Monday, September 03, 2018

Belief & Discontent

I feel a disconnect.
My sign of old age.
Such is in power of this persuasion.
While my ear aches.

Is the meaning of life simply to see -
What you see.
So it transforms.

Such charming device from which
Is less then is practical than in thoughts.
I judge myself on intent
As do others in my behavior.
Whereas the greatest attribute man has
Is his courage.
I'll never be able to tell.


BigC said...

@bigcanadiano: If you fail to get people imagining what they think to be true is in fact true, but only to offend them, you are doing it wrong.

Answer: whether or not something is false it is unless that person realizes they have only imagined what they think to be true (if true) is not of reality but of choice. Therefore, all things are dependent on an unscientific approach in knowledge.

BigC said...

“What the senses immediately tell us is not the truth about the object as it is apart from us, but only the truth about certain sense-data which, so far as we can see, depend upon the relations between us and the object.” Bertrand Russell