Monday, May 06, 2019

The circumstances of surrender

The surrendering of circumstance.
The acuity of edifice.
The sound of children playing.
The injection of hostility and anger.
The mixed transmission of communication.
The missed understanding of -
how selfish you become as you get older,
and your luck in between.
The same reality to blame over and over again,
as in losing touch with a long lost lover.
Good honest value
is a terrible terrible thing.
Because I have a funny feeling
about thinking outside the box.
There is no art in training the mind
into knowing what you think it knows.


BigC said...

"Wisdom means understanding without any doubt that circumstances do not rise to meet our expectations. Events happen as they may. People behave as they will." Epictetus

BigC said...

Instead of trying to control wandering thoughts, become aware of them, think-out, feel-out every thought, comprehend its significance, however pleasant or unpleasant.

J. Krishnamurti