Sunday, October 27, 2019

Acting is Being

Manipulating the beliefs of the character fiction resulting in choices and authenticity.
Believe what you are saying.
Feeling what the character is.


BigC said...

You cannot try to be aware; to be aware is not the result of will. Either you see or you don’t see.

J Krishnamurti

BigC said...

Is there a silence that is not the result of thought? Which means, can thought come to an end by itself, without asking to come to an end?

J Krishnamurti

BigC said...

In complete attention the observer as thought does not exist.

J Krishnamurti

BigC said...

When the thinker and thought are one, having gone above and beyond all formulation, there is that tranquillity in which alone is the real.

J krishnamurti

BigC said...

You cannot depend upon anybody. There is no guide, no teacher, no authority. There is only you – your relationship with others and with the world.

J Krishnamurti