I'll add to that for certain, which I empathize with how candid Hamilton is of its team. In Winnipeg's case it's very different, considering the fact Randall deserves to have at least been inserted through some point of turn. I highly doubt this is blasphemy considering an 0-4 start to the season with an inept offense. It's really that serious here.
No matter what Bob the snob Irving does to live down how bad the team is right now, (listening to Irving rudimentary football huddle).
Tonight, it was John Huffnagel doing Irving the honors, and Huff played Irving like a fool knowing full well the consequences.
Who votes 'yes' in this poll sees exactly what's at fault.
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Dinwiddie has a lot to prove:
1.0 The coaches know Dinwiddie is trigger happy, they'll hold him to strict play-calling as they did in the GC.
1.1. Dinwiddie has a lot of trouble running into what he reads opposed to what his DECISIONS are. He might make the right read, but he's to greedy when it comes to what he WANTS to to with the ball.
1.3. Thus dinwiddie's int. ratio increases.
This reminds me of former qb coach mike working's son, posted a story on ourbombers after dinwiddie's performance in BC last season. He witnessed a comment made toward dinwiddie, when questioned about a long passing attempt. The coach said: 'you'd never make that throw.' It's indicative of dinwiddie's over compensating tendencies, that simply won't just go away unless you are of the 'hear no evil see no evil' type.
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Serna should have been year long ago, Troy was released about 4 years too late.
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You guys make it seem Dinwiddie's breast-feeding for the backup role and you're all surrogate candidates for the in-vitro. If the Bombers (as I fully expect. . .) wet the bed, instead of Randall, then go back to Glenn without any question??? The fact is this team hasn't scored points on offense, there is no reason that Randall shouldn't be given playing time. Berry is completely covering his tracks, the trouble is the footprints are as large as an elephant it's hard keep the hiding place secret.
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GOD. 0-4 man. 0-4!!!111LO1 This isn't ridicue it's madness that people don't see what the hell is going on but put the dagger in it.
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blue&gold4ever wrote:
OK this is ridiculous i know and i have never been a KG fan, he reminds me of Khari Jones
It's a stretch to say, but I'll say it anyway, this looked more to me like a curse of Kerwin Bell.
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Nobody here is blaming Dinwiddie, I'm just not so narrow minded to believe in the second-coming of a miracle. That being said, tell me when it comes down to the sense of what really matters most?
2.0 = the bombers at 0-4 haven't managed an offense that generated only 1~td per every 6 qtrs. (this follows)
2.1 = Any reasonable attempt of an offense is TO SCORE POINTS. . .
2.2 = this is indicative of a very inefficient strategy, that in order to correct it should have at least shown Not only Dinwiddie but Randall (I would think) would have already been taking snaps (which he hasn't.) It's unbelievable to me.
Very simple logic.
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Yes, I'll think about my free tax paid mts center while breaking the bank with profits to boot.
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UPA_Smitten wrote:
Should all control, all profit be ceded to private owners for a relatively small contribution to the initial cost?
A resounding 'no' should echo across the red river to meet you.
But honestly man, I'm not trying to steal your thunder here. . . I did a pretty fair job instructing the exact same issue not too long ago.
You can't just ask someone a hypothetical question expecting an answer. I actually gave people an answer by saying, "We're a bunch of morons giving Mark Chipman an arena for free, if you really believe that should happen again."
In case you're wondering, I'm only adding to your position, just giving the people a refresher.
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Re; '99'
This my friend was a brilliant post you made, as brilliant as they come in fact. . . )
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Dave Ritchie was a player's coach that kept veterans around longer than he should have. Crandall and the Stamps got hot at the right time and haven't equaled that intensity since--it was a fluke they beat the Bombers in the Grey Cup.
Jim Daley and Doug Berry were good assistant coaches who couldn't take it to the next level. Both lacked the imagination and leadership that it takes to coach a talented bunch like the Bombers.
I liken Berry's coaching style to that of a novice chess player. He comes out with his queen, a bishop and tries to checkmate in 4 over and over again.
When the opposition figures that out, Berry haphazardly throws out a few pawns in a vain attempt to stop the opponent's attack and create more room for his predictable queen-bishop-rook attack.
Though this strategy might result in a win against teams who have pieces missing from the board (Hamilton) and/or lack the skill to readily exploit Berry's lack of board development, skillful teams like Montreal will shred the secondary and dominating defenses like BC will commit their defense to stop a Bomber passing offence that doesn't believe in a running game.
We have one of the best O-lines in the CFL, the best RB in Blink (Lumsden's a marshmallow; see my glass RB post in the puttytat forum), the best D-line in football, a secondary that needs babysitting and special teams that are high maintenance.
It takes a head coach with skill to lead this Grey Cup contender to the promised land. Berry just doesn't have it. He rose to his level of incompetence last year in the Grey Cup and should be tarred, feathered, and rode out of town on a flatcar.
That snarly old buzzard Lyle Bauer should take the reins until a suitable coach is found; one that recognizes the talent of the Bombers and knows how to use it to maximum advantage.
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However, getting rid of Bauer would not only be 'catastrophic' but also welcome. The BoD's iron_clad outfitter's get tailored at Mr. BIG AND TALL on PORTAGE AVE.
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At this point, be afraid, be very afraid, that's all I can tell you.
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Oh, by the way it looks like Bryant ran away with the derby in BC the other night.
Congrats Romby, you did us proud busta.
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I want to know how many of you, regardless of your real postion on the matter, in the very least feel that if the Bomber's were any other team Randall would have seen some playing time by now?
Very simple. Not so simple minded.
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^Honestly I am so mad right now. Berry's "Kevin Glenn is a winner" on CJOB tonight just got me fuming. What a clown he is for stating that.
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. . . is this years title of Doug Berry's blasphemous auto-biography circa 2008. (this follows)
Listening to Bob 'the snob' Irving on the coaches show this evening is a waste of time. True to Irving's forum, there is such one-sided discussion, yet super-charged with ego it's sickening.
Before Berry even admits that Glenn is done in Winnipeg; the door has all but been shown to Glenn. They call this professionalist? I guess only in Winnipeg.
The thing that gets to me in Winnipeg, before Taman or Bauer reveal it's time to move on, is how snuffed out the fans are getting 8_balled this season. So much promise, that 300k to Kevin Glenn gave us?? This is absolutely mind boggling to say the least. (this follows)
Doug Browns spin zone, has an animated side-kick knob-jobbing his mouth and it's supposed to excuse everything. My god, this season is an all out farce right from the beginning.
The truth be told, I fully anticipate that Doug Berry's solution is to bring in Randall at the "right time".
At 0-4, this entire mess should be cleaned up, and slated to move Randall into the starters role. Dinwiddie is nothing more than a back-up. At 1td per 6 qtrs. of play, there is no excuse (even with Kevin Glenn 300k) not to put Randall in by now. But not one fan is intelligent enough to see it.
This Bomber team is a lifeless arrogant bunch that completely undermines everything the B&G should be.
I am totally embarassed to be a Bomber fan based on such pure brutal hypocrisy, that Randall sits on the sidelines under circumstances that any PROFESSIONAL COACH in this league would have at least given the kid a shot.
WHAT A JOKE. FIRE BAUER NOW!!!!!1111 This is his idiotic bs.
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???what. Let's see what Dinwiddie can do?? This offense hasn't avg'd more than 1 td for every six quarters played. . . how much worse can dinwiddie do on offense? It's not even funny.
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Post subject: The one thing: Bomber's need to replace. . . .is Posted: Jul 21, 2008 - 04:33 PM
Joined: May 31, 2005
Posts: 237
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'we got it going on' slogan.
With. . .
'My kingdom for a horse' and a big picture of Lyle Bauer with an 'x' marked over it.
But all seriousness aside, I truly hope the best for Dinwiddie, but I don't think he's a starting cfl qb - I'm not going to lie. What I hope happens and what will actually happen, well, you get the picture.
Other than that, to watch Dinwiddie capsize down the spiral - then - it'll be Randall's turn.
Please - please do not commit back to Glenn, I pray this with all my heart.
Randall can do something with what we've got.
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re; barrin simpson
His career is finished now.
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Glenn actually said that?? At 300k he's he learned too much from Khari Jones.
I've been waiting to say this for a while now, but the time has come, I was right when saying Taman should have dealt Glenn/Simpson for Calvillo. I'd have done it in a heart beat.
At the time I made my opinions about Calvillo known on ourbombers, you see the posters running rampant with their heads cut off. It's ludicrous.
If Glenn actually said that, the man is a write off. Absolutely.
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I want to see Randall play, but that's just selfish of me to say so.
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There is little doubt that berry can instill confidence in Dinwiddie's chances. Dinwiddie is going in with an offense that can't generate as many td's as its defense for crying out loud.
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Post subject: RE: Re: Chief Council Meeting minus Doug Brown Posted: Jul 20, 2008 - 10:40 PM
Joined: Jun 29, 2007
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Doug Berry is a total ignorant idiot look how it tturrned out for the riders... Marcus Crandal was playing like ****, so they tried their backup.. then that guy plays like **** and they put in darian Durant he plays good and wins the game. THE RIDERS ARE 4-0
now Kevin Glenn plays like **** for 4 games straight andin 1 game Dinnwiddie goes in and doesnt do anything special bt we end up 0-4
if we tried out all of our quarterbacks in the first place we wouldnt be in such a goddamn big mess!!
"Gavin’s the speedster off the edge and Tom’s the kung-fu energy type of guy,”
Jerome Haywood on Gavin Walls and Tom Canada
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That's exactly the kind of response I was looking for.
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~I have to say that i'm excited about Samuels coming back because in my opinion, (as I expressed vehemently in the past. . . ) Samuels left unceremoniously. This provides us with character that the Bombers desperately need, (which I also recently posted as a 'locker room type player'.) Just what the dr. ordered. The defense can use a veteran, and this speaks volumes for what the defense has been missing.
Assessing the blame is easier than addressing the poitical changes that we should see happen.
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Post subject: Chief Council Meeting minus Doug Brown Posted: Jul 20, 2008 - 12:45 PM
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redwhite2005 wrote:
Guys be sure you remain calm this is just a bad nightmare. This may cause you to get your drinking habit back. But in all honesty Berry has lost his team. They need change quickly. The Stamps see a wounded bomber team and will be going after them. This could be another ugly game. Keep smiling guys you will get through this. How is my buddy Taman looking lately?
This season is rather becoming of the situation, the situation as it stands is damage control. Doug Brown wrote a column last week appealing to the fans; but in my opinion, the tables have turned against Taman or what Bauer believes should happen next? By all indications, it looks as though the pattern of 'blaming the coach' has no excuse to be given. This utter failure exposes Taman as well as Bauer given Dave Ritchies infamous departure. I do not see this team as the same unit as Daley was when with the organization, it's apples and oranges but it comes a close second. The same difference between Daley and Berry acts as a measuring stick: in this case is that what Berry did with Kevin Glenn. With an inferior type of qb, Berry took this team with a huge sacrifice in order. . . and succeeded. (This follows.)
In my opinion, if the Bombers BoD's fail to recognize the pattern of illogical thinking befallen upon Taman or Bauer as pointing toward Berry as the scapegoat, there is a problem. The solution is somewhat more complicated than removing Berry; it lays somewhat on the shoulders of managment at this point. It truly gives us an indication that serves Taman is incompetent provided that Bauer is shown the door. Otherwise, the BoD's have to be written off for lack of intelligent vision. The future cannot rest upon Bauer, even, even if the one thing keeping the BoD's from canning Bauer is the stadium issue. (This follows.)
That Bauer has invested some effort to keep himself around enough that the BoD's won't publically denounce Bauer.
If there's another issue that needs to be addressed, it's that Kevin Glenn has been spent. For a pro to make pro-$ figures, has tested Glenn's ability to perform. Now, Berry has to act 'responsibly' because of Glenn's oversized ego?? Perhaps, but we can't equate Glenn's inability to perform with the likes of a Doug Flutie or Tom Brady. That being said, I do not count Berry at fault for this either. The Bombers went into the season counting chickens before they hatch. (This follows.)
I think Berry would make a unilateral move at taking Bryan Randall and molding him until ready for a start.
With that intent in mind, Bomber fans can suffer the cost of wondering how Dinwiddie will falter? The coaching staff knows how capable Dinwiddie is, however, the task at hand is if the kid can consistently do what is required. They know Dinwiddie is over-zealous at best. Nothing they can do about it. (This follows)
Bryan Randall. That's the guy we go with. Not that it's going to happen though. Berry probably thinks that Glenn can help the team get 3 maybe 4 crippling victories to salvage the year.
As Nacho Libre would say: Let's get down to the nitty gritty.
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Post subject: Posted: Jul 20, 2008 - 11:04 AM
Joined: Apr 06, 2005
Posts: 4457
Sad but true papa, and fortunate for the Bombers.
The East is wide open, the first team that starts to string together a few wins, can go from the outhouse to the penthouse, very quickly.
Nobody should be writing off the season after only 4 games in.
What was TO after 8 games last year 2 - 6, and they still finished first.
Way too much football to be played yet.
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Great points pigs_eye.
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RedandWhite wrote:
I confess I will worry about the upcoming matchup...
The offense is triggering a whopping avg. of 1 td for every six quarters of play.
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Post subject: bed wetter's inc. minus bryan randall Posted: Jul 19, 2008 - 02:56 AM
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okay, so we know that Glenn's season is in jeopardy. . . it's an important change in fate. The truth be told, Dinwiddie is all but the guy now. However, Bryan Randall I think might be the real deal next to Dinwiddie. Next up, it's a lot of soul searching for this team.
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If this loss served Berry his last game as bomber coach, i doubt he'll be here to last 2 more losses. Greg Marshall will predicatbly be HC by seasons end.
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Sportsmen wrote:
Lets see, Head Coaches run out of Winnipeg:
Dave Ritchie
Jim Daley
Doug Berry (next)
It can't all be the Coaches fault. Who brings in the players for the Coach to use?
Maybe before the next Coaching change, a GM change would be more appropriate.
After all, these three Coaches have one thing in common that Im pretty sure Taman doesn't have..... A Grey Cup Ring! (Ritchie with many teams, Berry with Montreal and Daley with Calgary)
let me buy u a beer, i like the way u think.
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Post subject: so if the bombers wet the bed in bc Posted: Jul 18, 2008 - 01:29 PM
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things get even more uninspiring, and suppose the effort is on par with last week (which seems unfathomable if it even comes close to comparable. . .) then things in blue-land become truly problematic. Rest assured.
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Ha yes, Provencher Bridge. If we're going to deflate the issue of Eaton's; it should be kept in it's context. Nobody is crying over a building that doesn't exist. What matters is the aftermath, in what was neglected as result of the mts centre being built. That's all one should responsibly decipher.
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Post subject: Posted: Jul 17, 2008 - 08:42 PM
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Posts: 237
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hammerbutt wrote:
As far as the Eaton's building if you're all weapy to see a heritage Department store building walk 3 blocks to the Bay
Spectacular. . . but that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. I wish you'd see deeper into the thread, because it has a lot to offer. Unfortunately, unless you re-read some of what it TRULY meant. As it seems to me, this has nothing to do with being 'weapy'. It has a lot to do with a democratic, or in this case, the least diplomatic abolition of justice in this city's millenium.
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I know just how you feel.
This is actually about True North, in the same manner that they've pursued a pompous attitude the same way Winnipeg Enterprises ran in the former Winnipeg Arena.
There is no way Chipman can accomodate enough corporate sponsership with a lion-share. The profits to do so would be too ambitious, even by True North's standards.
I suppose if you've read how I think chipman, in my opinion, promises to fund a wpg_nhl_market. . . promises are made to be borken. I guarantee you (. . .in my original response to '99') that my dissertation of True North's quasi-proposal is bang on the metro-scope.
With everything going at a full proof cycle, the profitability of a wpg_nhl_market would be very challeneging to say the least.
(this follows. . .)
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why eaton's was a big mistake, but it'd be even bigger if the average citizen of winnipeg weren't educated enough to see how the bureaucractic element may surprise the few. Maybe just enough to feud with Chipman's rainbow-esque True North concept. You will quickly find chipman loves his photo-ops.
That way things could be done much-much better.
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great posts. As this thing begins to unravel, if Roberts continues to hurl the coaching staff, the players are revolting. This is not good going into bc.
It's time to declare an onlinefatwa - it's time for bomberjihad.
The points you make of dinwiddie are quite intriguing actually. I recall Dinwiddie's struggle in BC last year when given the ball.
Somethings up.
Bean with a mysterious hand injury, now Sheridan is placed on the 9 game IR, for a phantom shoulder injury.
Looks like they are making some cap room for someone.
And Kevin Glenn just needs to get his head out of his azz. 1 TD and 6 INTs in 3 games !!!! That just isn't good enough.
Maybe I was wrong, and they need more than just a locker-room type player.
Glenn cannot do any worse that's for sure.
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