Friday, May 27, 2005

This guy I know stepped out of his limousine ride, he’s a gangster in love. He usually goes to a watering hole, the local pub. I’m a bartender there. The pornographer I also serve is sitting in the same place she always does. When the gangster in love arrived, he sat down next to her. After some conversation, the gangster in love left, and the pornographer told me what he said. He was in an accident. When the gangster in love was younger, he looked death in the face and he survived. He asked me what is pornography like. I didn’t know how to respond, and then he left. The problem is I want someone like you. You don’t have a clue of who I am do you. But I wouldn’t just sleep with you. It’s ridiculous to get high on someone, when they’re only interested in having sex with you. The porn industry isn’t like that.

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