Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sitting at Stella's

I am seated at Stella's
Contemplating my life's journey.
I find my peace and sanctuary here.
This cafe's aroma.
Dare I feel special about such things,
In a deepened sense of space and time.
My power is to have myself both be recognized
And not be recognized.
Bravely bribing my own alter ego.
This beautiful beautiful night.


BigC said...

Craving which expresses itself in many ways, in the material and so-called spiritual world, is the cause of conflict in all the layers of consciousness.

J. Krishnamurti

BigC said...

When we listen to or experience something new our instinctive response is to compare it with the old, with past experience, with a fading memory. This comparing gives strength to the past, distorting the present, and so the new is ever becoming the past, the dead.

J krishnamurti