Saturday, September 21, 2019

Friendship as a Confession

I must say...
Disrespect is the ultimate illusion.
I find myself in a definitive demographic.
Where my senses meet virtual reality.
A place where in my most sacred sense,
I have a theory about almost everything.
A sad place in my heart that hurts, but
Does not want to hurt back.
After death comes my funeral,
I wonder - I wonder.
How - how will I be remembered.
It becomes a question.
Of what am I made.
Whereas, in this sad place in my heart.
At what point did friends become strangers.
In this predicament...
Who are (or in this case were)
My real friends.
The kids who years passed...
Do not pretend to forget you,
But fail to ignore you.
Instead, those you once thought
Had your back.
Now treat you like a complete stranger.
Rather than find peace in your company.
Now that we've become adults.
That fake filter consumes you.
Not like that before.
My insides turn.
Before you turned me off.
What a poor poor defense mechanism.
Now we're no more.

1 comment:

BigC said...

“It is impossible, or not easy, to alter by argument what has long been absorbed by habit” Aristotle