Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the Misconception of Power

The power of misconception is a terrible thing to waste.
A silent killer that never lets go.
From a window - wide open.
The property of gods pain goes away.
So now you can imagine.
Your mental relapse taking cause
from what common sense may breakdown.
Triggering a common denomination.
Vulnerability for day for night...
staring death in the face.
What we all are 99% are made.
What do you fear 1% of the time,
as your own worst critic  - only to repent.
That is your power.
Is your power in 99%,
or the 1.
Daring to be different.
If vulnerability can't be afforded;
it must be learned.
Acceptance through your own isolation.
Do not look for vulnerability as feedback search for it in others.
This is your power.

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