Saturday, June 30, 2012

'metaphysical' is the term used for psychic energy

It's your birthday again.  Well I hope it feels like a miracle you got this far.  I certainly don't believe in what fate has taught us up to this point in our lives.  But at least you're on the radar.  Too much fake bullshit people don't care to realize.

How does one have a conversation with the truth of such a subject.

Does this relate to the psychic, or is it purely metaphysical in origin.

What thinking causes such a truth to occur in history.

At what point did the thought of a psychic, the thought become magical, or inspired . . .that such truth actually exist.

Friday, June 29, 2012

universal principles against the cynic

I must say, as much as I am not to be considered italian, only because I choose not to adopt myself to be part of an exclusive brand, I can't say I commit myself to what makes the portuguese community in this city. One thing is certain, I feel no sense of selling out to either one. I am not even cheering for spain on sunday. My disappointments are in people as a whole, as history suggests how pretentious are those people.

I have been through a lot in this day and age, a lot which has pierced through my sense of self worth.

I will not decide, what causes my failure. Those are people that deplore how others view themselves. To think I actually believed people were labeling me.

What is worse then to fail in feeling pride, a false sense of direction, which results in getting a wide eyed stare, only to find condescending nature under duress.

What can you expect from people, who fake their own insecurities because they have established themselves as full proof ambassadors to how popular they aim to be. 

How do you value disdain based beliefs, undertaking the very nature, your nature, of consent for granted. 

Try finding honesty in practice, you will quickly come to realize, no such thing exists.

My work in writing in philosophy in what I believe in, takes on an invaluable law. While everyone is busy cheering; I'll be secretly taking my turn at narrating the world I see.

My belief systems are a kind of adventure in waiting for the blind spot no one else cares about moving to.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

anti-climatic flow

I just figured out what truth there is that causes failure, it's the fact any one will do everything not to hold you back.

It's that if we live in a world of self-regulation that people forget about facing each other, in this day and age, of instant gratification. There is no such thing as natural delay in the mind.

 ‎"natural delay": a term used to describe what if you put your mind to something, whether or not you can achieve it, is not up to you. The idea of divine intervention does not exist. If you delay the thought of reward, then and only then, will you find success.

Therefore, "you can achieve what you put your mind to" is a myth; to make what happens in reality work toward progress. Progression comes before the work is involved. The idea is the larger picture.

If there was one perfect ending to a life you wanted to live; what might it look like. I would argue, people rather not deal with fate. So, they get use to a secular approach, resorting to superficial ends.

The medium is message as we see, how that medium is being won.

People will devalue your sense of the world, according to themselves, as you yourself can instantiate. Their sense of the world, can be completely undermining if you learn not to agree with it.

Plato's model for living the good life or not is such a deliberate joke.

I just figured out how the truth, to find truth uncovered, that lying is implied as an acceptable practice. I can see how it now works. "any one will do everything not to hold you back."

If you haven't figured it out, "any one will do everything not to hold you back" is the nature of (a) lie being given (b) the liar herself (c) the pragmatic nature of a persecutor.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

incremental obsolescence

I never believed in the ancient Egyptians model of life, as privilege, in fulfilling needs for a wealthier nobility.

I also never trusted a man who has never been in a real fight.

As history would indicate, there is a kind of seizure, a disclosure, an undesirable will which irony in itself has evolved through time.

It is an embarrassment of riches.  The kind of thing, one might detonate reality if frowned upon.  A type of serial morality, a brand of thought, an appraisal of the will.  That when these types of thoughts emerge unto ourselves, is a universal acclimation of the will.

A definitive ironic impact.

When I write, I do so with the confirmation of irony, that what translates off the page, speaks as a narrators version of real life - real life. What if real life had it's own narrator.  As I've said before, what if history had a nature to it (as in science), and time had a voice. To have this type of conscious awareness, the individual, has an internal dialogue which connects to the universe as a model of thought.  A type of narrative assembly on automatic pilot, methods turned inward then outward to be tested, again, then again, then it was before.

We do not confuse methods of the heart with a universal model (i.e.manipulative intent;) devices to satisfy a normal adherence of choices being made unto ourselves.  I would argue this is what makes up a moral acclimation of the will, the improvisation of self-regulation as we decompose our self-righteous habits.  To what degree are we aware of our universal being.

Searching for identity is a universal embodiment of the will, to succeed at your universal self image.  What proofs can there be, to achieve a truth of history's aims through a course of self embodiment of the will.  This is a conscious question, making up the nature of experience.  (a)  To contest the will, (b) in accordance of our human spirit. (c) It is not a sacred right, it is a privilege.

The same way in what defies reason, is not seen as sacred.  As result follows the course of history, dictating norms of a punitive level of arousal (i.e. moral acclimation of the will)l, which then follows what we know to be a universal model instead.  Awareness of the universe is a ironic choice of medium, effortlessly, to defy different forms of historical centerpieces.  To eliminate the traces of history, within a confluence of normative elements.  A narrative component made of universal affluence.

The logistics of self-directing accomplishment, rather then defeating irony in a universal contextual level, the irony influenced itself narrative.

Irony takes a step by step process toward achieving awareness on a non-secular universal model.

Self-defeating irony plays a prominent role in witness intimidation, when you are looked down upon to surrender your humility.  To achieve this an internal dialogue of the will over irony asserts itself, in exchange, that the same reason establishes a 1. pure irony from which to 2. limit the loss of 3. condescending behavior.  This is how one escapes from such irony not being fairly presented.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Privilege of desire

There is no point in leaving the board. Sure, great hockey minds think alike. Rise above the shadowy exceptions. I've been on the Internet since I can remember, it should be used as a vehicle, despite the candid behavior one should come to expect.

People don' agree with what I have to say all the time, I feel the need to express myself should never be compromised, so leaving the board is pointless.

People don't necessarily know how to argue, so it should make you stop and think about being alienated. Just because it's true, doesn't allow other people to stop you. It means you can decide what course of taking action, changes the outcome.

The moment people deny you that right, you have taken on the privilege of desire. There is nothing worse than a firing squad, against cries for mercy. This isn't dragon's den.

No matter how arrogant a reason never affected my choice for being objective, being belittled, or not to face it with an opinion.

Dicing onions may not make you cry, it also won't absolve your fears away, and everyone else is immune.

I have made a skill at tracing the devils whereabouts.

Moral of the story: feelings can make cowards of us all. The better question should always be understood, how does one become relevant to the conversation.

Read more:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Anti-thesis of Privilege

There are few things in life, that desensitize the moral courage to define our reasons for change.  It is a deregulation of two separate facets facing the need for change that most matter.

One of the reasons for adopting change is to answer, what if, history had a science to it.

The second reason: what if time, had a voice.

Somehow the two facets are complete with so much of what goes on in the world presently.  As change will follow in a moment, if that world were made of absurdity, abnormality, which also lead to censorship, which then becomes conspiracy.  Those would describe the thoughts of a theoretical nature.

If we were made to be born unto a world of such change, could we maneuver through time and space unknowingly.

My thoughts on this are act against my own clumsy instinct, of a defense mechanism persuasion.

I hate it when people cop out, using religion as if it is a fait accompli, that once you turn your back on such religious sanctimony, you are somehow inferring the other persons right to a dichotomy of existence.  In so many ways, a dichotomy of privilege, as if they are a model to find fault with you.

If you think about a dichotomy of choice, the thoughts become further estranged from using religious means as your own model.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

giving away dignity

 I dislike how my doctor negates everything I do in life. He makes me feel weak and inferior. I don't know how I've been able to put up with him for so long. 

I hate finding myself at the wrong side of his analogies, such as, if I were someone who was at the gym wanting to get better at my level of fitness. Instead of (a) judging someone follows (b) being judged by another person for (c) not being as fit as they are, my own ego would be uncontested. 

What my doctor is really trying to say, is unless I put myself in the other persons shoes, I would be calling myself out as being weak and out of shape, by the person who is in better physical condition then I am. 

I find this position to be utterly absurd, because what my doctor is trying to make his own point - which is - if I see myself as inferior to compare my own physique to others. Therefore, I can also assume that I am the same type of individual who would frown upon another person who is not as strong as I am if the roles were reversed. 

My doctor wants to make it, so I become obvious of myself, that I always resort to thinking too highly of myself then to others.

Friday, June 08, 2012

the length of impunity

When it comes to a diversity, relatively speaking we readily adhere to such rules that have not yet been set in place. In this disassembled form of hierarchy, an emergence in what we see in reality, as opposed to what is permissible (i.e. real time) takes place. What is this reality in light of a mirror being held. 

How do we carry the same idea, imprinted in our mind as is the reflection of choices being made at random. 

Perhaps what gives rise to truth prevailing, just so happens the same truth, cannot find a measure. 

It's not so obvious, but you know in your heart you have to stick to your guns because the world is set against you.

Sunday, June 03, 2012


What angers me most about my doctor, is a feeling of resentment on my part, as to why he insists on calling me out as if to purge me.  He wants me to change, but he couldn't find me directly, where it counts, where it matters the most, in my heart.

I blame a lot of my failures on him.

This is mostly due to the fact, I could have done something drastically different with myself, with a higher regard.  He did the opposite of what he should have done, which he was suppose, to help me see things for what they actually are.

Even though he must have thought I wasn't open enough to change, I only felt misunderstood by him.  I guess that is to a fault of my own. What he wanted me to do, was opposite of what I tried so desperately to accomplish.  The more I listened to him, the more time I needed to process things the way I thought they should be.  He needed feedback, based on nothing in particular.

I never believed I was as he had made me out to be.

testing my secret life

I am not going to let you decide my fate.

I will not get trapped
in your pigeon hole.

When you talk to me,
do so with

How I have grown out of
the shape of intolerance.

I was mistook
for a bribery,
then from an evil.

Befallen danger,
of a secret life.

This if it were,
as it were only true.

Bells Bells Bells

I can hear the sound of church bells ringing, but when I do I do not think of a ceremonious assembly.

Instead, what I believe to be true of myself, is the profession of selling out your secrets.  (i.e. the secret to selling out)

What keeps us marginalized in society today, the very concept of older more ancient time does not follow. Therefore, living in a world of fast forward, which history then becomes, a monopoly of reason.  How might we arrive at history, or more importantly how might we arrive at protecting our own beliefs.

At what critical point of conduct was there a presence of greatness within the story. Perhaps in society today, that which is not to be confused with greatness, is an unheard spectator of profession: selling out to secrets.  Put into another context, selling out in a history made up of cost.

What becomes the truth in a world made up of unwilling heroes in a successive order of time, what then comes from out of that, that of which emerges in place of freedom, is the question being asked which needs to be answered. There is a selling out that makes such are secrets so much less valid.  What this also requires, as in observation as an art form, over which art than requires observation. The concept of life imitating art can only be true, when it becomes no longer valid. So we result through speculation, as the result of 1- a world gone blind to 2 - the face of reason in such some specific timeframe.

This in secret defines as 'history' dissipates on itself, of a journey without (a) norms or its (b) means are not dictated, which can only be true of (c) our own ideas of a cellular nature, making up our lost consciousness. Our desires to learn the truth are mixed without emotion, so fails to rely on sensory experience, as a direct model of convenience for convenience sake.

  • This requires intervention of a cerebral value, in accordance to the laws of it's citizens calibrated upon a societal functioning level.
  • A kind of treasure map aiming at a history of world views, which translated, exists in of itself, a history in of itself in its most natural surroundings.
  • The search for truth so becomes magnified in search of cutting historic material losses. And so because, this follows - a pattern of thought, so each thought creates historic ritual fortitude. That those patterns of thought (what is influenced by significant aims) in historical means, crosses together toward (an end game) will match with awareness on a level of consciousness.   However, this can only occur, in how our view to life - within a combine of (1) natural rights, as (2) citizens of the world, not (3) expeditious of a nation state's intervention.  Therefore, this is the end game toward consciousness toward a cerebral level of awareness.
Can you im-a-gin-ate a world viewed of itself, throughout a history of telling secrets to the product of mankind, (i.e. all of consciousness.)  What is that secret, what would it be, what might it reveal, what does it look like.

I dare say the thought of viewing life as in art is not one in the same, as if say, art as in life would suggest to you.

ii. Consciousness adds awareness

What shape is the world really, according to us, now imagine if the world is no match to your awareness due to scientific study of itself. In fact science is not science at all, what you find within reason, is of a history of the world secretly holding onto a picture of itself.  ii. Consciousness adds awareness. (follows i.)

i. Consciousness of the individual

We arrange things as models, but not as specific as we get closer to them. Life is not a matter of physics, or habitat to the natural world around us. Physics is the change of a universe gone blind, turned inside out, upside down in disputing nature's secrets. The nature of secrets, as in selling out is a better profession than it would be to observe it.  i. Consciousness of the individual.  (follows ii.)

People might concoct a version of historical fragmented pieces, put together into one giant peace pipe, but never having experienced the nature of it's longevity. How might we free ourselves from the nature of selling out, what might it be if the same patterns of thoughts were truth instead. - The world would be a radically different place.

The nature of awareness depends of our natural rights as individuals to conceive, in owning our observations of a secret nature, out in the open fragment of our history. This dedicated to make a forward leap throughout one's lifetime, as if the fountain of youth were a pond which immortals were doomed of such rival conjecture. History never had a voice given to it, that was worth selling out to a professional yet shallow, naïve, or narrow minded version of itself.

The same can be said of feeling what you feel is being done, at your own cosnscious level of awareness. The truth is: there is no path in history, or history, takes us. What we create is a version unto ourselves, of a night gone daylight.

Selling out takes on an emotive level, which has never been this easy to do throughout our models of a lifetime of conscious awareness. The ancients never realized how old they were getting to be at it.

You can tell how old a person gets, by not revealing their age, but moving backwards from the time they were born. From an age in a historical sense, that in selling out our older conscious awareness, to an newer version of itself. Perhaps we are just ancient dwellers, not improving at history's aims, waiting for a secret to arrive, before we get unearthed from a shallower depth. What level of morality might we dare relinquish in ourselves if we challenged out of fear of selling out to a heightened conscious awareness.

There is the secret.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

My commitment to happiness

Channeling 2006

Had I a character change,
in the last 8 years, this - was it.

I hate mowing the lawn.

How I hate the smell of gasoline.

My doctor - rehabilitated.