Friday, March 21, 2008

Negative thoughts

In the past six months I've gone through what has been a significant increase in my self-perception. Judging from my previous experience, this radical awareness that I've become more in touch with my true sense of self. My self-image is kept under serious scrutiny in how I feel about myself and my responsibility to myself as an individual in managing those emotions, or in other words, I'm not as self-critical when examining my own insecurity. When in the past the results of meaningless details would make up my entire world-view, now, I realize my mistakes allow me to focus on why I may have failed on a particular task.

I credit my therapy with Dr. Gordon.

What's helped me come to terms with the false beliefs I might otherwise had felt overwhelmed, such as, my pursuit in acting was important. I can be satisfied with being in control of my future whatever the chances are; if my destiny in this case is to work with my dad in his cleaning business I am not living in a fantasy world or feel guilty of a unfulfilling fantasy.

My desire is not to be telling fairy tales, but happier to make positive chioces in my life. I know in my heart that I can count on the present manner I'm expressing is about action.

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