Sunday, December 29, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
My retreat into faith
Sparks fying and my ears I feel are burning.
Why.Why should I feel inferior to anything,
If everything in my body makes me perfect in gods eyes.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Facebook post 2019
I honestly feel tired. Not the kind of physical or mental. But spiritual as in my contact with the physical world and how I feel in this - this third dimension of time gone by.
I feel my nerve has been laid and stretched out all in a intonation of my spiritual world.
Part of me feels exhausted. The other part feels redemption. Together are not mutually exclusive.
Simply put, I have a strength I never truly know I have.
It goes over most people's heads who would never think twice about obeying me under these circumstances written.
My life to this point has been filled with circumstances which only God has manifested and it is here where I draw from within myself, a peace of mind which gathers strength by definition.
My inhibitions have never been more challenged as result of having uncovered this in truth.
It is quite possible that the change I've gone through is nothing short of a miracle no matter how small.
I like that word. Small.
We forget how small people really are in the world so often.
I've become an observer to meet my maker. My maker has seen people vilify me to this day. A kind of polarity where the secret killer meets his or her own ending. Because once you retract from it, your life changes. It hurts. It hurts to have this ability to pay careful attention to everyone and allow everyone you observe to affect you with their place in the world.
My final point here is, I have a strength of character that not many people observe me with. I can feel it. ♥
Zach Regiec I am sharing the obstacles I feel faced with like mortality and happiness. It stems from how I feel threatened by my own well being as it pertains. What this pertains to is how I have either embraced others only not to be embraced by others. At the same time I am reaching my own potential in ways that are not contrary to the human condition, which is far less complicated in the grand scheme of things.
So I turn to the mystery of God. Not so much for faith hope or undying love but I seek out the strength I have to emit in order to survive.
I'm not trying to debunk what you said. As you put it we can get through anything. I just wish more people had that quality for lack of better word...maybe mentality is more operative in this case.
I feel good. Good about a lot of things. I am not sure about being committed to living the good life however. Whatever it means I don't think I have ever lived with an intent to live the good life. Because if I were poor underfed or unsheltered it wouldn't increase my value in God. It would remain the same, the best question I have ever asked myself is is God my equal. Or how is God my equal. I am pretty sure people would be quick to strike down that question thinking God has infinite power over themselves or me. But when I think about that it is not a God complex I have. Meaning I don't entertain the thought I should be worshipped by God or any other man. I think the worst part of being gods equal would be the confusion between us humans as mortals. We would like to believe we are immortal. All I have ever known is my strength no matter how big or small.
I am at a loss to a lot of things. Right now I am pursuing my goal of becoming an actor. I don't have children never married and I'm single. I think i make a good case for wanting what may be attainable to the degree I can draw from personal experience.
I really miss people in my life who I absolutely know will never understand how this feels. I have revealed myself as have they. I can't take off this mask and reveal myself again. I'm a different cat altogether.
But it hurts knowing how things used to be and are no more. I'm talking about viewing things from a time in place of morals or normality the world was yours. That we were half baked models of ourselves not attuned by morality toward each other but because we felt we were invincible we actually lost something along the way and forgot about grieving it.
I grieve in the sense of what kind of guy I used to be.
I'm using this time of year to find some answers.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Feel like a king. Live as a peasant.
Question for you Trump lovers. (If Trump is not the anti-christ)
Even if you could prove to me Trump will give you everything you ever wanted suddenly now it's happening? Are you serious?? You're easy targets.
Let me tell you what inspires me on a personal level.
1- Talk to me about doing things that are objectivrly freeing.
2- This follows what allows me to be a person that believes no matter how hard making the right choices are, even if it means I fail in life, is the choice I will always make. Yes. Even if to my detriment. That is truth. That is identitfying with the devil on your shoulder.
3- Leadership when tricked upon you is disguising itself and resorts to the use of threats is not true (leadership.) Trump of course has it all backward and you know he's good for nothing.
Why academics is not philosophy
Logic itself is not even qualified to be a branch of philosophy because it is not philosophy! Logic is just another conjuncture of academics dogmatism! If not, why will logic be the only branch of philosophy that lacks criticality of questionability or endlessness of questionability. It is only logic among all known branches of philosophy that has a conclusive outcome, which is contrary to the philosophical tradition of limitlessness of criticality of questionability.
If "philosophy is (and cannot do without) questionability of criticality of (understandability of rationality and reasonability or perceptive reasonability in a Reminiscencingly-transcendented conception, consummation of thoughtfulness and finality of understandability) knowledge": where does logic situates itself therein? Instead, logic has been attempting to lord itself over philosophy(through fallacious dictation and other means), or to through the back door become the investigation officer of Philosophy, even when itself does not has the parameters of investigation subjectivity like other branches of philosophy.
I like it. There are far too many false academics that dismiss philosophy as a cause for neurodivergent thinking. If you think outside the box and are able to quantify it - it suddenly fails to be of academic inquiry for the chauvinist.
Asking for the simplest definition of truth.
My response:
Truth is the reduction of habit. That is to say: truth is a reduction of all things you qualify as true but can also be false at the same time because you've attributed a logical rational formula to observe the universe with.
Marco Almeida Philosophy and academia are not mutually exclusive. The term “outside the box” is an extremely subjective, hackneyed catch phrase. It’s better to consider the elements of a thought than to discard nuance and context with such labels. If I suggest the world is flat, am I simply a creative outside the box thinker? We do have objective realities, self evident truths and established axioms. This allows a pilot to board a jet and take flight without having to recreate the sequence of physics axioms in advance of each takeoff from the runway.
My response
you are on the far right opposite end of this spectrum. All you pointed out is an attack on the term I used which in your view obliviously tries to undermine my coefficient as elementary or nonsuch. I find your take in an appeal, which improperly attempts to negate my main idea (without me directly commiting a fallacy whatsoever.) But you do you.
Marco Almeida Both academics and students of philosophy fall into the trap of attempting to categorize the very intangible and elusive nature of human perception, and adding their bias. Comment on observations, lose the adjectives that speak to bias. Speak as simply as possible.
My response
George Hermane hold onto your objectives. I welcome them. I reject your notion, however, that reflect upon using a bias in any manner whatsoever. You are promoting something in protest of myself which is a bias in and of itself. Myself, inductive reasoning being how qualitatively I think, therefore present my ideas. Only to cleverly be debunked? Is that how this works? I have had professors IN PHILOSOPHY. They are maniacs. They recycle the talent pool of what traditional academics are. Spineless.
Notice: I took the defensive position. It does not reflect my intentions. You cannot prove to me academics are navigational tools for the unknown in becoming a philosopher. Too many adjectives? Am I a metaphor for you?? Give me a break... I have related back to you in simple clear terms that hold water.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Mind tricks less the danger
I like to be alone rather than feel free from shameless guilty pleasures.
Only now what I was not back then... today I am.
This the verdict of my intelligence.
Is the instinct for my survival.
Alll instinct carries with it,
another word for culture a word synonymous that would shock you.
Shock you to the core.
(Only you secretly kept.)
I like keeping things safe.... like observing myself.
My own gravity in orbit.
That is a paradox for intelligence as a calculated outcome.
Only I prefer extreme outcomes....
Intelligence being the drug.
P..S . The word for culture is earth. Earthly culture. You respect all boundaries. The danger is not in crossing them. The deeper you subtract your ego the better.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
The Brain
Is the brain a metaphysical representation of reality and if I exist or not. If that much is true. Is reality something that is represented in the brain as merely something that bounces around in the three-dimensional realm that is your mind. A pinball machine with no specific direction, your body takes you.
The mind's action is a functional representation of reality infused into your brain matter. Requiring no interpretation whatsoever. That is metaphysical in your nature. How does this equate to change and how your brain evolves over time or simply imaginative in its present state.
What can help explain why metaphysical element cannot carry an empirical value. MP can only provide evidence of an interpretation which is either valid not invalid through process of Negation.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Inner monologue
Chasing prlsoners: a relationship between , the rights of individuals and societal values where norms are associated to pursuing pleasure for greater good... these are principles and properties of a virtuous life. How we test what theoretically falsifies all of why.
Pursuit of pleasure are built into our inhibited states.
Virtuoso and fantasy are not just words that are used as prey to justify our own actions. They also symbolize purity of being again reborn, a cathartic experience every time you're given that you're a faithful servant in every man's eyes. This is otherwise known as art.
Is pornography dangerously crafted art hidden as an unconscious framework or is it a perverse undercover form of exploitation that makes up a fringe majority... that the outward expression of pornography itself there is conflict between materially formulated sexist mentality (power dynamics) against our inner struggle for unadulterated inhibition.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Relapse strategy & disorder
Nothing that is permanent can also permeate. Much the same as in scientific observation a brick will only sink to its very bottom. But a mind that sees beyond the basic measurement knows it itself is capable of swimming, not unless psychologically too afraid of deeper waters. A sound mind assesses danger. Whereas a skilled mind knows how (to swim.) Therefore, there is no psychological limitation for fear of being a victim. This follows no psychological advantage nor disadvantage which, which is where traumatic experiences are unrelated in performing an act with cognitive spatial awareness.
Friday, March 15, 2024
When asked in 1974 by his biographer, Mary Lutyens, to define his teachings Krishnamurti wrote the following:
“The core of Krishnamurti’s teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said ‘Truth is a pathless land’. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection. Man has built in himself images as a fence of security – religious, political, personal. These manifest as symbols, ideas, beliefs. The burden of these images dominates man’s thinking, his relationships and his daily life. These images are the causes of our problems for they divide man from man. His perception of life is shaped by the concepts already established in his mind. The content of his consciousness is his entire existence. This content is common to all humanity. The individuality is the name, the form and superficial culture he acquires from tradition and environment. The uniqueness of man does not lie in the superficial but in complete freedom from the content of his consciousness, which is common to all mankind. So he is not an individual.
Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. It is man’s pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence.
Thought is time. Thought is born of experience, of knowledge, which are inseparable from time. Time is the psychological enemy of man. Our action is based on knowledge and therefore time, so man is always a slave to the past.
When man becomes aware of the movement of his own consciousness he will see the division between the thinker and the thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past . This timeless insight brings about a deep radical mutation in the mind.
Total negation is the essence of the positive. When there is negation of all those things which are not love – desire, pleasure – then love is, with its compassion and intelligence.”
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Psychic Air
Long after we're both gone.
Words will still not impress what you mean to me.My spirit hung on the edge of time.
That 'Raison d'etre'
The blurred-choice... a line between reason and action.
That's where the times we met would fit.
And how we would have our moments.
Conversations inside the cave between minds...
Filling in the psychic air with our lungs...
Releasing out an unmistakable silence.
So let us leave that window slightly open,
So we may feel the scent of that sweet - sweet Pembrokeshire breeze.
Monday, February 26, 2024
The advent of unpredictability
I come from a past and a future.
My voice does not carry this passage of time.It helps inform myself.
A kind of thinking.
Of knowing who I am.
And you feeling it instantly.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Winning your own battle
The emptying of consciousness of all its content is to have total movement in perception and action. — Krishnamurti
Rain in a bottle
Enter my judgement free zone and infiltrate it. I don't mind. My threshold will allow. Though my tolerance will not be made to suffer.
What can I see but others can't.
What do others see but I fail to.
Unconditionally speaking,
What kind of energy source exists in a person
That empties themselves
Until they have nothing left.
Not the kind of which possesses a person
Until they feel virtually exhausted.
But the kind of courage it takes,
recognizing how strong you are.
You fear nothing.
You fear nothing because no matter how empty you may be....
Nothing can take away how it feels to feed off it.
Your emptiness is an eternal one.
Friday, February 16, 2024
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Resist the curse
There is nothing truer.
You can't argue.
Not without someone who comes from the heart.
Think about a defenseless victim...
The kind that whisper...
You don't know me.
The sad truth is read between the lines,
Because what they are really saying:
Is they don't want you to know who they most are.
Anyone that comes from breaking open the heart.
There is nothing braver.