Sunday, July 08, 2012

Take This Waltz

so I saw take this waltz last night.

All I can say is I have no words.

 after everything you've taught us to see, that was an oscar worthy performance by michelle.

 the entire concept of the movie blew my mind.

I couldn't believe what was happening.

I saw m.williams in 'blue valentine" with r.gosling but she went leaps and bounds ahead of that.

 sarah silverman kind of surprised me a bit. I wasn't expecting that from her.

 you're right about seth, tried really hard, I felt for him in the scene he realizes it's over.

 but williams, man, that was a life altering role. She must have picked something up from h.ledger.

I couldn't leave the movie feeling inspired by what I saw, but I respected it with all my heart.

it really had a strong set of sub plots, the whole experience left me perturbed.

 I don't know how anyone couldn't feel a bit of vertigo leaving that piece of film.

 it really cracked open the modern conventions of real life.

it was not a movie for the faint at heart that's for sure.

extremely intriguing film piece to critique.

I thought the scene between her and seth, "it takes courage, a woman, to seduce a man" was rather brilliant.

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