Sunday, June 10, 2012

giving away dignity

 I dislike how my doctor negates everything I do in life. He makes me feel weak and inferior. I don't know how I've been able to put up with him for so long. 

I hate finding myself at the wrong side of his analogies, such as, if I were someone who was at the gym wanting to get better at my level of fitness. Instead of (a) judging someone follows (b) being judged by another person for (c) not being as fit as they are, my own ego would be uncontested. 

What my doctor is really trying to say, is unless I put myself in the other persons shoes, I would be calling myself out as being weak and out of shape, by the person who is in better physical condition then I am. 

I find this position to be utterly absurd, because what my doctor is trying to make his own point - which is - if I see myself as inferior to compare my own physique to others. Therefore, I can also assume that I am the same type of individual who would frown upon another person who is not as strong as I am if the roles were reversed. 

My doctor wants to make it, so I become obvious of myself, that I always resort to thinking too highly of myself then to others.

1 comment:

BigC said...

Dr. Gordon really pisses me off, I have to figure out a ton of bullshit just to try and understand what the fuck he's talking about all the time.