
hi brit I just got home from working. I hope you had a great night. Talk to u soo~.

not see you walking through alive last night? I swear it was you, my memory of your pic (before you removed it from ur profile) I thought it must be you.

This is a harmless email, therefore, a rhetorical 'yes' or 'no' will do. Unless of course you find me utterly irresistable not to risk taking a chance, feel free to add anything else you think. That's cool by me.

But I'd like to know if I was right about alive?

k - u have
the most devious profile pic in the gallery - it drives me absolutely bonkers.
It's not about replying -bonita. It's about addressing the needs specific to those things you desire in a person that matters most. Everything I wrote is about you, and I feel in your response just how much you appreciate that. To me that is enough to know a person feels so intimately, connects with that part of my flesh. It's a super rare quality to find. Read what I wrote to you again - as much as you like it. I meant every word. The fact is I want you to feel free with what you have inside you.
I enjoyed speaking with you Although you have a heartwarming voice about you I hope I made the right impression on you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fearing of potential weakness or lack of strength

There are those of us simply not intelligent enough to tell it like it is, and this follows my point that even I as an intellecutal have to strategically turn my faith inward. Why?

^Then there are people like becky, who offer no degree of strings attached, to the same end are not acting as puppets. She's a visionary of the type that seek a quiet leadership potential that can't be smelt, seen or heard, but totally equates with how equals in this world should act morally so. It's more labelled as an idealist notion of reality, when in fact it isn't at all. I blame ignorance, of the source in our world-view society dictates. If that doesn't make sense. . .

Put me on a stake, hang me, nail me to the cross, or execute me with an American firing squad. That's how true the nature of censorship decesitizes us from the truth.^


This is all just flinstone analogies. As Pierre Trudeau would say, damn bleeding heart liberals (or conservatives for that matter) it is imperative that Trudeau is described as a type of figure that "won't suffer fools gladly." My point, hap and merk, is that we're debating a 'grand poo-ba' type of fellowship more along the likes of Knights of Columbus or some sort of free masons ontology. Social policy is a branding of the sort, but it should not be specific to discriminating forms of social justice. For people in our impoverished world, branding them is what most people (rich 'majority') of those that are not convinced. There is the problem, right? Think about it. . . if Pierre Trudeau wouldn't suffer fools gladly, would a man of his stature be able to convince the people he would need to execute a massive revolution of social welfare? Again, I say the bread winners are kept safe from even seeing the bottom of the well.

What Hap says is true - he advocates for it. That is not what I'm against. There are those of us simply not intelligent enough to tell it like it is, and this follows my point that even I as an intellecutal have to strategically turn my faith inward. Why? Because people are indiscriminate against being educated as opposed to what the situation really is (as described herein.) It's ten fold, and then again.

*hitting home my point. . .

So, merk: what time is your wife expecting me for dinner?

Yeah, I thought so.

(Not ^dissing you, just delivering the medium of this message.) This is the problem.


^hmm. I still think swedes is better served than you or I are, don't forget hap, if I were in the same position you just described - my take on it would be they took pity on me for my efforts or to that undesirable effect. Call it psychological in nature - but I rarely care to take credit for anything - especially when it's not freely given. In your case it was just - "Hey we don't expect anything - so - you can't expect anything from us." You know what I mean - covering their assets. With swedes, they know what she's doing is fucking killer, so they shut up and are pwned by her because they know it - she's delivering them from futility.

I don't make this shit up, I just dig it - man.


shitty haircuts are the new I-wanna-be-taliban.


You hear the one about the time Marco tried adding Hap back to facebook, but hap wouldn't because I'm sorry I deleted him in the first place.


By accident. Sorry - just add me back, now.


Good points, especially about the running game. It's all about the coaching, and going to see what play-calling results in executing an effective game plan. If the Stamps predict (causing us to look inept) on offense, it'll be a "coachng mistake" of which falter in making those decisive types: in switching from plan 'a' to plan 'b' adjustments. (That is if Glenn does his 2-and-outs this week - it's becoming all too farmiliar already - Wake up!) If we fail to start making the right decisions this late in the season, it'll be a test of getting decent coaching/preperation against a stumpeder team. That is if we move slow as we did in Edmonton last time we were in Alberta and get out of their lucky to still be breathing. Tonight better I MEAN BETTER - be a lot different. I'm not kidding. If we lose tonight, I doubt we're contending for the Grey Cup if at all.

^If you just read that, the make-up and character of this team rests on the coaching now - no excuses. Our guys better be ready to execute based on the coaching tonight.

That is what I am looking for, no excuses necessary. Berry has been flattering himself all season, and I've had it up to here with the flip-flopping game in or game out. Which team shows up tonight, has to tell me something about how well they're prepared overall.


Oh man, do we close our eyes or will this defense survive our needs on offense.

Man - this game could be crazy.

politics of fear: womanizing

feeling the pain while not hurting anyone - is not seeing stupid is what stupid does apparently.

negotiation of silence in science of more-is-less drama. Say it loud - tell your sisters and tell your friends - I know who I am. ~marco


you like eating ribs?

lol yes


forgive me for writing some of this non-sense. the more i come to this site, the more you've become the person i rather entertain (comapred to other people i see on here.) So i hope that acts as a small compliment, enough that it excuses my silliness. i only aim to entertain you, using my intuititive prowess.

other than that, i hope this is entertaining for you (because really that's all that this site is about) and you don't take offense to it. I certainly hope you find it amusing, without ever doubting yourself in the process. unless i cross a line i shouldn't be crossing (which i highly doubt) i get bored - so thanks for putting up with this.

lol yes it's entertaining

the best part. i told you about my voyage to pita pit (haha - voyage) when i stood there in line with a rather attractive woman. she was holding her newborn. the baby girl kept similing at me.

Awwww, i love babies. I actually drive by that Tony Roma's everyday for school

someone actually added me as a favorite. i am seriously cracking up right now.

lol, congrats


deleted me from her favorites - Lo1

man, she cut me down - but i managed to hang on for dear life. One of those "i'm too good" types I suppose - whatever. such is life.

I se too many women on here (which is to be expected) that post nice pics of their racks and completely oblivious as though they're looking for the horniest guys possible. What a waste of talent - i tell you.

anyhow - stick to your profile pic. i guess that's the moral of the story??

that's too bad, lol. But i hate the guys who take pictures of their "bulging" biceps.
HAHA, those guys are losers. Or their "six packs"

but you're the one person i actually feel genuinely happy that views my profile.

lol, then I really don't think that it takes that much to please you!

had any form of success on here yet, and if so, are you satisfied with the choices?

no, i've met a few guys, but nothing substantial. You?

what are we doing on here?

I've been studying ;;-(

wearing a scarf outdoors yet?

hell yes. it's freezing. you?
my gosh, it is bitterly cold, wet, damp outside today. I told you about my sore throat, so I went to (hopefully 'invest') my money in a remedy at the Osborne Shoppers. There, I picked up a conjestant which I hope can interupt the cycle, or speed up the immune system's process? I don't know about over the counter cures, they can only help I suppose.

doesn't hurt to try


I enjoyed reading your profile. Your dog is the 3rd cutest dog I've ever seen! (I'm a little partial to my 2)

It says you're not single, not looking, so I'm wondering what you ARE looking for????


Unadulterated, unhinhibited copulous amounts of time killing.

ur profile. i'm happy to see u.

ciao bello, how are you?


Things are quite well with me, I've been conjested lately - but I'm getting over the effects of a cold.

im sorry to hear your suffering....honey, lemon, and peppermint really good!

not eat a lot of stuffing? I know I ate my little heart out. More "stuffed" my face full of gravy coated turkey. Dessert was a tiramisu, molotov, followed my my sisters dynamite mini-muffins covered in icing.

I had 2 dinners. One Sunday and one Monday, Needless to say I still feel so full. Bleh.
But it was sooooo good!


no, I don't do politics. Did you vote?


this is fun. I typed in 'i 3 leftovers'. sorry.

no problem


when i'm 35 you'll be 23. I love that number.

lol, thats a good age difference


nothing too serious I hope, but I noticed your taking sciences, ut it says in your profile you have obtained a BA. Does this mean you're doing a masters program?

I also see you are up to 160 favorites-list and counting. . . congrats.

I don't have a BA, does it say that? hmmm, that's weird. Just sciences for me. I can't
believe I am on so many favourites lists considering how many people I've told off,

I am a very easy going person, that knows how to treat a lady. Part of the reason I feel this about someone, is getting to know them first. I am not ashamed to be who I am - with the right person - who I also feel can share the same qualities. Part of the reason I am willing to take on new challenges such as this one, is to meet new, exciting, interesting types of people. I am at an age, not where I want to settle down, but have more or less the desire to experience where I really am in life. What life has to offer me, in terms of a renewed sense of responsibility to myself and others like me.

Ideally, I would like to meet a person with no strings attached.

:) nice profile you have, sounds genuine


my favorite dessert in the world with your name on it. (Afterward, comes a casserol.) You are an extremely, extremely physically attractive woman. I notice the profile you have is quite something special to behold. My question is what are you doing on here if the last time I checked being a gourgeous female should help out in the real world.

LOL, AWWWWW why thankyou, iam on here just the same as everyone, just waiting for
that right man to come along...

love your profile page. You know how to turn the right guy on!
Part of this is to make you believe, I have something to offer you in return, which is a big heart. I find myself drawn to women at this point in my life, that are not in need of a relationship, but are willing to see through a growth of one. A lot of what we are in this world, fails to acknowledge just what is truly important (and that is what I gathered from your profile about you.) My beliefs are the same as yours I would say. I think an emotional journey requires balance and coordination between two people.


thanks for the compliment on the profile im just off to the gym b4 it closes i will message you a longer message when im on next...thx again!

I just hope you are doing well. A lot of what this place has to offer is strict anonymity, and with that a lot of guessing. (Which is no wonder how beautiful you are.)


. . . is cuter then me when you only provoke emails about your dog. (though it's not mine of course.)


about super-pup
(clarify) you got the fact my last email re; hip pooch was lol's, it made perfect sense though, right? Affirmative?
babe, question. . .

(don't worry - it's not what you think.) - I kid.

But, what on earth is it with me? Do the same people constantly view you everyday? That is the way with me these days. I guess that should come as no surprise considering who are the "regulars" that might care to communicate something worth our time. I find the purpose of this site can be misleading for some.

so have you found
lame ducks on this site. I really think that rataoulie pic of you is cute.


that a gurl.


yeah. I sure did.

bahahaha. Are you serious? (laughing about the told off 'favorites') Nice, gurl. nice.

But, I am fairly certain it said BA next to the smarts in ur profile.

Another thing: my spelling is pretty bad, but I never check for errors before i fire these off to you.


I still have only 1.

I'm thinking of doing the following for halloween:

Wayne from wayne's world (doable on my list. . .)
Wolverine (a bit too ambitious I think)
Doctor (too boring.)
Pepe La Pue (U should agree with this one)

what have you done to tell a person off? I'm curious, (but not that curious if you know what I mean.)

I am a very easy going person, that knows how to treat a lady. Part of the reason I feel this about someone, is getting to know them first. I am not ashamed to be who I am - with the right person - who I also feel can share the same qualities. Part of the reason I am willing to take on new challenges such as this one, is to meet new, exciting, interesting types of people. I am at an age, not where I want to settle down, but have more or less the desire to experience where I really am in life. What life has to offer me, in terms of a renewed sense of responsibility to myself and others like me.

Ideally, I would like to meet a person with no strings attached.


you look something like christina aguillera, only better, but I thank you for your stunning beauty.


. . .the mock trial question (just to clarify) - my bad.

When I said: "what have you done" only meant to ask when telling a person off what (specifically) do you express to do it? (Which is the only real question worth asking.)

I didn't want you to mistake I was asking something else, such as, maybe you thought I meant you were guilty in provoking such-and-such person.

are tingling - I feel you are in distress for some reason. Part of my is a worrier though, but not because I am not in touch with you, I just think you have a lot more to you than you meets the eye. (Cliche - I know.) Though in the form of my "need to know basis" I hope you are okay. I'm just thinking of you each and every day I try to connect with you.


P.S. I hope you are well.


in your immediate future. In fact, you are staring at him through the lense of this computer screen, dashing across the world through tubes and back again. It makes me think about what on earth might such a sensitive female such as yourself - gain from any of this contact through the internet. (I suppose that is up for you to decide.)

When the right person comes along, don't you just know it, or can you realize it further onward without really knowing?

I suppose that is the reason you are on here without really having to retreat. The better way of doing this - is staying open to it and hopefully you will find someone as daring as you.
I have to admit, I would enjoy meeting you as you seem to be honest with how you feel.

You mention being misjudged as a person that has no impact on the world around you, I think you probably mean that others find you are unaware of their surroundings, as if they expect something from you in return for their advancements, when in truth, reality would indicate you feel failed by others as if a spite toward your better-half could dictate. As if a self defeating of sorts was caused, simply because they expect you to fill a void that is unfuliflled but not your own fault.

If I am misintrepreting this situation (not as your own) than I apologize. Nothing can forgive you for characterizing an incredibly beautiful woman - which you must be feeling right now. Just remember you are not inferior because you are treated that way - if you treat yourself the way you expect others to treat you.

I come from a great family with decent morals which I will not surpass as my own. I defend this with my honor, my blood, my courage to survive. It is more than an ego - it is part of my spirit, my soul, my envy.

Feel free with me.

Tell me more about you.


re; my spidy senses

. . . are tingling - I feel you are in distress for some reason. Part of mE is a worrier though, but not because I am not in touch with you, I just think you have a lot more to you than meets the eye. (Cliche - I know.) Though in the form of my "need to know basis" I hope you are okay. I'm just thinking of you each and every day I try to connect with you.


P.S. I hope you are well.


yup - that's me. I hope my spelling doesn't offend you, and seeing you are a self-employed (obviously intelligent enough to comprehend) my style of using grammer might not suit you. But I hope in the future, you find what I say to be truthful.

That pic of you on the beach is like 1000km away, but does it do you any justice??

you are gangsta
in a nice way. You weren't kidding about being commited to the gym b4 it closes. I find that oddly attractive but don't ask me why. I enjoy goodlife now that it opened, since I started going there on rt90. I'm not going to lie about you being a knock out, but gansta's are my specialty.

no sweat
I just hope you are doing well. A lot of what this place has to offer is strict anonymity, and with that a lot of guessing. (Which is no wonder how beautiful you are.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thanksgiving feast

Quote from: Hap on Today at 05:02 AM
What decent presidents?

^Read what I said above.

The allure of Obama-magic is playing out on people's imagined unicorn with wings - while obama has done. Listen carefully to this mans clever politcal rhetoric, (which I can say probably falls on deaf ears of real objectivity - but I digress. . . ) he says virtually nothing substanital and does not take impartial views on any subject matter. McCain has easily won the last two debates rather impressively I might add, with far more honest, straight-forward approach. That is only my opinion.


Quote from: Hap on Today at 03:29 AM
Yes, but it's a minority with a demoralized bankrupt opposition. So it might as well be a majority.

I would have to agree with that, hap. However, take my opinion (for what it's worth) which any political science course will tell you. The "opposition" are merely playing lapdog politics to the mock-majority government, which in this case, being a minority government is what keeps the windmill turning. The conservatives are satisfied playing a desperate self-brand of ideas which in the case of Canadians does not establish as a sound nor promisiing electorate. This only tells me - as it should tell you as well. . . that the conservative based ideology does not in fact represent Cnd interests as its aim. It's focus is entirely 'Harper-nomics' which is devious at best. With Harper at the helm, they will never secure a majority government. At any rate, I am happy with that. It speaks for mediocre principles, and a mock-conservative assembly which is content with it's dubious leadership history. They've banked on this as a model, and now have to live with playing it out of harms way. That is not the fault of any civil-abiding servant, the government in it's entirety can see just how flaky the conservatives are - and - are merely seeking office for the petting zoo.

P.S. Obama is a self centered poltiician. Do not kid yourselves, the reason he is in the race is because of corporate donations which were against Hillary Clinton's campaign from the start. They didn't want to see Clinton form a powerful form of leadership, so, Obama is a puppet. You guys are completely blind - and I am glad to tell you that you are. Stop kidding yourselves about Obama. Read this, but stop your bleeding hearts - please.

We're not preaching to the choir here (at least I would hope not) but a minoirty government is just what the doctor ordered.


And for the record re; unicef - because I care about your vote. . .

When someone such as myself tells you what you need to hear, make no mistake about it - I pull no punches. I cut straight through the bs.

I think you are not a moderate, that should inspire you to believe in yourself as a voter, my belief is you are a sneaky "moderate". I think, you know exactly who you should vote for as to what is best for the francophones in this country. I have always stood less than impartial to the better foreign demographic, far more than just a surcharge of tax-reform solutions. A vote to better our communities is a vote for freedom, not so if you jive with the bigwigs.

So there you are. ~


For the better interest of the few. That is how you vote.

i. If you aggrevate the sexy-choice as leader, Harper wins on aggregate. I voted Pat Martin. A guy who I would emulate.

ii. If you vote conservative, i do feel for you. . . in this case a french demographic is second class to this countries native reserves, to place Harper-nomics above that you are selling out your vote to American interests. Ask Robert Bourassa who he would choose as leader?

iii. If you vote for a Liberal who is close to partisanship against a rival Conservative member, you should vote liberal.


~let the derby begin (and end) with a few surprises in store that everybody agrees with.


re; anthem hockey song

Why they don't use Stompin Toms song would represent Canada just fine if you ask me. HNIC now has a tune that you feel like marching along with.


I am giving vegas the benefit of the doubt, clearly most leaf fans have no idea what that means. It's not a good idea to characterize the teams fate this early on especially in the wake of a new head coach. They have faith in Fletcher, that's great, but it's a long shot to make the playoffs right now I'd think. I am a firm believer that nothing matters until about game 60 of the regular season.

As for the Canucks, they have about a good a shot at the Cup as the Oilers do. . . which is pretty minimal.


well - that one guy won the anthem challenge with a song that doesn't remind me of hockey whatsoever. If that's not positive, I don't know what else is.


Fuck, that killed me last night. that poor chick - man.

I am glad to be a true romantic.


I have to say, layton is the clear front-runner for playboy magazine in this election campaign. Just watching him doing his speech today was rather ominous of what the other candidates are doing.

Harper is acting like a pimp - fresh off a short-order cooks line.

Stephen Dion is limping off into the night like a hunchback.

Duceppe clearly defines his role: why everybody hates the french.

Elizabeth May is a whoring communist prodigy.

Hap, tell me is this election like you stated in 88' that Mulroney needed only 40% of the popular vote to form the majority?


dry humping is a tell tale sign of repressed sexual desires.


That's a good idea. Keep kissing him on the forhead, it releases chemicals in the babies brain that help reinforce its development.


The nhl really over-dramatized the start of this year. . . but whatever.

I swear - i could not be the one person who thought how it hurt to watch that chick who was doing the correspondence. I felt bad for her.


The 13y.o. version sounds more about a walt disney cartoon then what it's originally replacing. If you ask me, if people are voting for the kid it's simply based on pure 'how cute' he looks.


*btw - McCain is mopping the floor with obama right now.

sound advice.

just fuck.
Is that pic a 9/11 suicide jumper?

If you did something about how honest my feelings are, maybe I would.
Oh - sure. Let's attribute a democracy in this case - American ideology of democracy - that if there's a war going on and we vote for the same president in support of that war makes you patriotic. Not only that, since we vote "patriotically" means we fully adopt it as a "democratic war" because after all, a democratic vote represents due dilligence.

Obama is of course the answer. pfft.


patting a chick's bum on the campaign trail and then botched the debate.

this can only mean one of two things, being. . . turner let his sense of power/fame get to his head, or this was a victory for ultra-conservative feminists everywhere at the time. I'll say, I hope her ass was worth it.

^f'ing solid post, marco.

I am fairly certain that the NDP has never since had such a prominent number of seats in the house.

It's funny how things turn out, which is to say, we know not of redemption in politcal welfare in this country. The beast is fragile at best among its voters. We're very disconnected with the bigger picture based on futile forms of government bodies, which our agencies as liberals or conservatives or democrats are run. I'm speaking of our autonomy as freedom loving people only obsessed with our disconsorted view of reality. We are happy with apathy especially when it comes to civil servants. This is my honest opinion, because which of the political party prevails, our ineptitude is how those leaders manipulate the masses knowing full well they'll be getting away with murder (in political terminology.) What else did Brian Mulroney do but disipate the minority (in this case a large contingent of anti-liberal. . . more specifically anti-trudeau conspirators) provoking disparity among the inner circles of cnd. refomists. At that time, when Trudeau was at full throttle, Lucien Bouchard bitch slapped Mulroney, stole his credibility, and created a divided Quebec on the sovereignty issue. This analysis of such, suggests the anti-liberal movement certainly had a lot of weight behind Mulroney's rise to political fame, not that Mulroney was any good to trust as a leader.

The cycle of anti-liberal campaigning goes, is a conservative staple, as is evidence of a mediocre Stockwell Day, Preston Manning, or Ralph Klein. In behind the polls slips voter confidence, resorting to Jack Layton's opposition as leader of the NDP.

So, our contingency as a fragile wasteland of voters can only blame ourselves as we have a liberal, conservative, liberal, conservative love affair.

Next thing your going to tell me, is that American's didn't vote for Bush in the last election because they didn't want a war in Iraq to continue, or how about "We're voting for Obama, because we're tired of a war we voted in favor of." Obama simply takes a back seat in the voters eyes, and those that want will vote as hypocrites for Obama. I certainly do not trust Obama based on that specifically.


I forget the main reason voters swayed away from voting Turner. If I remembered correctly it had something to do with Turner gaffing upon, what some have said, cost Turner. It was a question that Mulroney directed at Turner from which point Turner's reply was 'I don't know (.?.?.? what I would do in such and such circumstances)'. I just always seem to forget what that critical anamoly was for the hammer being thrown down on Turner - to that effect.
fuck i just wanted to punch mulroney square in the face. watching that makes me ashamed to know the avg cnd elected him.


In 1988 - I swear to you i felt john turner was going to be our pm. That is all. thank you.

p.s. man was turner on fire.


sadie's history between her and I has been what it is. she's gone on record saying she thinks i'm nuts, which kept her from even developing an honest relationship no matter what it meant. I'd get pissed, because i have no idea what i needed to do to convince her. that's the deal.


okay, this amirite thing is getting old now. why does it even matter anymore.


Quote from: Sadie on October 03, 2008, 09:18AM
it means we're lucky to get a year off in this country...some don't have the privilege.

I already knew that, I was making a sarcastic remark about what milking the system means for some people unlike others who (as you say) act according to having a privilege.

Good for people for taking some time off. It's nothing to envy.

All that I've heard in this process of poltical jargon has been the word 'deregulation' as if it means something unsubstantiated by a bunch of re-re's being excused for their own ends. Surprise, surprise. What else is new, hap.


It's hard to believe we're part of a thread, where x meets y over a message board to produce its offspring.

it boggles my f'n mind.

well there's a (insert zing here) if I ever saw one.

I am not going down this road again, but, it's the environment. It's not like it's rocket science. Not goonie's fault whatsoever.


I still fail to see how any of your banter, recognizes that irresponsible people do not justify irresponsible government. The classic argument is how government separates itself to buy voters confidence in politics. In the case of economics, for people that are blind to "big government" are those that are in power want to take advantage of. So, that way not only does the bureaucracy - depend on - rather it emphasizes - how banks govern the kind of mortgages awarded. It's a slippery slope the whole way through. Nobody takes blame, hear no evil see no evil. In the end, it's the people that are being gouged, which keeps the government relevant so to necessitate the form of control. The need is all an illusion of supremacy.

All the banks claim to do is give us what we want, and that's what governments love to feed off of.

What you guys are disputing against isn't as Merk states counter to socialism, nor is it about corruption as hap suggests. Capital is politics without intervention, to completely disqualify extortion as the main principle which drives political welfare within that framework is erroneous at best.


i just cannot fathom the bills start this year. i hate the cowboys as well.


are u referring to the steelers performance or just the nfl season thus far in general. Be specific please, don't say 'both'.


Honestly, it's great to feel something about a guy you don't know whatsoever be so truthfully admired.


Quote from: languedoc on September 27, 2008, 01:04PM
The Sens have stunk up the league since '93.

The Canucks since fifteen years before that until present.

Toni Tanti-LOL

if i were a player today, i'd be the best 3rd liner in the game. that being said, i'd play on a line with chris neil simply to spite the leafs.

i'm just glad we're back to the 80's. it's quite refreshing and long overdue. I blame gary batman - yes batman - for the shit hockey which resulted in playing trap style hockey.

So yeah, the habs are a force to be reckoned with means all is back to normal.

You see everybody, all you need to do is take note. Ask the right question and you win.

Re: Tamar
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 10:46PM »

oh please, marco. for all the great drafting they've done they've still done shit all and choked every single year. yeah, they made it to the finals... what did they do when they got there? choked. last year? choked. years before? choked.

eventually you have to do something with all the great kids you're drafting. the sens'll shit the bed as usual.

toonces Re: Tamar
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 11:02PM »

Yeah, hard to disagree with that.


that is utter bs and you know it. the republicans are using the bail out scheme as incentive for potential swing voters (McCain). I mean give me a break, how people cannot see this is beyond comprehension. This says nothing for obama either, but spare the illusion of a miracle worker. just bs politics right now. pfft.


I'm not so much a fan of the sens if your theory proves me correct. I am however a fan of Gerber, alfredsson, eugene melnyk (for fostering a team in a cnd city that acts as more philanthropy than anything else.) How the leafs operate is far more or less objective, seeing that ottawa has great depth when considering how well they draft players (movement within that organization.) I am a fan of the sens for reasons which the leafs have failed miserably to do. It doesn't mean that if the leafs finally had a change of the guard, not so if they're always trying to build on past success models followed by predecessing leaf teams. That's the way it goes i'm afraid.



the nhl is reverting back to the old-school style of scoring we used to see back in the 80's. Teams like the canucks are going to feel it (before Bure arrived in van.) and it's going to hurt. Not that you guys don't have a high pain threshold, but don't hold your breath. You guys are going to have the same kind of team when toni tanti was your captain. That goes for the leafs (pre-sundin era also). It's going to be a long ride.

P.S. go sens.


your gm is f'n brutal.


i look forward to watching vancouver completely turn upside down after this season. it's going to be great scraping the cellar.

To answer the question fairly zoo', think about it another way. . . the Bombers were stood up for a go ahead td on the one, which should have put us in the clear. Good teams find ways to win these games, I must say.


Serna booting a 42 yard fg. A pleasant surprise in a close game.


Yeah, the fact Keith is back in the cfl is awesome.


I must say Edwards deserves accolades.

Right now, all that matters is we've established an offense that can score.


i don't know if anyone else hasn't figured it out yet. Simon does that pose mimicking his son, who makes that pose child-like. It has nothing to do with vintage superman.


Okay, I like those responses. But for sake of argument the seed that was planted let's call it: (post Nov07 gc loss). I would say paints a pretty large measuring point for this team. You know how it goes: what really measures a team? I argue, through changes (Armstead, Serna, Moreno, Smith, Reid) are the crucial elements. These guys are helping a fairly egotistical-arrogant-childish brand of football, completely overcome (again for the sake of argument) Nov07.

Think about it.

It's not because of Bauer, or Taman, or Berry. These players are so critical to the success of a team that can easily be 2-10 (1=win/Glenn 1=win/Widdie) instead of 4-8 = much more promising.

Without these guys stated above, I'd say, a team with Glenn returning to form due to a running game resulted in calling his own plays much more effectively. Terrance Edwards was almost non-existent for the first 8 games of the season, and Armstrong dropping catchable balls. Now it's entirely the opposite.

Also, part of this all boils down to the main argument which becomes how negligent the entire team's philosophy (Doug Berry - especially Doug Berry included) lost sight of over-coming that gc loss in 07. When Sask. came in here and we lost to Bishop - of all qb's - that our defense shut down in Toronto's 07' I couldn't believe how far we had to go, that this team couldn't lay a beat down on Sask. for stealing what was ours. I was dumbfounded by the players lack of effort/desire was embarassing.

Then Roberts is traded.

Sask. beats us at home, with Glenn's lousy 4th qrt leadership. 2-out's was what sealed our fate that Sunday @ Canada Inns.

Now here we are, with a team that has begun to believe in playing football again, but it has to be for the right reason. That reason I suggest, is because the players forgot to feel what losing that gc in 07' was about.

If my theory proves correct, this team can go into Mtl come Nov., and clean up at Molson Stadium.


Quite frankly, i think you are wrong in your assesment of the main argument. Sure b/t/berry could have spared this train wreck from occuring far before the changes were made. Therefore, you are wrong about where you've assumed "bringing in those players" should be attributed to managment. It was mngt that dropped the ball since this season began. The truth lies in the players (I forgot to mention kai ellis) that have picked up where we should have left off after Nov07 gc loss. (I think that should make more sense now.) The concluded part of that argument: is for those players such as (Armstrong, Edwards) who were so crucial in getting us to nov07gc should have been a wake up call into this year. It wasn't. Instead, the leaders from last years team totally packed up the tent. . . if that doesn't make sense to you. . . considering now new leaders have emerged, the nov07gc was clearly the stumbling block. It's the new blood that leads the charge now, as last years team have to pick up their slack. It's a clear indication that last years blow is now forgotton, because of the right players, not necessarily our inept mangament material on maroons road.

Tell me, are there any other team members the bombers have that could actually make this argument from 07-08? It's the players attitudes. It's a huge intangible to have when getting to the scrappiest part of the season.
Another player I forgot to mention was Samuels. Samuels could very well be the feel good story for this team's season thus far.

I am a huge believer in the make-up of a post-gc loss does to a teams inner psyche. It runs a deep current psychologically. So much so, in fact, I would break the bank on it simply based on the experience.bigcanadiano


The cfl may as well use Glenn as an example for how the refs are completely clued out. If there's no suspension for it, the league faces an embarassing precedent.


5-8 heading into edm is not so bad. Those licks samuels smacked down were just viscious. kudos to jason. great grab by armstrong.

People are saying this game was an indication of glenn's ability to overcome (a late hit) but playing with a concussion. There is no need for dangerous hits, and glenn should never have been exposed to that (thanks cfl.) But make no mistake, a toronto team that has last years most outstanding player/gc with sask. can keep those labels.



alrighty then.

basically, joseph under kent austin was spoon fed his limited ability at reading defenses is now accentuated in toronto. Given the fact Sask. also gives joseph credence to counter the fact Glenn would've won the gc last year anyhow. (Which also gives my opinion on how a gc loss means more than "we played good enough to win -but still lost.")


a better bomber fan.



- loved how big country stated we were going to win next week on the score post-game locker room interview. that was beyond gold.


jm02 wrote:
There is no need to lock this thread. Carry on...

note to thread: not locked.

we'll hit a player just to spite you instead.


There are three things that I know in life, which should I promise provide the reader with some form of intangible insight will also prove I am worthy of credibility under.

1 - That the Green Bay Packers should had never and I mean never not re-signed Brett Farve.

2 - I wish I could have a car as cool as the Knight Rider, but I can live with the tv show for now.

3 - Wayne Gretky's daughter. (I should hope) - were available to me.

^These are things that some people would agree with - others maybe not. However, that doesn't stop me from seeing what reality we are faced with. My point is, I am at least making the proposition for change as a possibility. It goes a for a heck of a lot in my books.
(How man. . .) -what don't you understand?

Putting myself in place of dignity re; my intent of this thread let's ask: if you were in Kevin Glenn's shoes. I am simply making a statement (which others belly aching about a non-suspension fail to deliver.)

If I were part of a union, I simply wouldn't care what unions say and do. That meaning I stand up for myself no matter what the cost. Clearly Glenn cannot do that. So instead, we have a bunch of prima donna's with which escape into their foxholes. (So much of canadian bravery or lack thereof. . .)

So if you are following what you just read: I pull no punches. Make no mistake. I am not all talk, because I've done it before.

So, this is more about sticking up for Kevin with some reverse psychology. "I hate Kevin Glenn" = cfl 'as if' they were saying that.

^That follows, my punchline. . . of watching Glenn pull the grenade against the same rivals (That Higgins was once a member of.)

I don't play the blame game. I stand the truth. With me or against me. A lot of people I know hate me because of it.

But I love it.

the cfl is laughable. just laughable.

i honestly don't know what to say, and that rarely happens.


Excellent post by footballmad. I couldn't put it better myself.


by footballmad on 03 Oct, 2008 - 16:29

I am super pumped for this game to.

I am pretty pissed that Cohon now issued the new mandatory suspension for head after he whimps out a suspension on barrenchea. I agree with suspension for shots like that but if the league is going to enforce this rule barrenchea should have been the first one to take the hit for it. what a coward move to let him off the hook.


We said EXACTLY the same thing verbatim to last weeks game. . . and look at what happened.

Att; Gavin Walls, Kai Ellis, Standford Samuels. . .

permission to seek and destroy granted.

the stupidest thing is our special teams lost us this game in the second qrt.

that fake punt was ridiculous/

i don't buy it. these guys were not ready to pay the price? They simply stopped playing football after prefontaine tossed such an incredibly stupid fake punt, and the bomber's felt shame.

f'n pathetic display of heart. i mean being outcoached is one thing: which we totally were.


Are you of the same opinion (with regard to Ray's time back there tonight) that our d-line didn't even get a sniff rushing the qb well until the 4th qrt.

I mean: this was inexcusible. where the f' did the guys go instead of showing up for work tonight.

Oh i know, 1st qrt.

the way we played tonight, i couldn't care less.


re; pigseye

ouch. (tips hat)


by PIGSEYE on 04 Oct, 2008 - 22:31

The guy is an absolute momentum killer, that field goal would have given them a glimmer of hope and he snuffed it out. There can't be a single player on the team who has any confidence in the kid, which has to make you wonder how much confidence they can have in a coach who sticks with him.

by bigcanadiano on 05 Oct, 2008 - 02:28

PIGSEYE wrote:
bigcanadiano wrote:
i don't buy it. these guys were not ready to pay the price? They simply stopped playing football after prefontaine tossed such an incredibly stupid fake punt, and the bomber's felt shame.

f'n pathetic display of heart. i mean being outcoached is one thing: which we totally were.

Out-coached in all 3 phases too boot, by supposedly one of the worst staffs in the league. Believe me, as soon as the Eskimo players smelt blood, they were like a starving dog on a t-bone. While our guys just got bent over and took it. Call it heart or whatever you like, but you have to pay the price in the trenches and our guys didn't.

But I'm not arguing with you there. i actually think we're agreeing.

But a total collapse in each of the three most important facets, defense, offense, special teams. . . did someone walk out with a white flag???


bigcanadiano on 05 Oct, 2008 - 02:29

Chief wrote:
I actually thought your D-Line played well. Better than our O-Line, anyway. You guys kept collapsing the pocket and pushing it into Ray. Even later in the game, we were able to hold you guys back, but you were still able to break up the pocket.

man, you have a totally different read on the game I saw. we just blew.



i never thought you could out-coach someone. (But, d. berry has proved me wrong.)

Once again. . . to our fragile o-line that got pushed around in their panties all night long, great work there.

I am quickly assuming berry will have yet another bleeding heart after this one. A game this important, totally washed out due to nothing but the coaching. . . and to none other than d.macho to boot. I mean seriously. I can't believe it. The bleeding heart berry has to end, i won't stand for it anymore.

absoultely humiliating performance simply based on the effort involved.

Release Serna immediately
uh - yeah.



P.S. Oh - wait, we don't have managment.

P.S.S - congrats serna.

Which is why you won't catch me posting on ourbombers.

I am beyond fuming about last nights turkey-bowl.

Just fuming.

I am more pointing the blame toward Berry's bleeding heart cover-up plan he seems to resort.


the fake punt is an achilles heel. I haven't brought it up (in my posts) because I'm still in denial over it. Those are embarassing to have happen, and hurt to watch.

The focus is this:

If it's so easy, why don't I be the coach? - Yes - yes I would.

In the most pivotal point in the game, we're up by a score of 14-2, the esk. offense is just non-existent. . . I am going to call 'fire' on my special teams. plain and simple. Then what happens??

they pull a b-slap move on us, and from that moment onward, the defense says f'u to the special teams unit (psychological factor) the offense follows-up with nothing and the wheels fall off. The entire game was a self-destructive display based on sheer ignorance.

What a team, eh.

Can' the lot of them I say. Who cares already.


Yeah, adding insult to injury (when we lose) is totally not about the coaching. pfft.


re; sanjay, bluecrew, housedog

. . .i'm just thowing my weight behind some of your comments. they're always welcome here.

to do what we did in the play-off's last year, the odds are most definitely against us, and the bomber's are holding onto that. I don't want a repeat from last year, it only proves that it was mediocre at best.

the running game won us this game. hurrah.

P.S. can someone tell me what rod black's initial description of a terrance edwards 'hockey' celebration post-td? I missed that part.


by papazoola on 12 Oct, 2008 - 11:27

....reading the CFL home-page....i just read the take they had on the Fog Bowl.... which took 2 days to play ...because the fog was as thick as pea soup...The author of the article had a definite slant from a Ti-Cat perspective...i remember it a little different....I believe the Bombers were down 14 zip in that one before we started to play....Ploen finally got us going...and Leo Lewis ( the cats' still have night-mares about Leo, lol .) ran for a couple of tds. and threw for one on an option play....He was Mr. Bomber as far as i was concerned ...No. 29 could do it all....We sure didn't care for the Cats of those years....Stuff like how they were going to 'waffle' us....Their coach had some gems...Bud Grant just went about his business and we kicked their 'can'...Great days for the BigBlue...pardon me for getting a little nostalgic...

Re: 1962 CUP...WHAT A GAME
by bigcanadiano on 12 Oct, 2008 - 11:38

nice post.


Re: 1962 CUP...WHAT A GAME
by papazoola on 12 Oct, 2008 - 13:45

....thanks bigcanadiano....It sure would be nice to have our present-day team reach the status we had in the 'day'...i think we need a little work.....Re-reading that home-page post on the fog bowl....i get the feeling from the article, the cats are still wondering what happened to them, in that one.....It's simple really ....their very-good team. got beat by a better one.... Go-BigBlue

Doug Brown to the power of
by bigcanadiano on 12 Oct, 2008 - 17:48

Jarome Haywood.

Listening to the postgame show, bob and mitch were advocating for Brown as this years m.o.p. in Bomber colors. I would have to agree with that. Watching Brown do his swim moves, ripping through the oppostions backfield, all but walking on fire with his bare feet. . . really is fun to watch happening. Through Brown's experience, it's hard not to double team the guy, but with Jarome Haywood, Brown has been a force on the D-line this season.

If the Bombers even get to Montreal in the post-season, 2001 might be avenged with Brown having been part of it. He's come this far.


I. The wildcat formation
by bigcanadiano on 13 Oct, 2008 - 16:35

I want to see the Bombers do this on offense.

This question is inspired due to the recent success of nfl teams adopting this choice of play-calling.

I'm wondering if this link is correct?

I'm trying to guess what the degree of difficulty is on offense to execute these plays, based on defensive coverage.
the hockey celebration
someone simply has neglected to youtube that masterpiece of a post-td party. I mean that was beyond gold-ish. My purpose for this thread is that someone is inspired to do it, because if I knew how to I would've.

Since we're talking about hockey (the td skit was remarkable -btw)

TSN: CBC called - they're begging for thier old anthem back. lo!

Monday, September 22, 2008

concepts in abstract color

Well, i'm kind of disappointed no one sees it yet. But we've been in dismay since November of last years gc. It cost us big time, failures in attitude which lead to (a difficult decision firing the rb) but lead to keeping Glenn's ego in check just enough to prevent a total collapse of this season. The trick worked. The problem now is, can the bomber's host a post season, and repeat what we did last year.

The truth is: (if my suspicion is correct) our offense should be slightly better for the post season, especially now that widdie is bonafide in playing behind Glenn. (That is huge compared to last season.) Our running game is far better, than butter fingers Roberts. The defense won everything but the gc last year.

I kid you not, this team underestimated how hard a gc loss was to overcome since Nov07. It's a whole different season going into next game, I think this is exactly what's happening with the bomber's now. Very important to remember Nov07 just how reliant things get for the stretch drive.

I must say Edwards deserves accolades.

Right now, all that matters is we've established an offense that can score.


Yeah, the fact Keith is back in the cfl is awesome.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

pirate trivia

Post subject: We now have an offense: that means playoffs Posted: Sep 21, 2008 - 11:55 PM

It's been a red flag all season, but (sigh) i think we've reached a learning curve right when it needed to happen the most.

I saw efficiency on the offense, which timing was slated on every play, where receivers made adjustments, as did the glenn show.

JOE SMITH. I mean, really. Just sick.

Of course, the running game has turned our season around ten fold with #32.

Need we ask for more. . .

Other than that, Moreno looks to me as if he came into replace Greg Battle - Kai Ellis answered our prayers.

I think this is finally coming together, now.


I don't know catfan, (I welcome your comments here btw - ) but i am fairly certain Lumsden will either become an Argo or an Eskimo after this season. Lumsden wants out, much for the same reasons I stated in your other post re; jets07 - that Lumsden I am almost positive wants to play on a veteran team. What that means: is lumsden has played long enough to see where hml is right now, and lumsden will take his act elsewhere. I am fairly positive Obbie knows this already, and will probably want Printers to hang onto for marketing purposes - only because Lumsden was the face of your franchise. Losing both might be taking a step backward. Make no mistake, lumsden won't be sticking with hml. Printers can stay, but he'll only go as far as an improvment on your OL happens.

Do not take that personally, catsfan.

From what's happened this year in hamilton, the bomber's win says a lot.

1) you guys have a young team, which amounts to inexperience. That's just the way it is, though not an excuse.

2) hml have jesse lumsden. . . but your OL is what keeps the game plans under fire. Without an OL, you can't run the ball effectively with a poor OL + great running back. Lumsden runs the ball hard, however, an inept OL won't help that cause.

3) hml hung around for the 4th qrt, which isn't saying a lot, but it stretched the game more than it appeared on the surface. The bombers should have put it away long before that.


To answer the question fairly zoo', think about it another way. . . the Bombers were stood up for a go ahead td on the one, which should have put us in the clear. Good teams find ways to win these games, I must say.

Serna booting a 42 yard fg. A pleasant surprise in a close game.


That's a relevant observation, and I'll tell you why.

Asper dropped the ball on each and every proposal he cited. No other reason than that, jets07. The question you offer will fall on deaf ears as if that proposal (i.e. polo'p) didn't even exist. Thus, Asper realized he dropped the ball straight out of the gate. If you ask that question, it's like a trying to find a needle in a haystack, that's just the way it goes.

This proposal, for all it's shortcomings, simply is a last resort that actually does benefit the fans, simply because it's a new stadium. This only involves the due diligence from which Asper corrected the glaring holes he left behind in his past proposals (which are now dead in the water.)

The mistakes that were made, were accidentally corrected or stumbled upon through the u of m bid. The real issues now to be considered are impartial, only because amenities such as hotels for out of town fans are sparse in that immediate area. The location isn't perfect, but that hardly rests on Asper as incompetent as it looks. A new stadium far outweighs the trivial aspects, which will be talked around a lot. The answer to the loss of fans, will be the growth for the university based fans (younger+student demographic) which Asper's camp will play that card with. Not saying it will override the material profitability of the franchise, but again a new stadium is what wins in the whole deal.

Overall, Asper had made this a doable proposal.

No one can say it's full proof, but the cracks are nowhere as near as big.

Therefore, a new stadium is in my estimation the best bet. I say an announcement is in the works now.

Formally, you will not read a better indication of what this proposal signifies^ on any other surface of the topic. What you've read is the straight up goods.


If I make advances to women in general, you highly flatter yourself my dear. Cop out all you want to. Sadie, fuck off.


another painful reminder to you that you'll never get in my pants and that you hold such bitterness towards me for being in a relationship and not living in my parents' basement, but I strongly suggest you get the hell over it. You sound like a freak stalker which is why when you make your bizarre little "go out with me, I really want to meet you, I love you" posts I try to ignore them, because I don't a) want to encourage that behaviour and b) don't need the inevitable freak out that follows my rejecting your advances, such as in this thread.

predicting just how (for the record) sadie's brilliant mind will take yet another leap in the mischief of my hating her.


Really - communicating with a person over the internet whose outlook on life goes totally off the charts it's so greatly admired.

Let's get one thing straight, no one here attacked you. I am not bullying you, so I see no sense of the word being applicable in the sense you've implied. Therefore, do not substantiate by defending yourself as something that is just cause. It doesn't fly here.

Otherwise, what I accuse you of doing is inserting random baby pictures (just so we're clear) when I was onto something completely different. It was a missed opportunity, so as result you saw a window in which to divert attention of the subject (much the same as you've done in the past. . . ) in creating attention FOR yourself. Which is ironic, and rather convenient of you to chose in saying I am the culprit. Again, that argument will not fly here. I make myself clear as to what my opinion is, you haven't in any stretch of the discussion to be frank.

Furthermore, I am absoutely sick of hearing about your decisions that seem to prevent you from moving forward. By all indications, you thought having a spanish father's baby was a fantastic choice. I also recall you purchasing a house you couldn't afford, but for some mysterious reason.

Also, when you call vegas 'a nice guy' I don't hate him because you say that about him. How I measure people goes for what I feel. This also means: how I measure a person is strictly based on what they have to give. If I see that, it's a good thing in itself. (Not because they're "a nice guy.") As so many people in this day and age, flourish, perhaps superficially based on what they think values are present in human interaction. I used to be a person that so many people pass judgment on thinking "gee, what a nice guy" and I started investigating what that really meant to me. When I began to realize for myself, just how ordinary people freely pass their judgments, it gave me renewed sense of knowing just how easily influenced some people really are. It amazes me actually.

You are no different sadie, so stop copping out for fuck sake.

And for fuck sake saide, if it's anyone that's ever done more hating between us it's not me that does it. Just for the record.


You see, vegas everyone here thinks I do my best to ensure I am my own cause that - yes I - make myself an outcast. Therefore, as that logic goes no one else is to blame but myself. I admire your fellowship, it is not to be outdone by. I know what your saying. In fact, maybe you even agree with my first statement, but are taking initiative out of pity. That's fine, I can respect that either way.

Quote from: Sadie on September 19, 2008, 12:11PM
so biggs is back to hating me again. la-di-da.

No, it's hardly worth it I'm afraid. (I thought - I told you that already.)

Just so we all know how nice your farts smell in heaven.


Quote from: Sadie on September 19, 2008, 05:29AM
first of all, what the hell are you talking about and secondly, the "he thinks everyone is out to get him" bit sure proves true in this thread. Even though they're your words, not mine.

sadie, first off. . . i've had people like you for breakfast. Last but not least, you'd think that as much as the thousands-upon-thousands of stupid people there are in this world, may you live to regret the day you find out.


Quote from: swedes on September 19, 2008, 01:44AM
me neither.

did hap even post in here?

Nice try, becky. However, I give you some merit.

Anyhow, i'm just trying to control the environment, eh. good ol' marco.


Fuck. I cannot believe you people. First it's hap getting bent with cynicism, though thinking it's honorable. I say it's a double standard. Reason being I had nothing but praise for goonie, yet it gets confused notwithstanding my *true position. (Which by all accounts was applauding her for dismissing the d-bags.)

Then there's sadie acting little miss. hero because she knows something everyone else already knows about me, 'psst we've seen this before - he thinks everyone is out to get him.'

It had nothing to do with any of that. I always take my time to give insight into something worthwhile or meaningful. No argument.

I honestly thought becky and mike were above all of that, always giving benefit of the doubt. Just like everyone else in my past, it was more important to give a blind eye.

I mean just, fuck.


For a guy that tries so hard to be funny. . . you sound like a royal ass.

Vegas Re: I don't need drama so I'm walking away
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2008, 06:09PM »

Quote from: Sadie on September 18, 2008, 04:42PM
I also miss social contact outside of the internet so...there's that.

I think Toonces just rented a suit!

Sorry to hear about the job thing though.

remember that movie where the guy says, "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast," and the other guy says, "you eat pieces of shit for breakfast ,"

And the guy who said it got all flustered?

Anybody remember what movie that was? I'm drawing a blank Marco,

I just really don't want you to think that i'm trying to make you feel as an outcast. Really, I think as of late you are one of the more entertaining of the posters and I'd hate to see you stop posting.

Even though I don't pretend to understand most of your posts, I really don't want you to take my posts seriously. I type what I think at the time that I post my posts and there is nothing that I write that I write that extremes as opposed to you....... If you'd like, as of your next post, I will make my remaining posts for the next week ALL positive for you.......



Re: I don't need drama so I'm walking away
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2008, 12:11PM »

so biggs is back to hating me again. la-di-da.

hey, maybe if the cycle's changed he'll start liking you, vegas


General Category / General Discussion / Re: I don't need drama so I'm walking away on: September 18, 2008, 04:46AM

How convenient. If one measures in stupdity, the other gets a shorter end of the stick. I've seen this bs before - but some magical baby pictures solve everything. Give me a break.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

vanilla sky

now I realize why hap calls himself hap-hap, it's because nobody has the right to impose thier will - or take away - another persons happiness in the midst of everything in life there to offer. To fight the good fight.

I get that, now. I'm getting that 'unhappiness' is a lost sense of feeling of the word which goonie accuses other people in her experience.

It's just been a rough couple of weeks, (this thread has me going) so I share my thoughts. I just forget that sometimes no matter how hard I wish people understand how important this is, it doesn't mean that they will.

What I can't accept though is how people in my age group (making use of this board as an example) simply refuse to put their thinking caps on, in broadening their view in light of this discussion. I mean, really. . . opening your minds a little takes you a long way.


That's not what I'm saying...

How am I being alienated by saying that I've decided to drop a friend who causes me more grief and stress than happiness? I'm not blaming myself either.... Well I kinda am because I'm embarrassed that I've put up with it for so long...

And I totally feel that^ goonie. Or else - why else would you have posted a topic on it.

I guess I choose to think about it differently. That's all I'm saying.

What I think: is that people in general that see you for what you are or how you represent yourself feel insecure around you in various circumstances, that let us say if you weren't present in such-and-such a time depend on such-and-such said indiviudals.

I've had people that are two-faced to such a degree of seperation, that I used to feel bad about myself around due to those types of people.

If you're following that I imply - you however - are not as shallow minded. Therefore, it's a matter of opinion goonie, but I respect that we disagree. Just so we're clear. That's all. I'm not putting words in your mouth, nor did I intend to.

It's simply a very interesting conversation, that dare I say is near to my heart.

I hold certain people dear to me, and so many others simply neglect or mistook that for granted, when all I ever was guilty of was trying to reach my hand out.

Today, it's a much different story now that I see^ what the truth is. People in life simply refuse to make a part in accepting responsibility for how narrow/stupid they've become. I am speaking to my generation of affluence. I would think it's worthwhile to admit it's probably universal for everyone in the day and age we're living in. But, I've completely turned my head on the matter - today - I stand up to phony people. It's kind of like what tamar said:

all i really have to say about the matter is you're doing no one any favors by going through the motions, so if a friendship isn't working, just say so. beyond that, things are what you make of them. location isn't really a factor.

Well, this was a most interesting conversation, that warrants a lot more insight in today's day and age of superflous behavior. I think there should be a lot more people willing to materialize how something like goonie's experience affects them personally, but that's too much to ask I guess. So, thank you to goonie for at least making the effort.


I don't know that. You don't know that. What I saw to the contrary (from what was written) is that goonie says she's sick of some particular types of people that don't satisfy her needs as an individual. It's a different way of saying she's the one being alienated from it. The perspective I'm implying is that she's the one who's not being accpeted for who she is, which makes her feel the way she does. She's blaming herself, when it shouldn't be. If you fail to realize this explanation, god help you.

We're talking to someone that isn't necessarily Cnd, last I remember geng is from the US. Which is to say, he may see what goonie says as 'feeling alienated' but it comes to a matter of accepting the environment you or I have no control over. That's the kind of attitude you may imply is universal across the board, tamar.


Certainly. But we're not denying that there's a solution or not.

If Hillary acted as Palin is now, things would be a lot different for Hillary. That being said: everything Palin does now is merely an absorbtion of how Obama reacts. If Obama does one thing - I mean only one thing - that somehow tries to cut Palin down in some undermining fashion, the floodgates will open wide enough to break his campaign. Think about what puppetry is going on behind the curtain of Obama's managment group.

I think Palin's exposure only freaks Obama's camp more and more each day, at what point they need to act.

That is this years US election rests.


Goonie feels alienated living in Van. Obviously the people she associates with are conceited or tempermental when dealing with good natured behavior, turning to self-conscious narcissistic tendencies. Such is the life in hippie country.

I thought fat camp was meant for skinny people only. Obesity is the norm.


There is nothing wrong with Palin. One could say that chauvansim is driving the political agenda or left-wing propaganda of Palin. Therefore, I would say it is completely relevant to engage, being in my opinion, that Palin is in fact being treated rather chauvanistically. That should be no suprise. Obama has it far easier to speak his mind that lends itself to his platform. I think that is the easiest argument one could single out in defense of Palin. It's definitely present.

Being honest with yourself is a very self-righteous thing, or so it feels until ou slowly back yourself into a corner. You realize things are in a state of delirium. After, you get the feeling you can live with being who you are to most people. Everyone changes, yourself included.

u know something, beave. forget that. I believe what you meant, it's my bad. I apologize. . . but at least i gave you a constructive context as per why my conflict started toward you - or so i thought. i'm sure you can understand how i was influenced by that. it had a double meaning embedded. whatever.

p.s. i don't know if i should just be on my way, but if that's the impression i'm getting. . . i'll just leave the board completely. no harm done.


okay, boob. if what you wrote implied "careful hap - (followed by emo-con)" was that conotation not referring to me. It seems like that was the case. I could be wrong though.

Fuck vegas, you don't know how to help - which is the worst quality a person can have.

I will retire, voluntarily. I've done this before.


What I hate is people that run into their fox holes, or take a dive to divert what really was intended. In short, I'm not going to tolerate the kind of double talking that beave accuses me of emo with over the internet without certainty. I call beave on it. Then beave finger-points "hey this isn't about me - weh." Fuck it, because I've graduated from high school long ago. Quite simply I'm willing to be truthful, I've never hated sadie unless it's confused with as satire, because when you hear someone say 'he hated me - but then he loves me' so often it gets old after the tenth time.

I call go analog an ewok board, thus, he can be a 'cool' ewok. I wouldn't dare, however. knock himself out.

Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 06:13PM
also i'm not sure wtf bigc's going on about i have at least two brians.

Really. That's funny you said so.


Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 05:59PM
how the fuck am i the villain again?

< if you give me one of these, it's because you're pulling it out of your ass, simply masquarading with eggs all over your face.

Sadie: when it comes down to it, you keep bringing up the fact I "hated" you. The truth is I only thought of you in a way you criticize me about. It never meant I hate you. I think it'd mean the opposite of what you say.

As for beaf, he loves calling out victim because I can't take it if someone lashes out at me, so I play the crying game. I get that part. It doesn't mean he's right about me though, I simply care to prove that - nothing else. He should take a long deep look in the mirror if that's what he thinks of me. I'm just calling him on it. That's what substance is.


When you give an inferior politician in Obama too much credit, who only won due in this case a female that was his closest adversary. (This speaks for a shallow right-wing anti-feminist movement.) That would have made Obama your next president I think. Your political banter is complete hogwash for an over-zealous evangelical right that leads the US democratic popular vote.

Corky wets his pants over it.

All I see is a guy riding on his high horse that offers little substance.

from what i've observed on free internet dating sites, are that most of the women in my age group from winnipeg - are for the most part - wanting to see how much tail they can spin. It is my perception: that the purpose behind it is to check off the list of guys they can get that express what desperate lengths they would go.

My opinion is not what matters though. I'm saying that is how the sites work. It also means I'd enjoy a better method of doing those things, if we lived in an ideal world.


28 General Category / General Discussion / Re: Online Dating Is Depressing on: September 11, 2008, 09:46AM
Quote from: Hap on September 11, 2008, 03:31AM
Yeah Marco. And you'd better be kidding about "young stupid chicks."

For the record: you made a fake impersonation of batman. I know why you really mean as you intend it and I can apologize. But really, if you accept an apology for something that was totally not what was done, I get that.

If people mistunderstand me not only for what I write, it happens in person as well. . . I have no control over that. However, if people take offense to something they think I caused, again, such is life.

I am not a stupid indiviudal by any stretch of the imagination. I kid you not. I do not deserve any of this, but I am the type of person that lands on two feet, I won't fall over. Just saying, I will take more than a punch. My intentions are not at fault, and that is where you need to know I stood this whole time even if I feel misinterpreted. (And again - if I didn't like you, I wouldn't bother with this.) But I vouch with honor.

You see how that works? But I kid you not, I know the difference in what you/becky implied. By no means am I copping out to only to back peddle out of convenience sake.

I cannot make myself any clearer than this.

Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 03:51AM
careful hap

I am not stealing haps thunder here, because only intelligent people know how to administer themselves (yes - even over the internet some things are more prone than others.)

However, I wish I were an ape myself (by all means necessary I still am), because I'd still be smarter then most.

As for you beave you're either taking on Irish's role, or those insightful ewok friends of yours, but I guess scot is right there with you. Better to be an ape with brians than a hammer-hole with nothing to offer (which is the case.)

By all indications, what I originally assumed was harmless has been inappropriately taken out of context. Put into what it really espouses, is that "young stupid chicks" want only to see how many guys that will hit on them over the internet. This clearly wasn't the case with goonie, which I emphatically wrote that Internet dating isn't stupid, the people are. I thought this was obvious, and to me, I also knew what goonie meant. Therefore, I was on her side the whole time. If that doesn't clear it up, I honestly don't know what else to say.


such bs. i mean really. talk about desperate, she may as well declare herself rosie o'donnel's next hump.

obviously my question was worth asking. something we hardly see in post modern politics. no challenging questions, because those are for engineers/doctors/lawyers and such.


Quote from: Sadie on September 10, 2008, 03:59AM
when I used to go to the bar my friends couldn't get over how often I was approached...mostly because I was so completely disinterested, unlike most of the girls there for the meatmarket.

So go out, act like a cold-ass bitch and you'll probably land a nice guy. Know how they say all the good guys are either gay or taken? They feel the opposite - nice guys always finish last. Which means there should be a decent amount of good guys out there since the people hooking up are all dicks and bitches

It's hard to approach the nice ones like sadie though. I just sit, and I let Sadie-type come to me (when they feel like they're ready to talk.) Honest. That's my one and only strategy. i don't know how else to put it. i'm just not 18 anymore, i've waited to get to this point all my life.

re; hap 30+ suckers

I'm feeling pretty bad about myself right now. I am.

But really, i hate my conceited friends, because that's how shallow i've become. that seems like a load of crap, but a whole part of me wishes that over-ambitious types made a quiet revolution (much like myself) and realize that jumping ahead is being part of the rat race.

Becky totally helps ground hap.

Merk, do not kid yourself. . . your wife loved being hit on by that guy that night. it helps a womans confidence (even if she is married.)

I simply refuse to believe in any person that falls over themselves based on attention seeking behavior gone amok

Everything that Palin does, will be what Hillary should have. That being said: no one knows yet what effect this will have for Palin. But I certainly won't underestimate her.

I consider that fairly close to accurate, my reason being, Palin whether we agree or not is libertine or conservative in the traditionalist sense of feminist ideology. Palin's connection is of full disclosure to the fact, feminists whether they agree with Palin, will NOT pass this historic opportunity that would elect a female VP into the whitehouse. My argument is that exclusively based on what elite feminist models, would be sure to vault Palin as a hero. This follows if Palin matches Obama stride for stride, Palin will gain tremendous support that any left-leaning candidate has to deal with. Palin has everything to gain, which is both fair as it is logical for such achievement if it is to occur. There's no catch here, just the facts, that I don't put past Palin one iota. If Palin can demonstrate her skills on a level that Americans find leniant, she can really shock the world. It's an open ended argument, with no direct result of conveying what will acutally happen. However, if you keep an ear to the ground and Palin comes out swinging, you can believe a wave of Palin post ergo Hillary supporters will be swooning.

If that doesn't answer your question truthfully; I will buy you a beer myself hap.

Whichever the case is true of feminist ideology or not, there is no disputing the fact that Palin is a radical feminist.

BTW - for those of us keeping score. I might be the first one to say this that I know of. However, Palin is being thrust into the spot light as an ultra feminist running for VP. Think about that last statement for a second, this follows. . . the Republican nomination of Palin weighed in heavily due to Hillary Clinton. The reason for this is simple: the strategy behind McCains republican side saw a window of opportunity thanks to the Deomocratic nomination of Barack Obama. The new wave of Hillary Clinton supporters is indicative of why the Republicans strategically made Palin/McCain a reality. Palin is acting in a manner that Hillary Clinton should have done, with a more pragmatic/open politics of personality to rival Obama. (Something Hillary critics say cost her dearly.) Therefore, the Republicans have completely blindsided Obama, and Palin W-I-L-L singlehandedly win over the feminist voters that were sworn to Hillary Clinton. That should be half of the democratic voters that voted against Obama in the primary's. The Republicans are virtually giving the Hillary supporters a choice that they cannot refuse. For Obama, this means that all McCain has to do is pass out werther originals to become the next president.

I have to say, the Palin move was a diamond in the rough. Obama's camp are more like boy scouts without Hillary power now, the irony is Hillary's campaigning turned out positive for Palin and this might be a trend in politics for many happy with the alpha female choice.

Brought to you by yours truly, don't say you learned this from TIME magazine. . . I gave this to you first people.

A pro-feminist candidate that's also pro-life is a false dichotomy judging from today's standards. So Palin decides to throw pro-abortionists under the bus to protect her political career, what else is new.


re; u of m asper's stadium

This parking thing has got to be a joke.

A simple conversation with my dad, which revealed, there is more than enough land to easily occupy a 30,000 stall parking lot adjacent to any infrastructure within the u of m already.

It is simply a non-issue; parking is just another cop-out mediocre journalistic expose for winnipeg free press writers or winnipeg sun. Take your pick.

The stadium is a go.


No - you get no argument from me there. But you have to know when to hit the breaks apart from that.

The distraction is no longer there. The future stadium will be fairly reasonably located, (take route 90) onto the perimiter highway then down Bishop Grandin. . . all roads from there lead to Asper's dream.

But yes, finally, the gig is up. I am a reasonable man, but by no means am I a stupid individual. I can live with this plan for the stadium.

But, from all angles we're on board whether you like the u of m site or not. It's going to be fun watching the old barn go down in a heap.


I'm fairly certain the wheels are officially in motion for the u of m proposal. . . the feds will give into the idea considering Asper's ante. Everything is in place, the feds will play spin doctor based on copping out to uni. funding as a loop hole. Clever strategy by Asper.

But this thing is going to happen, no question about it now.

The stadium will become a reality. I have no doubt about it now.

I absolutely love those solid blue helmets.

Man, I just can't get over fred reid. Now that guy is a back. Just great to have him on our team. No matter how deep the hole is, I am glad for fred reid.

In the 4th qrt, when joe smith was back there before glenn threw the td to bryant, every argo (i kid you not) was zoned in on joltin joe for the option. That right there made the td happen.

Charles who?

hahaha - please answer my question zoo.

3-8. Here we go.

Did I forget to mention berry looking like a retard for not turning to widdie.

P.S. Freddie Reid - yes you are a player. Good for you, man.

P.S.S. Dear brendan taman - it's safe to say Sanford is a player that stuck it to ya'.


Okay, we've been waiting all year for this - and finally we get to watch a complete football game.

Serna actually making kicks look easy.

Kai Ellis. (enough said.)
Sanford Samuels
Ian Logan
Zeke Moreno (thank you)

Fred Reid (Charles who?)

in the 4th qrt - the entire argo defense looking at joltin joe in the backfield. Glenn runs the option to perfection and finds #81 Bryant for a 45 yard td. I mean - that was a thing of beauty. That's what a running game does, everything gets wide open because #33 is back there.

The entire team looks happy, Berry catches fire on the sidelines that no one can put out.

1 - redstallion gets honorable mention here because he's felt our pain all year, so kudos to him.

2 - zoo' do the jerseys really remind you of what we used to look like? (you're the one poster that when we win i believe is truly happy.)

3 - footballmad - do you attribute this win more so to the fact the don is his first game back, or are the argos really this undisciplined (yikes) + bad a team.

P.S. As I said in my other thread, I caught Marshal giving Berry the death stare when Glenn went down in the 4th. Clearly thinking: 'You idiot. . . when will you learn to get our qb out.'

Our defense, I mean - just lovely to watch.


Great. Now Berry looks like a fool for keeping Glenn in - rather than bringing in Dinwiddie. (Glenn is on the turf.)

^It must be said, old school football. . . there's nothing like it.

Joe Smith and Freddie Reid just look like a match made in heaven.


The Don just looks stupified.

Bomba's joltin joe, just looks - well - wow.

I don't know about retro, but those solid dark blue helmets just added a little something extra. They played old fashion smash mouth ball tonight.

Saying the DBs cost us the game is fair. I'm not impartial to glenn, these are pretty small criticisms.


give you benefit of the doubt in making a lucid observation, but objectively speaking I would say the qb puts the ball where a player can adapt easily. I'm not saying it was Glenn's fault Armstrong didn't catch the ball, but Bishop took Glenn to the cleaners in the 4th quarter when it mattered. Enough said.

P.S. Of course I have bias toward Armstrong, he's my favorite

I must say: Having freddie reid with joltin joe back just might draw a winnable gameplan for widdie. Right now, we need to keep games on the road close and pull it out with a 4th quarter qb (ball control offense). Glenn has done this in the past. However, Glenn lost us the game last week with those horrific 4th quarter 2 and outs. Those were unacceptable.


randall is an exciting player. definitely cfl material that can do a lot of things differently.

redwhite2005 wrote:
bigcanadiano wrote:
Depth can be costly, considering -2 draft picks to Hamilton. However, is there excess in linebackers looking ahead. Yes. Now, all we have are a bunch of injured LBs no good to us. Of all the LB's we have, we're heading deep into the woods, but if we're getting back out alive is simply too hard to answer.

This week has been crazier than last.

All thanks to Brendan Taman. I mean, Tom Canada has been easily one of my favorite players over the years, as was Charles Roberts.
Wow why is it Taman loves giving away draft choices?

I am going to answer this.

You look at the situation with Matt Sheridan. A gm with such illusion of an attitude-problem type of player, would raise a red flag, worse come to worse, not re-sign him. That would leave us the choice of bringing back A. Greene. Instead, Taman has Sheridan hoping a team desperate for one will give us some window to trade him. That tells me the sign of an inferior gm.

I think you are making a statement regarding your own opinion in favor of Matthews. However, my point was that don is an old goat. Simply discriminating.

Moreno was rebelling. Plain and simple. Not that we're complaining, we're lucky to have him.

True that. Things could be worse, as you can imagine, we could've hired Don Matthews.

Considering how most fans that come from Sask. look like - wearing bags is a fashion statement.

It's a good problem to have - no? What does this really say about Taman though? I mean - now that Moreno is a Bomber, a pivotal asset on this team is now solidified. Are we for or against Taman - seeing how intrusive (for lack of a better term) handling of Roberts - and now - Canada was for this team.


I wouldn't say people should stay away, it shows as fans (when you go even when we're losing) that we are a community owned franchise, and that managment should take notice about how poorly they're managing. That's just my honest opinion.

I am not a means to an end type of guy. I seek the end in itself.

That is to say - you live and die by the sword, you just don't swing your sword around like a madman hoping to kill something with it.

^and i didn't just make that up, that's how i believe things.


Okay, so now that we're talking some serious football here, (I love LB talk). . . I love what Lobendahn has had to do this year. However, I still think he's got a lot of work to do, especially in identifying critical passing situations. That being said, I give the nod to Cam Hall.

So my revamped LB'ing core would look like this:

Hall - Moreno - Charlton.

Lobendahn is a great depth player, but I don't care about his size, I want speed and agility with the smarts to cover plays.

But you have to say it - this group heading into next year is not bad.


I have no problem with Tom Canada.

^And I've always been a big fan of Ike.


^oh man, i'm now getting flashbacks at just how good our LBs were playing in the post-season last year.


It's hard not to agree with you. You build an offense around an OL, on defense you build around not one - but 3/4 solid LB's.

It's no secret our LB philosophy are fast/furious players. They must have speed to burn. I've always agreed with that.

I hate the fact Taman resorted to losing yet another 1st rounder. Gawd, that was dumb.

HfxTC wrote:
2 NI for an import Middle linebacker. Great trade for the future of the Ticats. Great trade to save the season of the Bombers.

At 2-8 you think it'd be more exciting if we actually had a real horse in the race. Don't kid yourself. I'm not even being pessimistic here; the one thing positive is that Taman is kicking his own arse into gear.

You forgot Berry for Taffe

All you had to say is: you think the trade is stupid.


If Taman makes moves that improve the club, he will not be fired. The time to act is now, but the right trades have to be made.


Not saying taman would do that though, ^but I would. We could survive with both Glenn and Printers, until Printers gets the playbook figured out. Hell, if Taman were thinking he'd trade Glenn for Bauman.

Glenn/ Printers
Goodspeed/ Moreno
Brown/ Bauman
pick/ pick

Not bad I say.


Something should happen with Printers coming over here with Zeke. Doug Brown, with Dan Goodspeed plus Hamilton's first pick for our First pick.

The last I checked Kerry Joseph is Don Matthews qb.

The Bomber's will not trade Gavin Walls.

Whoever else is all good.


Honestly, if Printers is available, I would trade Goodspeed and Brown for him.

buffalo1 wrote:
Can someone clear this up for me? I've heard reference to the "Sheridan situation" but I don't know what that means. I thought he was injured. Is it something else?

Thanks to whoever can answer this for me.

He has an attitude problem which the team won't correct for him. That is the word on the street, that other gms in the league won't trade for him due to injury riddled career. That about sums it up. He's done as a bomber for certain.


bluecrue wrote:
hmm blew a 17 point lead excellent

Glenn had some 2 and outs in the 4th quarter, but bashing glenn (for me - maybe not for some) is growing long on the tooth. We all know Glenn can compete, he's just not an elite qb. But he's not that bad, although we can only blame our defense for today / Glenn assumes almost none for the loss. We have to be fair here.

The positive is we finally saw an offense out there.


Good call about Marshal. The guy knows how to prepare, I like how he sat Canada and inserted Wayne for another unnecessary roughness call.


All that matters is offense, I want an offense, which lives and dies with the OL. I think a running game might open the floodgates, finally.


You should know. I was referring to BigU. We're not the kind of fans that fear intimidation, that's not what Bomber football is about.

Re; doubleblue

In reply to Leo Lewis, there is no question. . . I'd take Leo Lewis on my team x1000 before any other player in that category.

re; bigdave

I hope that my style of writing offends no ones comprehension for english.

I'm fully looking forward to watch Fred Reid.


I love Fred Reid. Super happy that this man gets his turn.


da bomba's OL.

Now that they've set their eyes on a truck named Smith; can we suspect our OL (the most important facet on the team. . .) will finally stop underachieving?

Here's the truth:

The backfield will be a lot different with Smith.

Quite frankly we know Fred Reid is a baller, the guy wants this badly.

It all rests on the OL response, which has been inconsistent all season. I know this OL can play better. . . they have to in order to make the play-offs. It really is: the more our OL get used to Smith, knowing what he needs to accomplish, will help elevate their game.


The thing with Sheridan most likely appears to be dead wood, nothing is going to change it. Sheridan is being treated as if he doesn't exist, and that's supposed to be part of the magic trick. Hear no evil, see no evil.
