Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Over Emphasis of a very tired man...

The 3 things I hate most in the world, are watching BB's. One is basket ball and the other is base ball. But unfortunately, because the initials 'BB' also abbreviates my favorite football team, ironically makes me hate that as well? So much for optimism.

On a serious note, today I figured was a good day to welcome my professional amateur writing onto the computer.

My day began with the odd dream from the night sleep. I had had a dream, but not remember it.

I could explain with no help, why I feel depressed lately. The promise of something better, I lack in the world. Me.

It's me who needs to be, letting myself go. However, with the support system I have in place I've been able to accomplish a lot.

I get an impression, for making a shift away from a former self... old habits die hard.

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