Wednesday, September 17, 2008

vanilla sky

now I realize why hap calls himself hap-hap, it's because nobody has the right to impose thier will - or take away - another persons happiness in the midst of everything in life there to offer. To fight the good fight.

I get that, now. I'm getting that 'unhappiness' is a lost sense of feeling of the word which goonie accuses other people in her experience.

It's just been a rough couple of weeks, (this thread has me going) so I share my thoughts. I just forget that sometimes no matter how hard I wish people understand how important this is, it doesn't mean that they will.

What I can't accept though is how people in my age group (making use of this board as an example) simply refuse to put their thinking caps on, in broadening their view in light of this discussion. I mean, really. . . opening your minds a little takes you a long way.


That's not what I'm saying...

How am I being alienated by saying that I've decided to drop a friend who causes me more grief and stress than happiness? I'm not blaming myself either.... Well I kinda am because I'm embarrassed that I've put up with it for so long...

And I totally feel that^ goonie. Or else - why else would you have posted a topic on it.

I guess I choose to think about it differently. That's all I'm saying.

What I think: is that people in general that see you for what you are or how you represent yourself feel insecure around you in various circumstances, that let us say if you weren't present in such-and-such a time depend on such-and-such said indiviudals.

I've had people that are two-faced to such a degree of seperation, that I used to feel bad about myself around due to those types of people.

If you're following that I imply - you however - are not as shallow minded. Therefore, it's a matter of opinion goonie, but I respect that we disagree. Just so we're clear. That's all. I'm not putting words in your mouth, nor did I intend to.

It's simply a very interesting conversation, that dare I say is near to my heart.

I hold certain people dear to me, and so many others simply neglect or mistook that for granted, when all I ever was guilty of was trying to reach my hand out.

Today, it's a much different story now that I see^ what the truth is. People in life simply refuse to make a part in accepting responsibility for how narrow/stupid they've become. I am speaking to my generation of affluence. I would think it's worthwhile to admit it's probably universal for everyone in the day and age we're living in. But, I've completely turned my head on the matter - today - I stand up to phony people. It's kind of like what tamar said:

all i really have to say about the matter is you're doing no one any favors by going through the motions, so if a friendship isn't working, just say so. beyond that, things are what you make of them. location isn't really a factor.

Well, this was a most interesting conversation, that warrants a lot more insight in today's day and age of superflous behavior. I think there should be a lot more people willing to materialize how something like goonie's experience affects them personally, but that's too much to ask I guess. So, thank you to goonie for at least making the effort.


I don't know that. You don't know that. What I saw to the contrary (from what was written) is that goonie says she's sick of some particular types of people that don't satisfy her needs as an individual. It's a different way of saying she's the one being alienated from it. The perspective I'm implying is that she's the one who's not being accpeted for who she is, which makes her feel the way she does. She's blaming herself, when it shouldn't be. If you fail to realize this explanation, god help you.

We're talking to someone that isn't necessarily Cnd, last I remember geng is from the US. Which is to say, he may see what goonie says as 'feeling alienated' but it comes to a matter of accepting the environment you or I have no control over. That's the kind of attitude you may imply is universal across the board, tamar.


Certainly. But we're not denying that there's a solution or not.

If Hillary acted as Palin is now, things would be a lot different for Hillary. That being said: everything Palin does now is merely an absorbtion of how Obama reacts. If Obama does one thing - I mean only one thing - that somehow tries to cut Palin down in some undermining fashion, the floodgates will open wide enough to break his campaign. Think about what puppetry is going on behind the curtain of Obama's managment group.

I think Palin's exposure only freaks Obama's camp more and more each day, at what point they need to act.

That is this years US election rests.


Goonie feels alienated living in Van. Obviously the people she associates with are conceited or tempermental when dealing with good natured behavior, turning to self-conscious narcissistic tendencies. Such is the life in hippie country.

I thought fat camp was meant for skinny people only. Obesity is the norm.


There is nothing wrong with Palin. One could say that chauvansim is driving the political agenda or left-wing propaganda of Palin. Therefore, I would say it is completely relevant to engage, being in my opinion, that Palin is in fact being treated rather chauvanistically. That should be no suprise. Obama has it far easier to speak his mind that lends itself to his platform. I think that is the easiest argument one could single out in defense of Palin. It's definitely present.

Being honest with yourself is a very self-righteous thing, or so it feels until ou slowly back yourself into a corner. You realize things are in a state of delirium. After, you get the feeling you can live with being who you are to most people. Everyone changes, yourself included.

u know something, beave. forget that. I believe what you meant, it's my bad. I apologize. . . but at least i gave you a constructive context as per why my conflict started toward you - or so i thought. i'm sure you can understand how i was influenced by that. it had a double meaning embedded. whatever.

p.s. i don't know if i should just be on my way, but if that's the impression i'm getting. . . i'll just leave the board completely. no harm done.


okay, boob. if what you wrote implied "careful hap - (followed by emo-con)" was that conotation not referring to me. It seems like that was the case. I could be wrong though.

Fuck vegas, you don't know how to help - which is the worst quality a person can have.

I will retire, voluntarily. I've done this before.


What I hate is people that run into their fox holes, or take a dive to divert what really was intended. In short, I'm not going to tolerate the kind of double talking that beave accuses me of emo with over the internet without certainty. I call beave on it. Then beave finger-points "hey this isn't about me - weh." Fuck it, because I've graduated from high school long ago. Quite simply I'm willing to be truthful, I've never hated sadie unless it's confused with as satire, because when you hear someone say 'he hated me - but then he loves me' so often it gets old after the tenth time.

I call go analog an ewok board, thus, he can be a 'cool' ewok. I wouldn't dare, however. knock himself out.

Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 06:13PM
also i'm not sure wtf bigc's going on about i have at least two brians.

Really. That's funny you said so.


Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 05:59PM
how the fuck am i the villain again?

< if you give me one of these, it's because you're pulling it out of your ass, simply masquarading with eggs all over your face.

Sadie: when it comes down to it, you keep bringing up the fact I "hated" you. The truth is I only thought of you in a way you criticize me about. It never meant I hate you. I think it'd mean the opposite of what you say.

As for beaf, he loves calling out victim because I can't take it if someone lashes out at me, so I play the crying game. I get that part. It doesn't mean he's right about me though, I simply care to prove that - nothing else. He should take a long deep look in the mirror if that's what he thinks of me. I'm just calling him on it. That's what substance is.


When you give an inferior politician in Obama too much credit, who only won due in this case a female that was his closest adversary. (This speaks for a shallow right-wing anti-feminist movement.) That would have made Obama your next president I think. Your political banter is complete hogwash for an over-zealous evangelical right that leads the US democratic popular vote.

Corky wets his pants over it.

All I see is a guy riding on his high horse that offers little substance.

from what i've observed on free internet dating sites, are that most of the women in my age group from winnipeg - are for the most part - wanting to see how much tail they can spin. It is my perception: that the purpose behind it is to check off the list of guys they can get that express what desperate lengths they would go.

My opinion is not what matters though. I'm saying that is how the sites work. It also means I'd enjoy a better method of doing those things, if we lived in an ideal world.


28 General Category / General Discussion / Re: Online Dating Is Depressing on: September 11, 2008, 09:46AM
Quote from: Hap on September 11, 2008, 03:31AM
Yeah Marco. And you'd better be kidding about "young stupid chicks."

For the record: you made a fake impersonation of batman. I know why you really mean as you intend it and I can apologize. But really, if you accept an apology for something that was totally not what was done, I get that.

If people mistunderstand me not only for what I write, it happens in person as well. . . I have no control over that. However, if people take offense to something they think I caused, again, such is life.

I am not a stupid indiviudal by any stretch of the imagination. I kid you not. I do not deserve any of this, but I am the type of person that lands on two feet, I won't fall over. Just saying, I will take more than a punch. My intentions are not at fault, and that is where you need to know I stood this whole time even if I feel misinterpreted. (And again - if I didn't like you, I wouldn't bother with this.) But I vouch with honor.

You see how that works? But I kid you not, I know the difference in what you/becky implied. By no means am I copping out to only to back peddle out of convenience sake.

I cannot make myself any clearer than this.

Quote from: beaf on September 11, 2008, 03:51AM
careful hap

I am not stealing haps thunder here, because only intelligent people know how to administer themselves (yes - even over the internet some things are more prone than others.)

However, I wish I were an ape myself (by all means necessary I still am), because I'd still be smarter then most.

As for you beave you're either taking on Irish's role, or those insightful ewok friends of yours, but I guess scot is right there with you. Better to be an ape with brians than a hammer-hole with nothing to offer (which is the case.)

By all indications, what I originally assumed was harmless has been inappropriately taken out of context. Put into what it really espouses, is that "young stupid chicks" want only to see how many guys that will hit on them over the internet. This clearly wasn't the case with goonie, which I emphatically wrote that Internet dating isn't stupid, the people are. I thought this was obvious, and to me, I also knew what goonie meant. Therefore, I was on her side the whole time. If that doesn't clear it up, I honestly don't know what else to say.


such bs. i mean really. talk about desperate, she may as well declare herself rosie o'donnel's next hump.

obviously my question was worth asking. something we hardly see in post modern politics. no challenging questions, because those are for engineers/doctors/lawyers and such.


Quote from: Sadie on September 10, 2008, 03:59AM
when I used to go to the bar my friends couldn't get over how often I was approached...mostly because I was so completely disinterested, unlike most of the girls there for the meatmarket.

So go out, act like a cold-ass bitch and you'll probably land a nice guy. Know how they say all the good guys are either gay or taken? They feel the opposite - nice guys always finish last. Which means there should be a decent amount of good guys out there since the people hooking up are all dicks and bitches

It's hard to approach the nice ones like sadie though. I just sit, and I let Sadie-type come to me (when they feel like they're ready to talk.) Honest. That's my one and only strategy. i don't know how else to put it. i'm just not 18 anymore, i've waited to get to this point all my life.

re; hap 30+ suckers

I'm feeling pretty bad about myself right now. I am.

But really, i hate my conceited friends, because that's how shallow i've become. that seems like a load of crap, but a whole part of me wishes that over-ambitious types made a quiet revolution (much like myself) and realize that jumping ahead is being part of the rat race.

Becky totally helps ground hap.

Merk, do not kid yourself. . . your wife loved being hit on by that guy that night. it helps a womans confidence (even if she is married.)

I simply refuse to believe in any person that falls over themselves based on attention seeking behavior gone amok

Everything that Palin does, will be what Hillary should have. That being said: no one knows yet what effect this will have for Palin. But I certainly won't underestimate her.

I consider that fairly close to accurate, my reason being, Palin whether we agree or not is libertine or conservative in the traditionalist sense of feminist ideology. Palin's connection is of full disclosure to the fact, feminists whether they agree with Palin, will NOT pass this historic opportunity that would elect a female VP into the whitehouse. My argument is that exclusively based on what elite feminist models, would be sure to vault Palin as a hero. This follows if Palin matches Obama stride for stride, Palin will gain tremendous support that any left-leaning candidate has to deal with. Palin has everything to gain, which is both fair as it is logical for such achievement if it is to occur. There's no catch here, just the facts, that I don't put past Palin one iota. If Palin can demonstrate her skills on a level that Americans find leniant, she can really shock the world. It's an open ended argument, with no direct result of conveying what will acutally happen. However, if you keep an ear to the ground and Palin comes out swinging, you can believe a wave of Palin post ergo Hillary supporters will be swooning.

If that doesn't answer your question truthfully; I will buy you a beer myself hap.

Whichever the case is true of feminist ideology or not, there is no disputing the fact that Palin is a radical feminist.

BTW - for those of us keeping score. I might be the first one to say this that I know of. However, Palin is being thrust into the spot light as an ultra feminist running for VP. Think about that last statement for a second, this follows. . . the Republican nomination of Palin weighed in heavily due to Hillary Clinton. The reason for this is simple: the strategy behind McCains republican side saw a window of opportunity thanks to the Deomocratic nomination of Barack Obama. The new wave of Hillary Clinton supporters is indicative of why the Republicans strategically made Palin/McCain a reality. Palin is acting in a manner that Hillary Clinton should have done, with a more pragmatic/open politics of personality to rival Obama. (Something Hillary critics say cost her dearly.) Therefore, the Republicans have completely blindsided Obama, and Palin W-I-L-L singlehandedly win over the feminist voters that were sworn to Hillary Clinton. That should be half of the democratic voters that voted against Obama in the primary's. The Republicans are virtually giving the Hillary supporters a choice that they cannot refuse. For Obama, this means that all McCain has to do is pass out werther originals to become the next president.

I have to say, the Palin move was a diamond in the rough. Obama's camp are more like boy scouts without Hillary power now, the irony is Hillary's campaigning turned out positive for Palin and this might be a trend in politics for many happy with the alpha female choice.

Brought to you by yours truly, don't say you learned this from TIME magazine. . . I gave this to you first people.

A pro-feminist candidate that's also pro-life is a false dichotomy judging from today's standards. So Palin decides to throw pro-abortionists under the bus to protect her political career, what else is new.


re; u of m asper's stadium

This parking thing has got to be a joke.

A simple conversation with my dad, which revealed, there is more than enough land to easily occupy a 30,000 stall parking lot adjacent to any infrastructure within the u of m already.

It is simply a non-issue; parking is just another cop-out mediocre journalistic expose for winnipeg free press writers or winnipeg sun. Take your pick.

The stadium is a go.


No - you get no argument from me there. But you have to know when to hit the breaks apart from that.

The distraction is no longer there. The future stadium will be fairly reasonably located, (take route 90) onto the perimiter highway then down Bishop Grandin. . . all roads from there lead to Asper's dream.

But yes, finally, the gig is up. I am a reasonable man, but by no means am I a stupid individual. I can live with this plan for the stadium.

But, from all angles we're on board whether you like the u of m site or not. It's going to be fun watching the old barn go down in a heap.


I'm fairly certain the wheels are officially in motion for the u of m proposal. . . the feds will give into the idea considering Asper's ante. Everything is in place, the feds will play spin doctor based on copping out to uni. funding as a loop hole. Clever strategy by Asper.

But this thing is going to happen, no question about it now.

The stadium will become a reality. I have no doubt about it now.

I absolutely love those solid blue helmets.

Man, I just can't get over fred reid. Now that guy is a back. Just great to have him on our team. No matter how deep the hole is, I am glad for fred reid.

In the 4th qrt, when joe smith was back there before glenn threw the td to bryant, every argo (i kid you not) was zoned in on joltin joe for the option. That right there made the td happen.

Charles who?

hahaha - please answer my question zoo.

3-8. Here we go.

Did I forget to mention berry looking like a retard for not turning to widdie.

P.S. Freddie Reid - yes you are a player. Good for you, man.

P.S.S. Dear brendan taman - it's safe to say Sanford is a player that stuck it to ya'.


Okay, we've been waiting all year for this - and finally we get to watch a complete football game.

Serna actually making kicks look easy.

Kai Ellis. (enough said.)
Sanford Samuels
Ian Logan
Zeke Moreno (thank you)

Fred Reid (Charles who?)

in the 4th qrt - the entire argo defense looking at joltin joe in the backfield. Glenn runs the option to perfection and finds #81 Bryant for a 45 yard td. I mean - that was a thing of beauty. That's what a running game does, everything gets wide open because #33 is back there.

The entire team looks happy, Berry catches fire on the sidelines that no one can put out.

1 - redstallion gets honorable mention here because he's felt our pain all year, so kudos to him.

2 - zoo' do the jerseys really remind you of what we used to look like? (you're the one poster that when we win i believe is truly happy.)

3 - footballmad - do you attribute this win more so to the fact the don is his first game back, or are the argos really this undisciplined (yikes) + bad a team.

P.S. As I said in my other thread, I caught Marshal giving Berry the death stare when Glenn went down in the 4th. Clearly thinking: 'You idiot. . . when will you learn to get our qb out.'

Our defense, I mean - just lovely to watch.


Great. Now Berry looks like a fool for keeping Glenn in - rather than bringing in Dinwiddie. (Glenn is on the turf.)

^It must be said, old school football. . . there's nothing like it.

Joe Smith and Freddie Reid just look like a match made in heaven.


The Don just looks stupified.

Bomba's joltin joe, just looks - well - wow.

I don't know about retro, but those solid dark blue helmets just added a little something extra. They played old fashion smash mouth ball tonight.

Saying the DBs cost us the game is fair. I'm not impartial to glenn, these are pretty small criticisms.


give you benefit of the doubt in making a lucid observation, but objectively speaking I would say the qb puts the ball where a player can adapt easily. I'm not saying it was Glenn's fault Armstrong didn't catch the ball, but Bishop took Glenn to the cleaners in the 4th quarter when it mattered. Enough said.

P.S. Of course I have bias toward Armstrong, he's my favorite

I must say: Having freddie reid with joltin joe back just might draw a winnable gameplan for widdie. Right now, we need to keep games on the road close and pull it out with a 4th quarter qb (ball control offense). Glenn has done this in the past. However, Glenn lost us the game last week with those horrific 4th quarter 2 and outs. Those were unacceptable.


randall is an exciting player. definitely cfl material that can do a lot of things differently.

redwhite2005 wrote:
bigcanadiano wrote:
Depth can be costly, considering -2 draft picks to Hamilton. However, is there excess in linebackers looking ahead. Yes. Now, all we have are a bunch of injured LBs no good to us. Of all the LB's we have, we're heading deep into the woods, but if we're getting back out alive is simply too hard to answer.

This week has been crazier than last.

All thanks to Brendan Taman. I mean, Tom Canada has been easily one of my favorite players over the years, as was Charles Roberts.
Wow why is it Taman loves giving away draft choices?

I am going to answer this.

You look at the situation with Matt Sheridan. A gm with such illusion of an attitude-problem type of player, would raise a red flag, worse come to worse, not re-sign him. That would leave us the choice of bringing back A. Greene. Instead, Taman has Sheridan hoping a team desperate for one will give us some window to trade him. That tells me the sign of an inferior gm.

I think you are making a statement regarding your own opinion in favor of Matthews. However, my point was that don is an old goat. Simply discriminating.

Moreno was rebelling. Plain and simple. Not that we're complaining, we're lucky to have him.

True that. Things could be worse, as you can imagine, we could've hired Don Matthews.

Considering how most fans that come from Sask. look like - wearing bags is a fashion statement.

It's a good problem to have - no? What does this really say about Taman though? I mean - now that Moreno is a Bomber, a pivotal asset on this team is now solidified. Are we for or against Taman - seeing how intrusive (for lack of a better term) handling of Roberts - and now - Canada was for this team.


I wouldn't say people should stay away, it shows as fans (when you go even when we're losing) that we are a community owned franchise, and that managment should take notice about how poorly they're managing. That's just my honest opinion.

I am not a means to an end type of guy. I seek the end in itself.

That is to say - you live and die by the sword, you just don't swing your sword around like a madman hoping to kill something with it.

^and i didn't just make that up, that's how i believe things.


Okay, so now that we're talking some serious football here, (I love LB talk). . . I love what Lobendahn has had to do this year. However, I still think he's got a lot of work to do, especially in identifying critical passing situations. That being said, I give the nod to Cam Hall.

So my revamped LB'ing core would look like this:

Hall - Moreno - Charlton.

Lobendahn is a great depth player, but I don't care about his size, I want speed and agility with the smarts to cover plays.

But you have to say it - this group heading into next year is not bad.


I have no problem with Tom Canada.

^And I've always been a big fan of Ike.


^oh man, i'm now getting flashbacks at just how good our LBs were playing in the post-season last year.


It's hard not to agree with you. You build an offense around an OL, on defense you build around not one - but 3/4 solid LB's.

It's no secret our LB philosophy are fast/furious players. They must have speed to burn. I've always agreed with that.

I hate the fact Taman resorted to losing yet another 1st rounder. Gawd, that was dumb.

HfxTC wrote:
2 NI for an import Middle linebacker. Great trade for the future of the Ticats. Great trade to save the season of the Bombers.

At 2-8 you think it'd be more exciting if we actually had a real horse in the race. Don't kid yourself. I'm not even being pessimistic here; the one thing positive is that Taman is kicking his own arse into gear.

You forgot Berry for Taffe

All you had to say is: you think the trade is stupid.


If Taman makes moves that improve the club, he will not be fired. The time to act is now, but the right trades have to be made.


Not saying taman would do that though, ^but I would. We could survive with both Glenn and Printers, until Printers gets the playbook figured out. Hell, if Taman were thinking he'd trade Glenn for Bauman.

Glenn/ Printers
Goodspeed/ Moreno
Brown/ Bauman
pick/ pick

Not bad I say.


Something should happen with Printers coming over here with Zeke. Doug Brown, with Dan Goodspeed plus Hamilton's first pick for our First pick.

The last I checked Kerry Joseph is Don Matthews qb.

The Bomber's will not trade Gavin Walls.

Whoever else is all good.


Honestly, if Printers is available, I would trade Goodspeed and Brown for him.

buffalo1 wrote:
Can someone clear this up for me? I've heard reference to the "Sheridan situation" but I don't know what that means. I thought he was injured. Is it something else?

Thanks to whoever can answer this for me.

He has an attitude problem which the team won't correct for him. That is the word on the street, that other gms in the league won't trade for him due to injury riddled career. That about sums it up. He's done as a bomber for certain.


bluecrue wrote:
hmm blew a 17 point lead excellent

Glenn had some 2 and outs in the 4th quarter, but bashing glenn (for me - maybe not for some) is growing long on the tooth. We all know Glenn can compete, he's just not an elite qb. But he's not that bad, although we can only blame our defense for today / Glenn assumes almost none for the loss. We have to be fair here.

The positive is we finally saw an offense out there.


Good call about Marshal. The guy knows how to prepare, I like how he sat Canada and inserted Wayne for another unnecessary roughness call.


All that matters is offense, I want an offense, which lives and dies with the OL. I think a running game might open the floodgates, finally.


You should know. I was referring to BigU. We're not the kind of fans that fear intimidation, that's not what Bomber football is about.

Re; doubleblue

In reply to Leo Lewis, there is no question. . . I'd take Leo Lewis on my team x1000 before any other player in that category.

re; bigdave

I hope that my style of writing offends no ones comprehension for english.

I'm fully looking forward to watch Fred Reid.


I love Fred Reid. Super happy that this man gets his turn.


da bomba's OL.

Now that they've set their eyes on a truck named Smith; can we suspect our OL (the most important facet on the team. . .) will finally stop underachieving?

Here's the truth:

The backfield will be a lot different with Smith.

Quite frankly we know Fred Reid is a baller, the guy wants this badly.

It all rests on the OL response, which has been inconsistent all season. I know this OL can play better. . . they have to in order to make the play-offs. It really is: the more our OL get used to Smith, knowing what he needs to accomplish, will help elevate their game.


The thing with Sheridan most likely appears to be dead wood, nothing is going to change it. Sheridan is being treated as if he doesn't exist, and that's supposed to be part of the magic trick. Hear no evil, see no evil.


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