Quote from: Hap on Today at 05:02 AM
What decent presidents?
^Read what I said above.
The allure of Obama-magic is playing out on people's imagined unicorn with wings - while obama has done. Listen carefully to this mans clever politcal rhetoric, (which I can say probably falls on deaf ears of real objectivity - but I digress. . . ) he says virtually nothing substanital and does not take impartial views on any subject matter. McCain has easily won the last two debates rather impressively I might add, with far more honest, straight-forward approach. That is only my opinion.
Quote from: Hap on Today at 03:29 AM
Yes, but it's a minority with a demoralized bankrupt opposition. So it might as well be a majority.
I would have to agree with that, hap. However, take my opinion (for what it's worth) which any political science course will tell you. The "opposition" are merely playing lapdog politics to the mock-majority government, which in this case, being a minority government is what keeps the windmill turning. The conservatives are satisfied playing a desperate self-brand of ideas which in the case of Canadians does not establish as a sound nor promisiing electorate. This only tells me - as it should tell you as well. . . that the conservative based ideology does not in fact represent Cnd interests as its aim. It's focus is entirely 'Harper-nomics' which is devious at best. With Harper at the helm, they will never secure a majority government. At any rate, I am happy with that. It speaks for mediocre principles, and a mock-conservative assembly which is content with it's dubious leadership history. They've banked on this as a model, and now have to live with playing it out of harms way. That is not the fault of any civil-abiding servant, the government in it's entirety can see just how flaky the conservatives are - and - are merely seeking office for the petting zoo.
P.S. Obama is a self centered poltiician. Do not kid yourselves, the reason he is in the race is because of corporate donations which were against Hillary Clinton's campaign from the start. They didn't want to see Clinton form a powerful form of leadership, so, Obama is a puppet. You guys are completely blind - and I am glad to tell you that you are. Stop kidding yourselves about Obama. Read this, but stop your bleeding hearts - please.
We're not preaching to the choir here (at least I would hope not) but a minoirty government is just what the doctor ordered.
And for the record re; unicef - because I care about your vote. . .
When someone such as myself tells you what you need to hear, make no mistake about it - I pull no punches. I cut straight through the bs.
I think you are not a moderate, that should inspire you to believe in yourself as a voter, my belief is you are a sneaky "moderate". I think, you know exactly who you should vote for as to what is best for the francophones in this country. I have always stood less than impartial to the better foreign demographic, far more than just a surcharge of tax-reform solutions. A vote to better our communities is a vote for freedom, not so if you jive with the bigwigs.
So there you are. ~
For the better interest of the few. That is how you vote.
i. If you aggrevate the sexy-choice as leader, Harper wins on aggregate. I voted Pat Martin. A guy who I would emulate.
ii. If you vote conservative, i do feel for you. . . in this case a french demographic is second class to this countries native reserves, to place Harper-nomics above that you are selling out your vote to American interests. Ask Robert Bourassa who he would choose as leader?
iii. If you vote for a Liberal who is close to partisanship against a rival Conservative member, you should vote liberal.
~let the derby begin (and end) with a few surprises in store that everybody agrees with.
re; anthem hockey song
Why they don't use Stompin Toms song would represent Canada just fine if you ask me. HNIC now has a tune that you feel like marching along with.
I am giving vegas the benefit of the doubt, clearly most leaf fans have no idea what that means. It's not a good idea to characterize the teams fate this early on especially in the wake of a new head coach. They have faith in Fletcher, that's great, but it's a long shot to make the playoffs right now I'd think. I am a firm believer that nothing matters until about game 60 of the regular season.
As for the Canucks, they have about a good a shot at the Cup as the Oilers do. . . which is pretty minimal.
well - that one guy won the anthem challenge with a song that doesn't remind me of hockey whatsoever. If that's not positive, I don't know what else is.
Fuck, that killed me last night. that poor chick - man.
I am glad to be a true romantic.
I have to say, layton is the clear front-runner for playboy magazine in this election campaign. Just watching him doing his speech today was rather ominous of what the other candidates are doing.
Harper is acting like a pimp - fresh off a short-order cooks line.
Stephen Dion is limping off into the night like a hunchback.
Duceppe clearly defines his role: why everybody hates the french.
Elizabeth May is a whoring communist prodigy.
Hap, tell me is this election like you stated in 88' that Mulroney needed only 40% of the popular vote to form the majority?
dry humping is a tell tale sign of repressed sexual desires.
That's a good idea. Keep kissing him on the forhead, it releases chemicals in the babies brain that help reinforce its development.
The nhl really over-dramatized the start of this year. . . but whatever.
I swear - i could not be the one person who thought how it hurt to watch that nhl.network chick who was doing the correspondence. I felt bad for her.
The 13y.o. version sounds more about a walt disney cartoon then what it's originally replacing. If you ask me, if people are voting for the kid it's simply based on pure 'how cute' he looks.
*btw - McCain is mopping the floor with obama right now.
sound advice.
just fuck.
Is that pic a 9/11 suicide jumper?
If you did something about how honest my feelings are, maybe I would.
Oh - sure. Let's attribute a democracy in this case - American ideology of democracy - that if there's a war going on and we vote for the same president in support of that war makes you patriotic. Not only that, since we vote "patriotically" means we fully adopt it as a "democratic war" because after all, a democratic vote represents due dilligence.
Obama is of course the answer. pfft.
patting a chick's bum on the campaign trail and then botched the debate.
this can only mean one of two things, being. . . turner let his sense of power/fame get to his head, or this was a victory for ultra-conservative feminists everywhere at the time. I'll say, I hope her ass was worth it.
^f'ing solid post, marco.
I am fairly certain that the NDP has never since had such a prominent number of seats in the house.
It's funny how things turn out, which is to say, we know not of redemption in politcal welfare in this country. The beast is fragile at best among its voters. We're very disconnected with the bigger picture based on futile forms of government bodies, which our agencies as liberals or conservatives or democrats are run. I'm speaking of our autonomy as freedom loving people only obsessed with our disconsorted view of reality. We are happy with apathy especially when it comes to civil servants. This is my honest opinion, because which of the political party prevails, our ineptitude is how those leaders manipulate the masses knowing full well they'll be getting away with murder (in political terminology.) What else did Brian Mulroney do but disipate the minority (in this case a large contingent of anti-liberal. . . more specifically anti-trudeau conspirators) provoking disparity among the inner circles of cnd. refomists. At that time, when Trudeau was at full throttle, Lucien Bouchard bitch slapped Mulroney, stole his credibility, and created a divided Quebec on the sovereignty issue. This analysis of such, suggests the anti-liberal movement certainly had a lot of weight behind Mulroney's rise to political fame, not that Mulroney was any good to trust as a leader.
The cycle of anti-liberal campaigning goes, is a conservative staple, as is evidence of a mediocre Stockwell Day, Preston Manning, or Ralph Klein. In behind the polls slips voter confidence, resorting to Jack Layton's opposition as leader of the NDP.
So, our contingency as a fragile wasteland of voters can only blame ourselves as we have a liberal, conservative, liberal, conservative love affair.
Next thing your going to tell me, is that American's didn't vote for Bush in the last election because they didn't want a war in Iraq to continue, or how about "We're voting for Obama, because we're tired of a war we voted in favor of." Obama simply takes a back seat in the voters eyes, and those that want will vote as hypocrites for Obama. I certainly do not trust Obama based on that specifically.
I forget the main reason voters swayed away from voting Turner. If I remembered correctly it had something to do with Turner gaffing upon, what some have said, cost Turner. It was a question that Mulroney directed at Turner from which point Turner's reply was 'I don't know (.?.?.? what I would do in such and such circumstances)'. I just always seem to forget what that critical anamoly was for the hammer being thrown down on Turner - to that effect.
fuck i just wanted to punch mulroney square in the face. watching that makes me ashamed to know the avg cnd elected him.
In 1988 - I swear to you i felt john turner was going to be our pm. That is all. thank you.
p.s. man was turner on fire.
sadie's history between her and I has been what it is. she's gone on record saying she thinks i'm nuts, which kept her from even developing an honest relationship no matter what it meant. I'd get pissed, because i have no idea what i needed to do to convince her. that's the deal.
okay, this amirite thing is getting old now. why does it even matter anymore.
Quote from: Sadie on October 03, 2008, 09:18AM
it means we're lucky to get a year off in this country...some don't have the privilege.
I already knew that, I was making a sarcastic remark about what milking the system means for some people unlike others who (as you say) act according to having a privilege.
Good for people for taking some time off. It's nothing to envy.
All that I've heard in this process of poltical jargon has been the word 'deregulation' as if it means something unsubstantiated by a bunch of re-re's being excused for their own ends. Surprise, surprise. What else is new, hap.
It's hard to believe we're part of a thread, where x meets y over a message board to produce its offspring.
it boggles my f'n mind.
well there's a (insert zing here) if I ever saw one.
I am not going down this road again, but, it's the environment. It's not like it's rocket science. Not goonie's fault whatsoever.
I still fail to see how any of your banter, recognizes that irresponsible people do not justify irresponsible government. The classic argument is how government separates itself to buy voters confidence in politics. In the case of economics, for people that are blind to "big government" are those that are in power want to take advantage of. So, that way not only does the bureaucracy - depend on - rather it emphasizes - how banks govern the kind of mortgages awarded. It's a slippery slope the whole way through. Nobody takes blame, hear no evil see no evil. In the end, it's the people that are being gouged, which keeps the government relevant so to necessitate the form of control. The need is all an illusion of supremacy.
All the banks claim to do is give us what we want, and that's what governments love to feed off of.
What you guys are disputing against isn't as Merk states counter to socialism, nor is it about corruption as hap suggests. Capital is politics without intervention, to completely disqualify extortion as the main principle which drives political welfare within that framework is erroneous at best.
i just cannot fathom the bills start this year. i hate the cowboys as well.
are u referring to the steelers performance or just the nfl season thus far in general. Be specific please, don't say 'both'.
Honestly, it's great to feel something about a guy you don't know whatsoever be so truthfully admired.
Quote from: languedoc on September 27, 2008, 01:04PM
The Sens have stunk up the league since '93.
The Canucks since fifteen years before that until present.
Toni Tanti-LOL
if i were a player today, i'd be the best 3rd liner in the game. that being said, i'd play on a line with chris neil simply to spite the leafs.
i'm just glad we're back to the 80's. it's quite refreshing and long overdue. I blame gary batman - yes batman - for the shit hockey which resulted in playing trap style hockey.
So yeah, the habs are a force to be reckoned with means all is back to normal.
You see everybody, all you need to do is take note. Ask the right question and you win.
Re: Tamar
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 10:46PM »
oh please, marco. for all the great drafting they've done they've still done shit all and choked every single year. yeah, they made it to the finals... what did they do when they got there? choked. last year? choked. years before? choked.
eventually you have to do something with all the great kids you're drafting. the sens'll shit the bed as usual.
toonces Re: Tamar
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 11:02PM »
Yeah, hard to disagree with that.
that is utter bs and you know it. the republicans are using the bail out scheme as incentive for potential swing voters (McCain). I mean give me a break, how people cannot see this is beyond comprehension. This says nothing for obama either, but spare the illusion of a miracle worker. just bs politics right now. pfft.
I'm not so much a fan of the sens if your theory proves me correct. I am however a fan of Gerber, alfredsson, eugene melnyk (for fostering a team in a cnd city that acts as more philanthropy than anything else.) How the leafs operate is far more or less objective, seeing that ottawa has great depth when considering how well they draft players (movement within that organization.) I am a fan of the sens for reasons which the leafs have failed miserably to do. It doesn't mean that if the leafs finally had a change of the guard, not so if they're always trying to build on past success models followed by predecessing leaf teams. That's the way it goes i'm afraid.
the nhl is reverting back to the old-school style of scoring we used to see back in the 80's. Teams like the canucks are going to feel it (before Bure arrived in van.) and it's going to hurt. Not that you guys don't have a high pain threshold, but don't hold your breath. You guys are going to have the same kind of team when toni tanti was your captain. That goes for the leafs (pre-sundin era also). It's going to be a long ride.
P.S. go sens.
your gm is f'n brutal.
i look forward to watching vancouver completely turn upside down after this season. it's going to be great scraping the cellar.
To answer the question fairly zoo', think about it another way. . . the Bombers were stood up for a go ahead td on the one, which should have put us in the clear. Good teams find ways to win these games, I must say.
Serna booting a 42 yard fg. A pleasant surprise in a close game.
Yeah, the fact Keith is back in the cfl is awesome.
I must say Edwards deserves accolades.
Right now, all that matters is we've established an offense that can score.
i don't know if anyone else hasn't figured it out yet. Simon does that pose mimicking his son, who makes that pose child-like. It has nothing to do with vintage superman.
Okay, I like those responses. But for sake of argument the seed that was planted let's call it: (post Nov07 gc loss). I would say paints a pretty large measuring point for this team. You know how it goes: what really measures a team? I argue, through changes (Armstead, Serna, Moreno, Smith, Reid) are the crucial elements. These guys are helping a fairly egotistical-arrogant-childish brand of football, completely overcome (again for the sake of argument) Nov07.
Think about it.
It's not because of Bauer, or Taman, or Berry. These players are so critical to the success of a team that can easily be 2-10 (1=win/Glenn 1=win/Widdie) instead of 4-8 = much more promising.
Without these guys stated above, I'd say, a team with Glenn returning to form due to a running game resulted in calling his own plays much more effectively. Terrance Edwards was almost non-existent for the first 8 games of the season, and Armstrong dropping catchable balls. Now it's entirely the opposite.
Also, part of this all boils down to the main argument which becomes how negligent the entire team's philosophy (Doug Berry - especially Doug Berry included) lost sight of over-coming that gc loss in 07. When Sask. came in here and we lost to Bishop - of all qb's - that our defense shut down in Toronto's 07' east.final?? I couldn't believe how far we had to go, that this team couldn't lay a beat down on Sask. for stealing what was ours. I was dumbfounded by the players lack of effort/desire was embarassing.
Then Roberts is traded.
Sask. beats us at home, with Glenn's lousy 4th qrt leadership. 2-out's was what sealed our fate that Sunday @ Canada Inns.
Now here we are, with a team that has begun to believe in playing football again, but it has to be for the right reason. That reason I suggest, is because the players forgot to feel what losing that gc in 07' was about.
If my theory proves correct, this team can go into Mtl come Nov., and clean up at Molson Stadium.
Quite frankly, i think you are wrong in your assesment of the main argument. Sure b/t/berry could have spared this train wreck from occuring far before the changes were made. Therefore, you are wrong about where you've assumed "bringing in those players" should be attributed to managment. It was mngt that dropped the ball since this season began. The truth lies in the players (I forgot to mention kai ellis) that have picked up where we should have left off after Nov07 gc loss. (I think that should make more sense now.) The concluded part of that argument: is for those players such as (Armstrong, Edwards) who were so crucial in getting us to nov07gc should have been a wake up call into this year. It wasn't. Instead, the leaders from last years team totally packed up the tent. . . if that doesn't make sense to you. . . considering now new leaders have emerged, the nov07gc was clearly the stumbling block. It's the new blood that leads the charge now, as last years team have to pick up their slack. It's a clear indication that last years blow is now forgotton, because of the right players, not necessarily our inept mangament material on maroons road.
Tell me, are there any other team members the bombers have that could actually make this argument from 07-08? It's the players attitudes. It's a huge intangible to have when getting to the scrappiest part of the season.
Another player I forgot to mention was Samuels. Samuels could very well be the feel good story for this team's season thus far.
I am a huge believer in the make-up of a post-gc loss does to a teams inner psyche. It runs a deep current psychologically. So much so, in fact, I would break the bank on it simply based on the experience.bigcanadiano
The cfl may as well use Glenn as an example for how the refs are completely clued out. If there's no suspension for it, the league faces an embarassing precedent.
5-8 heading into edm is not so bad. Those licks samuels smacked down were just viscious. kudos to jason. great grab by armstrong.
People are saying this game was an indication of glenn's ability to overcome (a late hit) but playing with a concussion. There is no need for dangerous hits, and glenn should never have been exposed to that (thanks cfl.) But make no mistake, a toronto team that has last years most outstanding player/gc with sask. can keep those labels.
alrighty then.
basically, joseph under kent austin was spoon fed his limited ability at reading defenses is now accentuated in toronto. Given the fact Sask. also gives joseph credence to counter the fact Glenn would've won the gc last year anyhow. (Which also gives my opinion on how a gc loss means more than "we played good enough to win -but still lost.")
a better bomber fan.
- loved how big country stated we were going to win next week on the score post-game locker room interview. that was beyond gold.
jm02 wrote:
There is no need to lock this thread. Carry on...
note to thread: not locked.
we'll hit a player just to spite you instead.
There are three things that I know in life, which should I promise provide the reader with some form of intangible insight will also prove I am worthy of credibility under.
1 - That the Green Bay Packers should had never and I mean never not re-signed Brett Farve.
2 - I wish I could have a car as cool as the Knight Rider, but I can live with the tv show for now.
3 - Wayne Gretky's daughter. (I should hope) - were available to me.
^These are things that some people would agree with - others maybe not. However, that doesn't stop me from seeing what reality we are faced with. My point is, I am at least making the proposition for change as a possibility. It goes a for a heck of a lot in my books.
(How man. . .) -what don't you understand?
Putting myself in place of dignity re; my intent of this thread let's ask: if you were in Kevin Glenn's shoes. I am simply making a statement (which others belly aching about a non-suspension fail to deliver.)
If I were part of a union, I simply wouldn't care what unions say and do. That meaning I stand up for myself no matter what the cost. Clearly Glenn cannot do that. So instead, we have a bunch of prima donna's with which escape into their foxholes. (So much of canadian bravery or lack thereof. . .)
So if you are following what you just read: I pull no punches. Make no mistake. I am not all talk, because I've done it before.
So, this is more about sticking up for Kevin with some reverse psychology. "I hate Kevin Glenn" = cfl 'as if' they were saying that.
^That follows, my punchline. . . of watching Glenn pull the grenade against the same rivals (That Higgins was once a member of.)
I don't play the blame game. I stand the truth. With me or against me. A lot of people I know hate me because of it.
But I love it.
the cfl is laughable. just laughable.
i honestly don't know what to say, and that rarely happens.
Excellent post by footballmad. I couldn't put it better myself.
by footballmad on 03 Oct, 2008 - 16:29
I am super pumped for this game to.
I am pretty pissed that Cohon now issued the new mandatory suspension for head after he whimps out a suspension on barrenchea. I agree with suspension for shots like that but if the league is going to enforce this rule barrenchea should have been the first one to take the hit for it. what a coward move to let him off the hook.
We said EXACTLY the same thing verbatim to last weeks game. . . and look at what happened.
Att; Gavin Walls, Kai Ellis, Standford Samuels. . .
permission to seek and destroy granted.
the stupidest thing is our special teams lost us this game in the second qrt.
that fake punt was ridiculous/
i don't buy it. these guys were not ready to pay the price? They simply stopped playing football after prefontaine tossed such an incredibly stupid fake punt, and the bomber's felt shame.
f'n pathetic display of heart. i mean being outcoached is one thing: which we totally were.
Are you of the same opinion (with regard to Ray's time back there tonight) that our d-line didn't even get a sniff rushing the qb well until the 4th qrt.
I mean: this was inexcusible. where the f' did the guys go instead of showing up for work tonight.
Oh i know, 1st qrt.
the way we played tonight, i couldn't care less.
re; pigseye
ouch. (tips hat)
by PIGSEYE on 04 Oct, 2008 - 22:31
The guy is an absolute momentum killer, that field goal would have given them a glimmer of hope and he snuffed it out. There can't be a single player on the team who has any confidence in the kid, which has to make you wonder how much confidence they can have in a coach who sticks with him.
by bigcanadiano on 05 Oct, 2008 - 02:28
PIGSEYE wrote:
bigcanadiano wrote:
i don't buy it. these guys were not ready to pay the price? They simply stopped playing football after prefontaine tossed such an incredibly stupid fake punt, and the bomber's felt shame.
f'n pathetic display of heart. i mean being outcoached is one thing: which we totally were.
Out-coached in all 3 phases too boot, by supposedly one of the worst staffs in the league. Believe me, as soon as the Eskimo players smelt blood, they were like a starving dog on a t-bone. While our guys just got bent over and took it. Call it heart or whatever you like, but you have to pay the price in the trenches and our guys didn't.
But I'm not arguing with you there. i actually think we're agreeing.
But a total collapse in each of the three most important facets, defense, offense, special teams. . . did someone walk out with a white flag???
bigcanadiano on 05 Oct, 2008 - 02:29
Chief wrote:
I actually thought your D-Line played well. Better than our O-Line, anyway. You guys kept collapsing the pocket and pushing it into Ray. Even later in the game, we were able to hold you guys back, but you were still able to break up the pocket.
man, you have a totally different read on the game I saw. we just blew.
i never thought you could out-coach someone. (But, d. berry has proved me wrong.)
Once again. . . to our fragile o-line that got pushed around in their panties all night long, great work there.
I am quickly assuming berry will have yet another bleeding heart after this one. A game this important, totally washed out due to nothing but the coaching. . . and to none other than d.macho to boot. I mean seriously. I can't believe it. The bleeding heart berry has to end, i won't stand for it anymore.
absoultely humiliating performance simply based on the effort involved.
Release Serna immediately
uh - yeah.
P.S. Oh - wait, we don't have managment.
P.S.S - congrats serna.
Which is why you won't catch me posting on ourbombers.
I am beyond fuming about last nights turkey-bowl.
Just fuming.
I am more pointing the blame toward Berry's bleeding heart cover-up plan he seems to resort.
the fake punt is an achilles heel. I haven't brought it up (in my posts) because I'm still in denial over it. Those are embarassing to have happen, and hurt to watch.
The focus is this:
If it's so easy, why don't I be the coach? - Yes - yes I would.
In the most pivotal point in the game, we're up by a score of 14-2, the esk. offense is just non-existent. . . I am going to call 'fire' on my special teams. plain and simple. Then what happens??
they pull a b-slap move on us, and from that moment onward, the defense says f'u to the special teams unit (psychological factor) the offense follows-up with nothing and the wheels fall off. The entire game was a self-destructive display based on sheer ignorance.
What a team, eh.
Can' the lot of them I say. Who cares already.
Yeah, adding insult to injury (when we lose) is totally not about the coaching. pfft.
re; sanjay, bluecrew, housedog
. . .i'm just thowing my weight behind some of your comments. they're always welcome here.
to do what we did in the play-off's last year, the odds are most definitely against us, and the bomber's are holding onto that. I don't want a repeat from last year, it only proves that it was mediocre at best.
the running game won us this game. hurrah.
P.S. can someone tell me what rod black's initial description of a terrance edwards 'hockey' celebration post-td? I missed that part.
by papazoola on 12 Oct, 2008 - 11:27
....reading the CFL home-page....i just read the take they had on the Fog Bowl.... which took 2 days to play ...because the fog was as thick as pea soup...The author of the article had a definite slant from a Ti-Cat perspective...i remember it a little different....I believe the Bombers were down 14 zip in that one before we started to play....Ploen finally got us going...and Leo Lewis ( the cats' still have night-mares about Leo, lol .) ran for a couple of tds. and threw for one on an option play....He was Mr. Bomber as far as i was concerned ...No. 29 could do it all....We sure didn't care for the Cats of those years....Stuff like how they were going to 'waffle' us....Their coach had some gems...Bud Grant just went about his business and we kicked their 'can'...Great days for the BigBlue...pardon me for getting a little nostalgic...
Re: 1962 CUP...WHAT A GAME
by bigcanadiano on 12 Oct, 2008 - 11:38
nice post.
Re: 1962 CUP...WHAT A GAME
by papazoola on 12 Oct, 2008 - 13:45
....thanks bigcanadiano....It sure would be nice to have our present-day team reach the status we had in the 'day'...i think we need a little work.....Re-reading that home-page post on the fog bowl....i get the feeling from the article, the cats are still wondering what happened to them, in that one.....It's simple really ....their very-good team. got beat by a better one.... Go-BigBlue
Doug Brown to the power of
by bigcanadiano on 12 Oct, 2008 - 17:48
Jarome Haywood.
Listening to the postgame show, bob and mitch were advocating for Brown as this years m.o.p. in Bomber colors. I would have to agree with that. Watching Brown do his swim moves, ripping through the oppostions backfield, all but walking on fire with his bare feet. . . really is fun to watch happening. Through Brown's experience, it's hard not to double team the guy, but with Jarome Haywood, Brown has been a force on the D-line this season.
If the Bombers even get to Montreal in the post-season, 2001 might be avenged with Brown having been part of it. He's come this far.
I. The wildcat formation
by bigcanadiano on 13 Oct, 2008 - 16:35
I want to see the Bombers do this on offense.
This question is inspired due to the recent success of nfl teams adopting this choice of play-calling.
I'm wondering if this link is correct?
I'm trying to guess what the degree of difficulty is on offense to execute these plays, based on defensive coverage.
the hockey celebration
someone simply has neglected to youtube that masterpiece of a post-td party. I mean that was beyond gold-ish. My purpose for this thread is that someone is inspired to do it, because if I knew how to I would've.
Since we're talking about hockey (the td skit was remarkable -btw)
TSN: CBC called - they're begging for thier old anthem back. lo!
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