Saturday, June 11, 2005

Lana had recieved a telephone call from some "estranged" person she was seeing. I don't know the guy. I do know what she told me about him during the phone conversation. She claimed about him telling her some things which upset her. To which I replied, asking her what she felt and if she could share with me what "Steve" had said. Lana wasn't going to tell me. I had the impression after she left me with the information, why she refused to tell me what was on her mind. I cannot be someone that can rescue her, if she "expected" me to be a shoulder to cry on. Maybe if she trusted me enough, (which she probably doesn't as I can't expect "trust" to be an issue between us right now) she'd have spoken with what was on her mind. I've only most very recently began to know her. Trusting me acted as a barrier between us.

I had offered to let her go, if she felt she couldn't talk about it with me, and then she hung up the telephone without saying good-bye.

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