Friday, September 09, 2005

Gypsy the cynic

It's hard to drive a good bargain,
when heard.
It's harder then you think?
Then again...
it's just as difficult to ignore myself,
saying I refuse.
The king of opera,
I refused.
The night of stars above,
lit for the sky to shine.
How lovely she looks.
Do I have a pulse...
that my love would enter and heal all wounds,
accept this about me.
Except for the nice-
warm September breeze,
that shakes the trees.
I'm no gypsy.
Travel with cart on wheels,
pawning my every adventure.
I read Shakespeare on my spare time.
I feel the horror of,
a crime still fresh in mind...
but the fugative escaped!
Turn around,
follow the leader...
glued on tight.
The rubber seal has broken,
and the pickles are ripe.
Still is calm,
this influence.
That including every face I've,
ever worded a silent gentle prayer.
In the name of the father,
my dear.
Such confidence to mirror across the shadows,
and to gather, ...
the eternity.
Of grace.

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