Monday, October 24, 2005

The Flattery of Art Imitating Life

And I only heard the sound of her voice?
In the context of -
wanting to hide herself from what's obvious.
That she's interested.
In us -
in her.
In her; in me.
And her name is.
A whisper in my heart.
Should I surrender to anything other!
That the truth is,
I can marry this girl.
Beyond my obesity.
- Beyond her shadow.
Beyond, my insecurity owned.
This girl that I shall fall in love with.
That this kind of beauty makes my heart feel something - seriously.
That this kind of woman...
I ate fries from Belgium.
That we'll sit together on the beaches of Algarve.
Romance on the Ribeira in cafe, Oporto.
That style.
Of hearing the coyote chasing the Road Runner.
And police lines.

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