Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the act of pretending

Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 01:38 PM

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...what difference does it make that I'm a mod, I'd say the same thing anyway...I just found it, in your words, absurd that you would quote jm calling her post 'laughable' in it's wordsmithing when the one you wrote afterwards was even less understandable...

...sorry, I don't smoke either...

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Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 03:27 PM

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No, what I found laughable was a double standard that one who pulls rank, such as a mod using indiscretion to insinuate what a posters remarks actually mean.

(Yeah, kind of like that r/w.)

My entire line of reasoning has been brought about unknowing she was a mod, until she pm'd with her unmistakeable use of proper conduct.

I only state what is in fact, that nobody took the remarks seriously, they were candid. Thus no need to enforce the "rules". It's not as if the incest remarks were made on Rider-boards, which would be totally wrong.

= = = = == my response cont. == = = = = = =

Thank you for the encouragment? At any rate, I had no idea the mod/poster was indeed a mod to begin with. In r&w's response which he quotes me, (mockingly - of course) has nothing to do with internet etiquette on his part, yet I take the liberty to reply. See how that works?? The point I was making was done in good faith. As well, there is no reason to give warning to posters that "DON'T FOLLOW GUIDLINES/RULES/REGULATIONS - LOL" when there is no need for it. There is a fine line when telling the difference between what is parody on the internet and what is in fact reality. Some people, yes even mods - are truly guilty of absurdity themselves.

Put it in your peace pipe. . .


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Okay, and I feel wholeheartedly that in the same manner of discretion you are pertinent upon.

^this. . . my response to== = =========>

For the record, spidey99 clearly suggests otherwise.

What does it matter who speaks for whom? The issue is that talk of that sort (and not by you, so why are you getting all bent out of shape anyway?) is inappropriate on an all-ages public forum.

= = = = = = === = =
(I respond)

You just fired off a pm, expecting to engage in some kind of psychological banter, that has no place on a public forum or have any insite into the fairytale world of something someone else said. Nobody has to believe it. Yet, I clearly stated that no matter what the person in question's intent was, it's not to be taken seriously. However, you incited me in the (pm) that I'm making 'idiotic' posts that seems to fit your misunderstanding of my response to you.

Therefore, it's a threat you pose when no threat was even mentioned toward you, then you proceed to antagonize through patronizing me.

What else. . . oh yeah, the wording you use is rather convenient seeing you hail from prince albert, which means to me you're a moral authority which you aren't. Let people decide for themselves.

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Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 12:55 AM

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No, I sent a PM to you explaining the situation. I have no desire to get into anything psychological with you whatsoever.

Perhaps you should realize you are overreacting here, and also recognize that the forum guidelines state that comments deemed in appropriate by the moderating crew have no place on the board. I ran the comments by another moderator (not a Saskatchewan fan) and they also deemed them inappropriate.

I think you really need to take a breath and come back later. Bringing things into the public light that were meant for private messaging is kind of sleazy, if you ask me, and it seems you need some time to reflect.

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jm02 wrote:
I tend to think a person's worth is determined by how they present themselves,

BTW - ^this wording is just laughable.


Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 12:41 AM

Joined: Jul 06, 2005
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Location: Prince Albert

Care to explain why? And you do know that the post in question referred to the fans as inbred hicks, right? So there blows your statement right out of the water...

= = = = = ===========

I wrote:
pfft. get off it already. we don't care. that was my main point. Nobody justifies who represents what, otherwise you're wasting your time. There's no need to tell anyone how plain and ignorant a person's opinions are. It's a matter of intelligence that negates you from the norm.

Nobody says Sask. fans are inbreds unless it's troy westwood who's (thank goodness) out of a bomber uni.

Go post @ cflzone.

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Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 12:22 AM

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This has nothing to do with "Rider Pride" - I don't even consider myself to have it, since I am in no way affiliated with the successes of the team, but hey, if that's the type of person you want representing the rest of you, go hard...I tend to think a person's worth is determined by how they present themselves, in any capacity...calling an entire population inbred hicks and talking about cornholing a relative isn't exactly becoming of a human being...there's smack, and then there is just plain ignorance.

But it's your call...so, have fun, 'Peg fans! Bigcanadiano wants you all to be represented by the one who made those comments, it seems...

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Post subject: Posted: Jul 15, 2008 - 12:18 AM

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Either sit this one out or go post on reider's board begat migs chosen pro-rider outfit. Rider-pride doesn't fly here.

= = == = = =

Post subject: Posted: Jul 14, 2008 - 08:31 PM

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Yes...always good sportsmanship to namecall and insult...

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Post subject: Posted: Jul 14, 2008 - 07:57 PM

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Give the inbred hicks their due. After winning 3 Grey Cups in the last 100 years (98, close enough) let them brag and cheer for all they're worth.

Watching the Riders win the Cup is like seeing Hailey's comet; it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Just don't get too drunk celebrating again, Migs. Cuz wasn't keen on the cornholin' ya gave her last Novemeber;)

= = = = = = = = =

Post subject: Posted: Jul 14, 2008 - 12:59 PM

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Yes, not to steal your thunder here but I had understood it was a ri_lol_der fan.

= = = = = = =

Post subject: Posted: Jul 14, 2008 - 12:49 PM

Joined: Apr 06, 2005
Posts: 4424


You do realize that was written by a Rider fan (Migs I believe) ?

Some of then still seem to need to convince themselves of their victory.

= ===========

If Kevin Glenn played in the Grey Cup, do you guys still believe that the Bombers were guaranteed the championship? All offseason many of you guys whined and cried thousands of times that the Riders GreyCup win was tarnished because Kevin Glenn didn't play in the big game yet thus far this season he has resembled Kevin Federick more than anything. You guys held on to that excuse to get you through the offseason and methinks we can finally put that one to bed. Its unfortunate you guys had to start your 2nd stringer who started his first game, yet on Saturday afternoon we showed that even a 3rd stringer can come in and win a game in his first start. Here's hoping you guys turn it around soon because Hamilton and Montreal look to be the new Sheriff's in the East.



bahaha. . . i love how this nobody tries so desperately to get his point across, only to prove we'd loved to see Kevin Glenn in the Grey Cup. Only on ourbombers. brilliant.

Post subject: ourbombers is a ton of laughs Posted: Jul 12, 2008 - 02:00 PM

Joined: May 31, 2005
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right behind the cflzone. A clown show.

There is no reason the bombers will contend in the east.

Kevin Glenn has done wonders with a OL of future shriners at 0-3.

+this defense is a j-o-k-e. Unbelievable. A JOKE.

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